(2) "You tried to kill me, now you're checking me out?!"

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This chapter is dedicated to karinberry, elephant44 and anne261979 for being the loveliest people on planet 'Earth'.

Playing and replaying my favorite songs after fifteen minutes, I was still on my way to school, speed and all.

I turned a sharp corner to a secluded part of the town to get to school earlier when suddenly, a black Jeep from almost no where, raced with speed towards me nonstop.

I froze in fear, not having any idea that my bike was still moving and the Jeep obviously having intentions to kill also was still racing madly towards me.

So this is it.. I thought.

I'm going to die here, my life would end at eighteen, I haven't even finished university. Heck! I'm going to die a virgin!

Why didn't I follow my friend's advice to date soon enough? Why didn't I just forget drake, date someone else and have fun?

Now I'm going to die.

Then, at the most critical point,like a deer caught in headlights, I realised; I can move my bike outta the way can't I?

Gosh Leah Anderson, get a brain!

At the very last minute, when I would have heard the loud crash and woken up in heaven, we both swerved away from the road, the killer going left, I went right and we both stopped with a loud screech, my heart running faster than a cheetah.

A considerate part of me warned to run away when I had the chance, but of course, my body expired and stopped functioning so I held my breath, praying that whoever was going to come out would turn blind and not see me as I sat there, shocked, gaping at the murderous car.

The driver opened his door and walked out, not seeming to take notice of me or what just happened.

I scoffed, folding my arms across my chest angrily.

I stopped short abruptly when he opened the back seat door and a tall figure walked out staring straight at me.


My eyes went wide with wonder at the hulk-like figure, clad in the most expensive looking suit I'd ever seen.

I felt my heart race a thousand mile per second.

I gulped as he got nearer, his face came into view and my mouth followed my eyes, opening wide.


Surely he wasn't human?
He couldn't be!
He looked damn handsome, a sexy devil!

Finally he stopped in front of me, looking at me with pure disdain.

I shivered, thankful I hadn't pulled my helmet; his stare would have burned my face!

"Are you always this careless?"  He asked sternly and like a stone plonked into a sea...

I remembered why he was here in the first place.

he fucking tried to kill me!!

I climbed off my bike, choosing to still keep my helmet on, I wasn't a fan of talk or arguments with people I didn't know, I could literally feel myself shrink.

I took a deep breath.

Here we go.

"I i-im not at fault h-here  You tried t-to k..kill me,"  I muttered as brave as I could, then frowned.

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