Chapter Thirteen

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I slowly pick the white phone up and set it in my hands. The screen is clean of any cracks and it's so new it looks shiny. I set it back in the box and shake my head, I can't take this. I don't want him spending his money on me, even though a few hundred dollars is nothing to him. This is probably his way of getting me to fall for him like all the other girls. Yet, I need to know why he did it.

I take a deep breath before setting my phone near my ear; I have to keep it a few inches away because of the shards of glass. The rings flood through the speakers and my stomach flips when his voice is heard through the receiver.

"Is this on your new phone, Adelina?" I sense a smirk on his face and I roll my eyes, "no it's not. I can't take that from you." I hear him sigh, "why?"

"Because, Harry. I'm not going to be your charity case. My phone broke, so you're just going to run out and get me a new one?" I bite making him laugh lightly, "you're not a charity case, Addie. I was doing something nice." His voice is soft yet I still roll my eyes. I will never understand this boy.

"My phone still works, I can keep it for now and if it breaks I'll go and get one, on my own." I tell him, making him sigh again, "take it, Adelina. Do you act this way every time you get a gift?" He laughs and I feel a smile form on my face as I pick at my comforter.

"No," I trail and I picture a smile on his face, "keep it. I mean it." He commands, making his voice even lower than usual; It's such a wonderful sound.

I sigh. "Okay, Harry."

"Okay," he replies with light laughter. Just as I go to tell him goodbye he speaks up, "I need to talk to you about something." His words are rushed, making me pull my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Tell me," I muse, leaning back on the bed.

"In person." My heart rate increases at his words and I wrap my finger around a lock of my dark hair, "why in person?" I hear movement in the background and I lean further into the phone.

"Because I need to learn to control myself around you." My eyes widen and my stomach twists as a blush forms on my cheeks.

My phone vibrates causing me to pull it from my ear. A picture of Louis laughing flashes on the screen and I curse slightly, "hang on Harry, my, um, mom is calling me." I lie and press the hold button before answering the phone.

"Hey Louis!" I smile into the receiver, setting my phone on the bed and putting it on speaker.

"Hey Addie," He muses, "what are you doing tonight?" I bring my lip in between my teeth, "I have plans." I say quickly making my words run together.

"Oh, alright. I just wanted to talk to you about the other night." Louis laughs, causing my stomach to twist with guilt.

A sigh falls from my lips, "Louis..." I begin making him hum in reply.

"Nothing, I, uh, I'll let you know when I get done studying." The brunette agrees before hanging up the phone. What am I going to say to him? He thinks that kiss meant something. Well it didn't, right? Louis is a great friend but I could never see him as anything more. My thoughts always contradict one another.

"Adelina?" Harry's voice is muffled and I widen my eyes as I bring the phone close to my ear, "I'm here."

"Great," he muses before continuing, "so, did you want to hang out or no? If you don't want to I understand, it was just a suggestion." My grin widens at his vulnerable tone. It's a very rare side of Harry Styles. 

"Sure, where did you want to go?"

The two of us talk for ten minutes more, arguing back and forth about where we should go. We end up choosing this hole in the wall restaurant that Harry says it really good. I'm nervous though because I don't know what he wants or how he's going to act around me. But the truth is, I can't control myself around him either. I know he's trouble, I see it every time I look into his eyes. He's like a drug that I can never get enough of, yet I don't want to stop. I'm already addicted to his green eyes and dimpled smile and there's no going back.

Wow that was a very short filler chapter I'm sorry please forgive me. Comment who you think should play Mackenzie and who your favorite character is! I'll update again in about an hour or so if I get a few likes! Thank you and I love you all so much! xx

And remember, a wise man once said: do whatever makes you happiest in the world. Don't ever forget it!

Okay I'm going now

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