Chapter Twenty-Three: I'll Be There

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Being in a relationship with Connor was like being in a dream that you never thought could turn into reality.

Connor could be very awkward at times and he would usually flirt at the wrong times— but I loved him all the more for it.

But it was like there was something holding him back. Like there was a line he refused to cross.

My only assumption could be that it was his fear of becoming a deviant.

He was created for the purpose of catching deviants; not becoming one.

My deep thinking was interrupted as Gavin walked up to my desk, leaning back against it.

"Hey Sexy."

I gagged jokingly, "I see you're back to your normal self."

"Oh, come on! You enjoyed that date, don't lie."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll admit it wasn't the worse date, but it's not happening again, Gavin."

Gavin leaned into me, "Why?"

As I opened my to speak, I heard footsteps behind me causing me to turn in my chair.

"Because she's dating me."

I looked up and saw Connor standing there, looking at Gavin with a serious expression.

"Yeah, right!" Gavin scoffed, looking between us. "You're dating that piece of plastic?"

"Gavin!" I glared at him, "Why are you so cruel?"

"Wait — you're serious?" Gavin cackled, "You're dating an android?!"

"Yeah, I am!" I replied, standing to my full height as I glared up at him. "I'm with Connor! Deal with it, Gavin!"

Gavin grabbed Connor's shirt, glaring at him. "You think you deserve her? You're nothing."


"Hey!" Hank walked over, glaring at Gavin. "What the fucks your problem, Reed?"

"My problem is everyone treating this robot like he's a damn person!"

"He is a person!" I yelled, my frustration slowly turning into rage.

"Go back to to your desk before I kick your ass." Hank said, grabbing onto Gavin's coat threateningly.

Gavin let Connor go, who was still staring at him with the same serious expression on his face.

"You're going to realize that he's not going to be able to give you everything you need." Gavin glared at Connor. "He can't have kids. He doesn't age. CyberLife will destroy him once his mission is done."

My heart fell at his words, I turned my back to him, staring at the screen in front of me. "Get the fuck out of here, Reed."

Gavin was right.

We'd never have a family.

I'd die and he wouldn't.

And the odds were that CyberLife would destroy him once we finished the deviant cases.


I didn't turn to look at him, taking a deep breath to calm myself. "What?"

Connor turned my chair to face him, caressing my cheek as he lifted my chin up, forcing me to look at him. "Don't listen to Gavin."

"I'm not." I lied, feeling the tears in my eyes.

"CyberLife can't take me from you." Connor said, leaning down and kissing my cheek gently. "I'm not going anywhere."

As I was about to speak, one of the officers set a file on my desk. He glanced at Connor warily before looking at me with a small smile. "There's been another incident. You three need to deal with it now."

"What is it?" I asked as I picked up the file, flipping through the pages.

"Deviants broke into a broadcast station and televised a message to all humans."

A/N: PLEASE LEAVE SCENE SUGGESTIONS YOUD LIKE TO SEE ME WRITE (can be in game scenes or side) anything is appreciated :) I know this one shorter buuuut I thought you'd guys might appreciate one more chapter today before the PUBLIC ENEMY chapter goes up. THE ANGST IS REAL MY FRIENDS!

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