Fifty Eight // First Birthdays.

Start from the beginning

"Thanks G," Calum says after swallowing his mouthful of cereal. "So I know it's still early and we don't need to be even thinking about it but I was wondering what you wanted to do about the nursery?"

I'll admit that Calum's question takes me by absolute surprise because I honestly had not thought about the nursery at all. I hadn't even been in there since the miscarriage and the thought of going back in there made my heart ache just a bit. There was always going to be those reminders of what we had lost and that we'll and truly sucked.

"What do you mean?" Is all that comes out of my mouth.

"Do you want to repaint it?" Calum asks and I can't help but begin to nervously chew on my bottom lip. I didn't know why I was suddenly so nervous though? The question was so simple and I loved the fact that Calum had been thinking about the nursery but I couldn't help hearing the nagging voice in the back of my mind that was asking why I wasn't?

"Honestly Calum, I haven't even thought about it," I sheepishly admit.

"That's fine," Calum gives me a smile. "Like I said it's still early and we probably don't even need to be having this conversation but it just kind popped in to my head the other day and I wanted to see what your thoughts were,"

"You're way too good for this world you know?" I tell him and meant it genuinely. Calum scoffs at my statement before taking another spoonful of his cereal.

Calum was so selfless and thoughtful, he seemed to always have his loved ones on his mind and it really just blew me away. My husband truly was one beautiful soul and I was the luckiest person in this world to be able to do life with him right by my side.


"So what can I do to help?" I ask Emma who was practically running around the kitchen like a headless chicken. Who knew first birthdays could be so hectic? 

Calum and I had been at Ashton and Emma's house for almost thirty minutes and it was definitely all go at the Irwin residence today. In fact I hadn't even had the chance to say hello to Ashton yet.

"Oh Genie," Emma exhales looking relieved at my presence. "Would you mind finishing off this?" She motions to the bowl of the icing that was on the bench, waiting to be mixed through. "Ashton needs help with something outside and apparently he can't find anybody else-" 

"I can handle the icing Emma," I assure her. "Now go see what your husband to be needs," I command and she shoots me a thankful smile before disappearing from the kitchen. I begin to mix the icing, my stomach grumbling at the sight of the sugary goodness. I would admit I was looking forward to this birthday cake more than I probably should of been. My morning sickness over the last couple of days had completely killed my appetite but it now seemed to be coming back and all I felt like doing at the moment was eating. 

"What are you doing?" Calum's voice sounds from the doorway of the kitchen making me turn to look at him. "Icing duties." I say simply before turning back to focus on the icing which was now almost completely mixed through. 

"I can't believe Emma would trust you with something like that," Calum teases walking over to me. He stands beside me and watches my skillful mixing. 

"Hey that cream cheese icing wasn't that bad," I defend my culinary past. There may of been a time where I once attempted to make a delicious cream cheese icing for a cake I had made and it didn't exactly turn out too well. Safe to say, I hadn't made much icing since then. 

"I don't know what it was that you made but It wasn't icing," Calum snorts and I can't help but shoot him a fake glare. "Anyway," Calum clears his throat. "Isn't it crazy to think that in the not too distant future, this will be us at our baby's first birthday," 

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