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Five Years Later

"Harry will you please hurry? We're going to be late!" I call from the bottom of the stairs of our home just outside of Holmes Chapel. I begin pacing back and forth, anxious of the time. Charlotte will kill me if the maid of honor and one of Louis' groomsmen are late.

Just as I go to call again, Harry rounds the corner and heads down the stairs. The air is sucked from my lungs as he approaches me, even after five years of being together. His short hair is lightly gelled back away from his face while a navy blue suit fits his body perfectly.

"I call dibs on the gorgeous girl in the light pink dress." Harry says, kissing me lightly on the forehead.

I scoff. "We're all going to be wearing light pink."

"Okay, I call dibs on the gorgeous pregnant girl in the light pink dress." He rephrases, bending down to kiss my stomach lightly. My stomach shows slightly through the material, but not as much as I thought it would for being six months pregnant. The day I found out was one of the best days of my life. That and our wedding. Infinity never came off of their break, but Harry didn't expect them to, he knew it was time to move on, and they all did. However, their last performance ever as a band was at our wedding. I cried my eyes out.

I grab the car keys off the table and throw them at Harry. "Did you get the gift?" He asks and I gasp. "We were supposed to get a gift?"

His green eyes go wide and he runs a hand through his hair. "Addie, how could you forget? I asked you-." His sentence is cut off as I grab the large bag from the back seat of the car and set it on the floor beside me.

"You're evil." He mumbles, pulling out of the driveway, and I giggle, kissing his hand.

17 Years Later

"No, Adelina. Our daughter isn't going out with a boy like that!" Harry yells, running a hand through his dark hair. He never fails to do that even after all these years.

"Would you listen to yourself? You don't even know him." I argue, placing my hands on the granite counter top. I bore my eyes into his, knowing it will get him to break.

His green eyes find mine for a split second before he huffs, breaking the heavy contact. I fight back a laugh as I know I have won.

"Audrey will be fine, she's never done anything to break our trust, nor has Carson." I try and soothe him by rubbing up and down his biceps.

My husband breathes deeply and nods, calling our daughter down the stairs.

Her footsteps are heavy as she runs, awaiting our answer. Her dark hair is pushed back in a pony tail, letting us see her pale but beautiful complexion. She looks up at us with those big eyes, a spitting image of her fathers.

"What's his name?" Harry asks firmly causing our daughter to roll her eyes; The obvious trait she got from me.

"Ren." She speaks as if she's daydreaming about him, another thing she gets from me.

I've taught her to love with all she has, even if he breaks her heart one day she can say that it was worth it.

"Your mom and I need to meet him, so he'll be coming here."

"Way to make that sound sexual, dad." Carson's voice travels from the foyer and into the kitchen. I gasp as Harry laughs, slapping our son on the hand. I groan, not wanting know why or how he thinks his dad made that sexual, he is only fifteen.

Carson's light hair is different from Harry and I's, yet it adds to his green eyes and light freckles across his nose. He is tall and lanky like his father; he's perfect to me.

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