Chapter Twelve

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Charlotte isn't in the room when I wake up the next morning. I yawn as I reach toward the oak desk to grab my phone, making my back pop. My eyes widen as I read the time, 11:30AM. I'm late!

I quickly change into a pair of jeans and leave on my high school sweatshirt, not caring too much about my appearance today. It's not like I have anyone to impress. My glasses remain on my face and I don't bother putting on makeup before grabbing my backpack and leaving the dorm.

The wind blows fiercely as I make my way toward my history class. The leaves have started falling off the trees, winter making her mark early. I push past the wind as best I can, yet it feels like I'm walking at a mile an hour. The large brick building comes into view and just as I approach the steps, students rush out, signaling classes are over. My eyebrows furrow as I pull out my phone from my back pocket. It took me over ten minutes to get to class. Damn weather. Damn alarm. Damn Charlotte for not waking me up. Speaking of her, I need to ask her about her friendship with Mackenzie along with her friendship with Harry. Did she lie about not knowing him or was she acting calm just for the sake of not wanting to scare him?

My phone vibrates in my hand, causing my eyes to fix on the screen. My heart rate quickens as the number I have yet to save appears along with a message. I push my eyebrows together as I read it.

Why weren't you in class?

Should I reply? I bite my lip as I stare at the screen. Just as my fingers tap against the keyboard a shoulder hits mine roughly, causing the device to fly from my hands and land a few feet away. I look at the culprit, who is now walking away. Mackenzie snickers as she looks over her shoulder, brushing her blonde hair behind her. My mouth parts as I think of something to say, yet nothing but a squeak falls from my lips. Curse my inability to partake in confrontation. I've never been good at talking to people in the first place. I was a waitress my junior year of high school and every table I went to, I would stutter like a mad woman.

I scurry to pick up my phone, gasping at the shattered screen. The glass is falling out of the corners and the digital aspects of the screen are flashing. As I examine it more, I feel another vibration.

Adelina? Are you okay?

I shove my broken phone in my back pocket with a roll of my eyes and make my way toward the mess hall to meet Louis. A tall brunette holds the door open for me and I thank him before walking further into the busy space. I spot Louis sitting with a few guys and when he sees me his face lights up, and if I'm not mistaken a blush forms on his cheeks. My stomach twists as I think about our kiss.

"Hey Addie, where were you?" He smiles and I tell him what happened as I grab the seat next to him. He smiles weakly and I feel a few sets of eyes on me.

"Oh, this is Matt, Parker and Charlie." Louis introduces me to them left to right. I wave at the two blondes and brunette, making them smile politely. I tune into their conversation as they begin talking about a formal coming up; It's on the last day of the month, which would be next Saturday. Who is Louis going to ask? Who is Harry going to ask? Why does my mind  always revert back to him?

I pull my phone from my pocket, to reveal less glass than before.

"Woah, what happened?" Charlie asks me, examining my phone with his chocolate color eyes. I laugh lightly and tell him the story, making him cock his head to the side, "Mackenzie that's dating.... what's his name?" He asks one of the blonde's next to him, whose names I've already forgotten.

"She's dating Harry Styles," I speak up, making the same blonde shake his head. Damn it, what is his name? Parker! That's it.

"Ah that's right, Harry is dating her! They're always at parties together. Good for him, she's hot." Parker explains and I nod slowly, absorbing the information. I want to fight him and call her mean names but I choose to be nice and respect his opinion. 

"Are you coming to the party this Friday, Adelina?" Matt asks and I shrug, "Maybe!" I squeak, even though I know I will not be going to another party at the Godforsaken house. I never want to step another foot inside of it.

The doors to the mess hall swing open loudly, making everyone turn. My heart rate speeds up at the sight of Harry walking down the long stretch. He's clothed yet again in a pair of black skinny jeans, but today he has on a white V-neck and a black hat, turned backward.

"Speaking of Harry," Louis trails, waving his hand high enough for the tall boy to see it. His eyes land on the obnoxious movement and he pauses for a second before making his way towards us.

"Hey mate!" The brunette grins, making his eyes crinkle at the sides. Harry eyes the three boys across from Louis and I as he crosses his arms.

"Hey Lou, hey guys. How does it feel to finally be members of DKE?" He smiles, letting them answer before setting his green eyes on me. They travel between my cracked phone then back to my face quickly.

"What happened to your phone, Ad?" Well that's a new one.

I shrug, "I'm surprised your girlfriend hasn't told you yet." I bite, making Louis look at me warily.

Harry narrows his eyes, "Mackenzie did that?" He picks it up gingerly, examining it intently. I nod slowly and I see his nose flare.

"I'll see you lads later." He smile curtly before sauntering out of the crowded area. The four boys eye me without saying anything, and I look at the tiled floor below me.

"What was that?" Louis asks as the other three throw their trash away, and I pause when I notice the smell of liquor on his breath. "Are you drunk?" His blue eyes search my face and he presses his index finger against his lips. "I went through the Frat's fridge this morning before class and took a few swigs, it was so hard walking over here, especially with the wind." He hiccups and I look at the time on my phone. It's not even noon and he is drunk off of liquor. And to make matters worse, he got drunk by himself like an old man at a bar.  

Louis notices my expression and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Cheer up. I miss that smile of yours." I feel my cheeks heat and I can't help but grin at his kind words. Yet when he mirrors my expression my stomach twists.

I leave the mess hall after a few minutes of talking to Louis and catching up. He had to tell me about Professor York's denchers falling out in the middle of lecture, which made my day.

As I make my way toward the social sciences building I hear yelling coming from around the corner. I slow my pace, not wanting to interrupt the fighting couple.

"You're an absolute bloke, Mackenzie. Why would you even think about sabotaging her like that?" My breath hitches in my throat at Harry's voice. I stop and rest my back on the opposite side of the building.

I hear a whine fall from the blonde's lips, "she was in my way and I didn't think she would drop her phone like that. I'm sorry, babe." I want to vomit at the pet name, and when Harry laughs I feel a smile form on my face.

"I don't want you to touch her again. And I sure as hell don't want you to call me babe. I distinctly remember telling you when this started," Mackenzie cuts him off, "no pet names."

He huffs and I picture him running a hand through his hair, "Now if you'll excuse me." I rush toward the other side of the walk way, leaving their line of vision. Once again, Harry Styles has left me more confused as ever.

My awful day comes to a close an hour and a half later and I can't wait to get in my bed and sleep, or maybe cry; whichever comes first. The late September air is chilly and I hug my arms around my torso as I approach Barnes Hall. My feet slowly trudge up two flights of steps and I stop to regain my breathing at the top. The stretch to my room feels extra long for my tired legs and as I near the door a small box is brought to my attention. I slowly unwrap the decorative paper and as the gift comes into view I almost drop it. A brand new iPhone is inside the box and I bring my bottom lip between my teeth as I read Harry's sloppy handwriting.

Now you can text me back, H. xx

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