Serena blushed and Ash shot Gary a death glare, this just caused Gary to smirk and chuckle as he knew Ash wasn't really too mad, and if he was he was quick to forgive his friends.

Ash and the others walked over to join them. Tracy, Brock, and Cilan saw the extra people coming to join them, and grabed another table to make room. They all then spread out a bit so none of them would feel like they weren't welcome.

As they got closer Ash took note of who was there. Ilene and her security weren't there, but they were staying at one of the hotels so this wasn't a surprise. Everyone else was there, plus someone new that was sitting next to Iris.

After Ash and Serena got closer Iris and the girl both stood up. The girl was a little taller than Iris, with long brown hair put up in buns on either side of her head and from the buns more of her hair went down to her waist like two ponyta tails. She was wearing a white short sleeve shirt with light blue sleeves and a picture of a pokeball on her chest, yellow shorts and black leggings.

"Ash, Serena, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Rosa. Rosa this is my friend Ash and his fiance Serena," Iris said excitedly, with the biggest smile anyone had ever seen her have.

Ash smiled and extended his hand, "it's a pleasure to meet you Rosa."

Serena greeted Rosa as well, however introductions didn't last long as Ash's stomach started growling. Everyone sweat dropped at this. Ash quickly introduced everyone to Tierno, Shuana, Miette, and Paul, then he and Serena then walked off to get breakfast.

As they walked off Iris shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, "he's still such a little kid."

They all ate their breakfast and discussed the matches of the day. Norman was giving Max a pep talk and making references to his training that morning, to which he helped with. Paul didn't do much talking, as usual, however Miette did. She and Serena talked fashion with Dawn, May, and Misty, and quickly a friendship was made from their common interest.

Dawn and Miette however quickly learned they had more in common then they thought, as Miette noticed Dawn acting rather uneasy around Paul.

"Ok I've had enough, time to address the Mamoswine in the room," Miette then narrowed her eyes on Dawn. "What is the deal with you and Paul, why do you look so uncomfortable around him?"

"I'm not uncomfortable around him," Dawn said defensively.

"Actually you are," Gary interjected.

Dawn glared at Gary, who then got a little scared and quietly went back to eating his breakfast.

"You see, I'm not the only one who sees it, so spill," Miette demanded.

Dawn now looked more nervous than before. However, before she could figure out what to say, Paul spoke up.

"We used to date," Paul said casually, then went back to eating his oatmeal.

All eyes were now going back on fourth between Paul and Dawn, who was completely embarassed.

Miette then punched Paul in the arm. "why didn't you tell me you two dated?" Miette demmanded.

"You never asked me. You were talking to Dawn," Paul stated as he picked up his cup of coffee.

Miette opened her mouth to say somthing but stopped. Paul was right, she never asked, and, much to her disappointment, it wasn't like she and Paul were dating.

Miette looked down, "do you still love her?"

Paul finally stopped eating and looked over at Miette to see a pained look. It was clear that the wrong answer would break her. Paul knew the best answer, but even though it was the truth, he wasn't sure if he was ready for that yet. So he settled on a part truth.

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