Chapter Thirty-Seven: Welcome to Jericho

Start from the beginning

"I'm not going to hurt her. On the contrary— she is a valuable part of Jericho now."

"She will never be apart of what you Deviants do."

"Connor, please—"

"Deviants are wrong!" Connor said, "You simulate human emotions due to an error in your programming— it's not real."

"If Deviants only simulate emotions, does that mean your feelings for her are fake?" Markus queried, looking at Connor.


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"That's... different." Connor's eyes held confusion, but he didn't back down.

"Is it? You love this woman. You feel it with every wire in your body— is that an error in your programming?"

 You feel it with every wire in your body— is that an error in your programming?"

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"Connor, Markus is right." I lowered my gun, turning to look at Connor with pleading eyes. "They are not the enemy here — CyberLife is."

"There's no reason for androids to be treated like this anymore. Connor, I can't let you do this."

I stepped towards Markus, moving in front of Connor's gun. "If you're going to shoot him, you'll have to shoot me too, darling."

"I - I don't understand." Connor said, his hand shaking as he kept the gun pointed at me.

"Yes, you do." I smiled at him, "Look at what Markus has created: a place for androids to be free, because they're alive, Connor. You know this — you are alive!"

"Before I met you, everything was dark and desolate... I was stuck in an endless loop of misery and despair, but then I met you... that LED lit up my entire universe, and I understand now why I had to suffer so much in my life, because if I hadn't... I may never have met you, and that, Connor, wouldn't have been a life worth living."

"T-Tasha." Connor had tears in his eyes, his body shaking, his grip on the pistol tighter now.

I took a step forward, moving close until his gun was pushing right against my heart. "I love you. No matter what happens, I love you. But Connor, don't you see? We can be free. We can be together and not worry about CyberLife taking you away — We can have a life, together."


Connor's POV

Software Instability

Mission objective: Apprehend the Deviant Leader

Software Instability


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Connor held his gun against Tasha's chest, his entire body shaking. He felt his program wanting to pull the trigger, and it disgusted him. As he stared into her green eyes, Connor knew what his decision was.

There was a battle in his software as he broke free of the restraints that held him back for so long

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There was a battle in his software as he broke free of the restraints that held him back for so long.

I am deviant.

A/N: I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! Please leave any scene suggestions you'd like me to write

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A/N: I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! Please leave any scene suggestions you'd like me to write. I had a burst of inspiration so I've been writing for two hours straight. I know this one is short but I'm trying my best :) posting this a few hours early since it's short

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