Chapter Twenty Seven

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I can't help the hot tears streaming down my face as my parents and I walk down the busy streets of London. I'm filled with embarrassment, hurt and guilt. Those three together creating the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach. My dad glances at me with a wary expression in his eyes and I sigh and look away quickly. I'm in no mood for his pity right now. I want to be sitting in that damn booth eating lunch, laughing with my family who loves Harry, my Harry.

"Where do you want to go next?" My mom asks, a cheery expression evident in her tone, making me turn to her, "Back to my dorm." She raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow and looks towards my dad for help who sighs and shakes his head. "We are here to see you, Adelina. I'm sorry you got your heart broken by him but this should be a nice time for you to spend with us; Forget about him." Spending time with my family would solve my problem and help me rid my mind of him for a day, but the way they treated him is burned in my memory forever. Harry deserved none of that, he's such a kind and loving person and they didn't give him a chance.

"I'm sorry mom, but I'd appreciate it if I was left alone for a while after my parents bashed the one chance I had at love." I seethe, making her hazel eyes expand and bore into my own. Bringing her hair between her fingers she steps closer to me, "You don't love him, you're too young for love." A melodic laughter falls past my moms lips and I stop in place to collect my breath. My anxiety is rising and I feel as if I could break at any point; Never have I been this attacked by anyone, not even Charlotte or Mackenzie, and this is my own mother.

"I should be saying this to him but I'm being forced to say it to you, and maybe it will go through your thick skull just how much he means to me. I've never loved anyone as I've loved Harry Styles. He has the kindest heart out of anyone I've ever met and he's never afraid to show me he cares. I could care less about his fame, but hey, his friends made me feel so welcome the first time I met them. When I get nervous he comforts me and tells me everything is going to be alright. Yet, we can't be together and it will be a long time till we will be able to and I think the hardest thing about loving someone so deeply is seeing them with someone else in magazines, online; everywhere, because I so desperately wish that was me. And you know what? I feel sorry for both of you because you will never understand how great of a person that boy is and you will never love him half as much as I do." I am out of breath by the end of my rant and my parents gaze back at me with blank expressions in their eyes.

"Adelina..." My dad is the first to speak, surprising me. He normally follows what my mother has to say, which ends up against my favor. "Dad, it's fine-" He cuts me off by raising his hand, which is shaking slightly. "No Addie, it's not fine. The way I behaved back there was uncalled for and I hope you can forgive me. You are my one and only child and your happiness is the most important thing to me and if that boy provides that, so be it." An involuntary smile has formed on my face and I practically run into his arms. My head nuzzles his neck and even though his skin is cold, his words provided a sense of warmth.

I pull away but keep my hands in his, "You have no idea how much that means to me dad." He nods swiftly and smiles warmly at me, proving his sincerity. I turn towards my mom who is facing away from us and I step towards her and set my hand on her shoulder. Her muscles tense before turning around. Tears and black makeup stain her face, causing me to wrap her in a hug. This women rarely cries; Only on big events, so this is shocking to me.

"I'm sorry Addie, it just scares me that you're growing up. You move to the other side of the world and you're suddenly this women that has fallen in love. Who are you and where is my daughter?" She meekly laughs and I join her. I don't fully understand how she feels but I know it would be hard sending my child away, seeing them every few months and I know I haven't been the best at keeping them updated. Birkbeck is hard. Maybe I should take gym next semester.

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