Chapter Thirty Eight

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The rest of the weekend consisted of finishing homework and talking Charlotte into my fantastic road trip idea. At first she complained about having to spend longer than thirty minutes with Louis, but when I noticed the light in her eyes and the way she tried to hide her blush, I knew she was kidding, as well as hiding something.

I raise my eyebrows at her, trying to get what ever it is out of her. "Seriously Addie? You saw how we were at the party, we can't stand one another."

My eyes roll and I sit down on the twin size bed across from her. "Yeah, and that party was months ago. There's something going on between you two again, isn't there?" Her pale skin reddens and I gasp making her laugh and his her face with her hands.

"Details now."

Charlotte sighs and tucks her long blonde hair behind her ear. "When the two of us dated, we were each other's best friends. He was there for me when my sister was in the hospital with cancer, and I was there for him when his parents got divorced and stuff. Well, when I found out that he was getting put into the facility I wanted to be there for him again even if we were on bad terms I still wanted to make sure he was okay because we were each other's person for so long. I don't know if that makes sense..." She rambles and I nod, taking in her words.

I completely understand where she is coming from. It would be hard to watch someone who was your best friend go through such hardship and not have anyone beside them. I respect Charlotte so much for putting her pride aside and seeing if her ex needed any support.

"Are you two back together or what?" I ask and my roommate shrugs, "I don't think he's in a good place right now to be in a relationship but we've talked about it so we'll see." She grins and I smile too, in hope that they do get back together. I have a feeling they were good for each other, especially with how sassy they both are.

The two of us talk about our finals and Charlotte promises she'll help me with Math if I help her with English. The problems on the study guide have both letters and numbers in it and I have no idea where to start.

"Do you want to get a bite to eat? I think they're still serving lunch in the dining hall." Charlotte asks and I shake my head no as I pick up my laptop. "I think I'll stay here and start on my paper."

I rummage through my backpack until I find the rubric for English 1101. It simply states: Write a 4-5 page essay about someone, something, or an event that has impacted your life this semester.

My heart sinks at the first person that comes to mind. Someone who my mind was off of all day. I've been distracting myself so I wouldn't get to this point, but the second I am left alone with my thoughts everything comes rushing back like a tidal wave.

I stare at the blank screen, my mind struggling to come up with what to say.

"If you asked me four months ago that I would have dated Harry Styles..."

I erase it quickly. My professor doesn't want to hear about some teenagers break up story. She wants to read about something that made an impact on me and why it did.

"Backfire: to have the opposite effect to what was intended. When you're 18, you don't expect to have the closest people to you turn against you. But then again when you were under my circumstances anything was possible. Under the London skies people talked of romance and dreams, but you have to be careful about who you tell those dreams to. Inside these school walls I met people I never thought I would, people I never thought I'd fall in love with. Yet when you fall in love, you never prepare yourself for the heartbreak that could come at any time. The situation backfires on you, and that is what impacts your heart the most..."

I shut my computer quickly and set my head in my hands. Why is writing about him and everything that happened so hard? I sometimes think about what if I had never met him. What my life would be like, but then I take it back because I can't imagine Harry not being a part of my life, even if it is behind me now.

I move to my desk and stare at the packet of math problems I have no idea how to do, and my stomach grumbles. I should have gone to eat with Charlotte instead of wallowing in my sorrow.

Dear God I need a distraction, and soon.

Well........ hey.

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