Chapter Forty Two

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My face is pale and my palms are sweaty, making me nearly drop the phone onto the carpet of my dorm. I open my mouth to talk but no words come out, mostly because the inside of my mouth has gone dry. I haven't heard his voice in weeks, I didn't think it would affect me this much.

"Adelina, please." He chokes through the phone and I swallow hard, trying to stop myself from crying at how broken he sounds.

I don't even think of my options before getting up quickly and grabbing my purse. Charlotte gazes at me with wide eyes and I rest the phone in between my ear and shoulder.

"Where are you?" I ask after a moment of silence and I can hear him gasp through the receiver.

"Holmes Chapel. I-I, I'm sorry for everything, I just need you right now." Harry cries and something in my chest tells me that there is something else going on, something worse.

I nod, as if he can see me and open the door of the dorm, slipping past my roommate without a goodbye.

"I'm going to the train station now, Harry. Will you be able to meet me there?" I ask him softly, like I am talking to a young child.

He sniffs loudly, making it clear to me that he's been crying and my heart aches for him. "Yes, I'll be there. You're the only person I want to be with right now." He tells me softly; So soft I can barely hear him.

My chest feels as if it's on fire by the words he is telling me and I can't help the tears the brim my eyes. "You're the only person I want to be with right now, too." I tell him truthfully.

I hang up the phone and stop at the end of the hall to try and process my thoughts. Texts from Lincoln flood in and I don't even want to look at what he has to say. I stood him up; I didn't even text him back. But as selfish as this is to say, Harry is more important. Despite the past, I would still drop everything for him, that's how much I love him.

The wind is harsh as I make my way off campus and down the sidewalk, heading toward the train station. The streets are quiet except for a few students packing up things from their apartments and into their cars. My boots click with each step I take and I look down at my outfit that was meant for my date. I'm going to look awfully dressed up when I get to Holmes Chapel, and knowing Harry, he's going to ask why.

I reach the train station five minutes later and I rummage through my purse for the pass we got at orientation. It was administered to us by the school for any field trips we may take in class.

Many people board the vehicle and I look around for an empty seat. I spot one next to an older man and I hurry down the aisle to grab the seat before anyone else can. He smiles at me through thick glasses and I smile softly before turning to look out the window, hoping these three hours goes by fast.


My heart begins to race as I feel the train begin to slow, the words Holmes Chapel flashing across the screen displaying each stop. The brakes squeal against the metal tracks and I grip my purse in my hands as I begin to stand.

I feel my legs shaking with each step I take and I consider staying on the train until we get back to London. I stop just before the stairs, making the woman behind me hit my back with a light thump.

"What are you doing? Go!" She grumbles and I take a deep breath before slowly making my way down the stairs. My feet hit the ground and I look both ways for Harry. The light in the sky is gone, and I am only surrounded by dim street lamps.

Men and women with brief cases pass by me quickly in a hurry to get home from work. In a hurry to get home to their family and kids where they will eat a home cooked meal and laugh and sing to their child before sending them off to bed.

Or that's what they want you to think.

I look to my left, trying to see past the crowds of people, and my eyes land on a tall, lanky boy with a mop of long curls reaching his shoulders. He's dressed in a black sweat shirt and sweatpants, the exact outfit I saw him in when I first met him.

"Harry!" I call loudly, brushing past everyone in a hurry to get to him. His gaze lands on me and the sad look in his eyes disappears as they widen. I break into a run and I watch as Harry opens his arms slightly, ready for me to jump into them.

"Adelina." He breathes, just as my body wraps around his. My arms snake around his shoulders while my legs surround his waist. He buries his head into my neck and I take in his familiar scent of Armani.

"I missed you so much." He mumbles and I tighten my grip. "I can't explain how much I missed you." I reply, smiling into his shoulder.

I pull back slightly and face Harry. His eyes are surrounded by thick bags and his face is pale, lacking the tanned color his skin normally has. His hair is wild, as if he's been running his hands through the thick locks; Something he does when he's stressed or nervous. Yet he still looks beautiful.

I detach myself from him and reach for his large hand, rubbing my thumb against his palm. He smiles slightly at the action, fixing his eyes on our hands. It feels so good to see them together again. I had forgotten how his hand practically covered my own.

"Adelina." Harry states, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I look up at him with wide eyes, my nerves rising as his eyes well with tears. I step closer to him and grab his arm, trying to comfort him the best I can.

"Harry what is it?" I ask, my voice shaky. I am nervous and worried by his lack of response. His eyes are cast at the ground and I can see his body shaking with each sob that racks through his body.

"My dad. H-he's dead."


Well my heart is broken after writing that. I'm on my period so I'm overly emotional dang it.

Also, I looked up the distance from London to Holmes Chapel and there were a few different answers so correct me if I'm wrong!

And okay last thing! I want to know what you guys as the readers want, so if you want more of Harry's point of view or you want something to be added in the book just let me know because I do this to make y'all happy!

That is all goodbye and happy bday daddy Liam xoxo, Amelia

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