Chapter Forty One

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"That couldn't have been Harry. Manchester is four hours away from London." Charlotte points out as we walk down the busy street. I notice younger girls walking alongside their parents, trying to get a glimpse at Harry inside the club.

I shake my head, vividly picturing the tall brunette walking toward the bar, his eyes cast at the ground. His hair was pushed up in a quiff making him look more attractive; If that were even possible.

"That was him, I know it was. Just my luck, right?" I bite sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Yet I am trying to remain as calm as possible despite how I feel. My heart is pounding and my legs are shaking as I walk, in shock of what I just saw.

A part of me wishes I would have stayed, just to see his face when he saw it was me. Yet I bolted in fear of rejection. This is why I was so scared to get close to someone again because of the pain after they're gone. When you love someone that much you don't think of the heartbreak, so when it hits you it's so much worse.

"Are you okay, Addie?" Louis asks, placing his hand on my shoulder. His blue eyes stare deep into my hazel ones and I nod, forcing myself to look away to stop from crying. "Just unexpected."

He smiles, understanding and squeezes my shoulder tight. "You know I'm always here for you, you're my best friend."

I smile wide and move to grab his hand, reassuring him I feel the same. And I know he will always be there for me. He was when he shouldn't have been, and that just shows how big of a heart he has.

The three of us reach the hotel room and we walk up to the room in silence. The alcohol effects are still present, but have worn off a bit and I'm thankful for that.

I strip into sleep shorts and a large T-shirt once we get into the room and I quickly climb into the full sized bed closest to the window. Charlotte and Louis take their time getting into the other bed and I roll over, closing my eyes.

What are the chances that Harry showed up in Manchester, to the same fucking club as me? If fate is trying to work something out I'm going to ask her to come back another day. All I wanted to do was have a fun night out with my friends, and not even think about Harry, let alone be in the same room as him. I don't know if I want to stay here, knowing he's in the same city and could show up at anytime. I don't know what I would say to him or how I would act, that's how bad the terms are between us right now. Yet, the odds could play out differently and he could apologize profusely for the way he acted and handled things back in Tennessee and he would grab my face and kiss me, like he did on the front porch of the Frat house.

The memory brings tears to my eyes and I squeeze my eyes together to stop anymore from escaping. I just need to go to bed, I tell myself and take a deep breath, trying to get my thoughts to slow down, but with what happened tonight I don't think that's possible.


The rest of the road trip went by too quick. The past four days were filled with laughs, amazing food, and incredible sights, but unfortunately it is time to get back to the real world, and that means going home. I'm nervous to go back home to Tennessee after what happened, it seems like when I'm there everything decides to go wrong.

I kick my feet up and put them on the dashboard, pulling out my phone. I look over at Charlotte who is gripping the steering wheel tight, trying to get us through the London traffic. The two of us switched halfway so I could take a nap, well tried to take one. My neck cramped up and the pillow kept falling, so eventually I gave up.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I look down at the message from Lincoln. A small gasp leaves my mouth and the blonde looks over at me with wide eyes.

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