Chapter Thirty Four

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One Hour Earlier

I pace back and forth as I wait for Addie to text me back. I shouldn't be this nervous but for some reason I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about this so called party she is going to and the girl that is hosting it.

Adelina has told me multiple times that she had close to no friends through out high school so I don't understand why she would want to go now, much less without me.

A light tap on the bedroom door brings me out of my pacing and I move to open it. Mrs. Phillips smiles up at me and steps in the room, clearly seeing the fact that I am a nervous wreck.

"Harry, Adelina will be fine. She's a grown girl and knows how to handle herself." She explains in a soft voice, sounding much like her daughters.

I sigh and sit down at the wooden desk. "I know, I'm just paranoid. I care about her a lot and I don't want her to get hurt." I reply causing Elizabeth to shake her head in agreement, "I completely understand but you need to trust her. She wouldn't do anything to hurt you and I know that you would do the same." She smiles and my heart sinks to the floor. Guilt washes over me, dropping my somber expression even more. The things I would do to take it back.

"Yep." I squeak and run a hand through my shoulder length hair. I need to get it cut soon.

The aging woman stands and fixes her perfectly ironed shirt. "David and I were going to grab a bite to eat, would you like to join us?" Her smile is hopeful but I shake my head no, too distracted by my thoughts to eat.

"Keep me updated on Adelina but don't think too hard. You'll get wrinkles." Mrs. Phillips laughs lightly and I smile, knowing she's right.

She lightly pads across the carpet but stops just in the doorway and I turn around and face her. "I never apologized for my behavior back in London, it was very immature. You just have to understand that I want the very best for my daughter but after seeing her with you, I know that you are."

The burning in my chest returns and I nod curtly in response, my mouth being too dry to even reply. I watch as the door closes behind her and as soon as she's out of my sight I stand from the chair and walk toward Addie's small bed. I pick up a decorative pillow and throw it across the room, hitting the floor silently. I stare at the brown material for a few seconds before rushing toward it and returning it to it's previous position.

I rub my eyes and unlock my phone, A beautiful picture of Addie lighting up the screen. She had been begging me to go to that bakery downtown for weeks so of course I was going to take her. Her face was priceless when I snapped the picture; Pink frosting covered her nose and upper lip while her bright hazel eyes were squeezed shut. No matter what this girl does, she never fails to amaze me with her beauty.

I check my messages between the two of us, the last thing being said was that she got there safely. It's been fifty eight minutes since she's said anything but I trust her and I know she would never pull a dick move like I did, yet the fact that she forgave me so quickly blows my mind.

When my mum walked in on my dad with another man she stared at them for a few seconds before having the courage to speak up. She said he looked distraught at the sight of her while the man ran out of their own bedroom with nothing on but one of my fathers shirts. She couldn't believe he would ever cheat, let alone with someone of the same sex. He had been lying to her for 3 years.

She did everything to keep him but she wasn't what he wanted anymore. Even 10 years later, I don't think she's gotten over him and it took me a while to also. At 11, my dad was the person who I looked up to. We did everything together; He was my best pal. He taught me how to ride a bike and he was the one that also inspired me to become a musician. His voice would carry throughout the house, singing soft tones and it was so magical to me. Yet, the day I found out what he did to my mum, to my family, I vowed I would never do what my role model did, but look at me now.

My phone vibrates in my hand and my heart stops as I see Addie's name on the screen. An image is attached and I unlock my phone quickly, sightly furious but relieved she has responded. I click on the picture and zoom in, confused on what I am supposed to be looking at. Empty bottles and cups, a couch in a dark room, and then I see it; The two bodies clutching each other so tightly it looks as if they are one. Dark hair cascades down the girls white shirt, a few of the long pieces getting caught in the pattered scarf around her neck. Exactly like the one Addie was wearing.

Hello all! Can I just say thank you soooo much for 1.1K it means everything to me and I honestly didn't think I was going to get any at all. Keep voting, commenting and sharing and I'll get back to y'all very soon!! xx

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