Chapter Thirty Three

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The GPS in my phone speaks loudly, telling me to turn left on Keller Street. I do as I am told but stop halfway into the turn when I realize there is no room to park. Cars of all different shapes and sizes line both sides of the street and I groan, reversing my mom's vehicle and turning down the street across from the correct one.

I grab my keys, purse and cell phone before getting out and heading toward the large house. I know this isn't Pauline's home because she lives just around the corner from me. These however, are twice the size of my own with long drive ways and columns and I can't help but touch the white Porsche parked along the sidewalk.

Music blares from a house a few feet away from me and I know I am looking at the right one as a girl runs onto the grass and throws up everything she had in her system. Shit... how many people are here and what kind of alcohol are they serving?

My boots crunch against the fallen leaves as I make my way across the pathway and up the stairs. The door is ajar, ready to be opened and for me to become apart of whatever is behind it.

Just as I open the door, my phone vibrates in my hand. I look down at the screen which shows a text from Harry: Are you there yet? I reply instantly: Yes, I love you. With a quick breath I push open the only thing separating me and the world of drunken teenagers. No one seems to notice my presence which would make it easier for me to leave as well. Tens upon tens of people pile into the foyer, kitchen and living area, each with a cup, bottle or can in their hand. Loud cheering is heard from the kitchen and I step into the mass. My eyes widen as a girl and boy gulp down beer after beer while their audience yells and eggs them on.


I turn sharply toward the calling of my name, leaving behind what these people call entertainment. My stomach twists at the sight of Pauline rushing to me and I plaster a smile on my face.

"I'm so glad you came! Not that you had much of a choice." She laughs, wobbling slightly, causing the clear drink in her cup to spill over the sides.

I stand up straighter. "Thank you for inviting me. I haven't been to one of these since well, ever." I subtly shoot at her, but when she cocks her head to the side, I've realized she must have forgotten about what she did to me.

"Well come on, let's get you something to drink! There's plenty here. Do you like Vodka?" The brunette rambles as we squeeze our way past everyone.

The kitchen is the least populated room in the house as far as I can tell, yet I am thankful for the sense of privacy.

I lean against the counter as Pauline pours Vodka into a cup. I turn my nose up at the clear liquid, already sensing the bitter taste in my mouth.

"Where's your boyfriend?" I raise my eyebrow at her question, suddenly feeling protective over Harry.

"He's at my house. The flight was really tiring for him." I reply, not totally lying. She nods slowly while mixing the clear liquid with blue Gatorade.

She hands me the cup, "He should have come with you; How fun that would have been, I mean he is Harry Styles." I bite the insides of my cheeks at her statement, not wanting to show my anger for using his fame against him and myself, instead I bring the cup to my lips and drink it quickly.

Pauline smirks. "Damn Addie, I didn't realize you had it in 'ya to pull a guy as attractive as him. Your mom can't stop talking about you and him." Her Southern accent is prominent as she speaks and I smile slightly as I move to pour another one. I might as well make this night somewhat enjoyable and being sober will not make it that way.

"C'mon, I know everyone will want to see you." She drags my arm and I find myself giggling at her action.

The two of us weave our way through the mass of drunken teenagers, talking endlessly with each other. We step into the living room, dodging empty cans and bottles on the ground. The couches are packed, girls sitting on boys laps and vise versa.

Backfire | Harry Styles AU COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora