(22) "I do."

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I didn't remember waking up and smiling as the morning sun showered on me, I didn't remember taking a princess bath with lovely rose water, I sure as hell didn't remember gossiping with my friends and giggling happily.

I'm sure the hairstylist went MIA, because I didn't remember them braiding my hair and making me up like a princess, I definitely didn't remember gently wearing my wedding dress and getting nervous about walking down the aisle.


It didn't happen that way cos, I over slept.

Yea, I over slept on my wedding day.

"Get the fucking hell outta that bed Leah!" I heard my mum shriek as she opened the curtains, making me momentarily blinded by the sun.

I groaned and turned over, pulling a pillow over my head.

"Aww, mum!! When did you get back?" I mumbled, entering once more into my lovely sleeping world.

"Get the hell up Leah! You've no time to waste!" she shrieked again, pulling me to a sitting position by my shirt.

"Go away mum... I want to sleep more," my hoarse voice let out.

"Everyone's waiting at the church and you want to sleep more?? Fucking hell!"

"Language mum, and what are you going on about?? What church?? Is it a Sunday??" I rubbed my eyes open finally to see my mum all dressed up and dolled.

I frowned, it wasn't a Sunday, even if it was, when did my mum turn Christian??

She had been away for two weeks and now she was back, dragging me to church??

What the hell happened to my mum?!

"I'm your mother Leah, I have the right to curse... And what? Sunday?!... I can't believe this, IT'S YOUR FREAKING WEDDING TODAY?!" she threw her hands up in frustration.

"Yeah, wedding... I kno.. Wait WHAT?!" I screamed when her words finally registered in my brain, my eyes wide and almost out of their sockets.

"Get the hell up and dress up, no time to bath!!" she replied, pulling me up.

"Mom!, how can it be my wedding... I thought it was next week??!" I shrieked on my way to the dressing room.

I heard my mum sigh, before she pushed me to my dress.

"What am I to do with you?  What do you even know about this wedding?" she asked as I pulled off my clothes, glaring at her.

"That it's on the 12th of June?" I mumbled, trying to figure out if my mum was pranking me.

"And what was yester date?" she removed the dress from its hanger and shoved it to me.


My eyes opened wide in shock and I froze.

"Mum!! It's my wedding today!! I'm supposed to be getting married today!"

"That's what I'm trying to get into you thick head!, now why the fuck are you staring at me like that?!"


"Fucking get dressed already!"

Oh! Yes!! Get dressed and get married... Yes... Gown!.

"Where is my gown?" I asked, looking around.

My mum groaned and smacked her hand on her head in frustration.

Stuck In Reverse (#wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now