Chapter Seventeen

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"I don't know Louis, am I going to have time to get a dress?" I ask him slowly, making him sigh and raise his arms, "yes Addie! It will be fun! And I sort of need a date or the guys will trashcan me." His lips slightly pout and images of his small body getting shoved into a metal can flash in my mind. 

I roll my eyes, "this is just so you don't have spaghetti in places you never thought you would." Louis grins and engulfs me in a hug, making me laugh softly.

"We could head to the shops now." The brunette suggests and I nod, grabbing my purse.

The two of us are better than ever after our near falling out. I would have been devastated if I never saw him laugh again. It's been a few days since I've seen Charlotte, but I think she comes to our room when I'm in class because a few items of her clothes are off the hangers.

I follow Louis towards his car and slide in the passenger side. The radio plays softly, as it always does, making me hum along. As Louis drives he looks over at me every so often with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I ask, making him laugh, "nothing, Ad, I'm just really glad we're friends. I was scared I was going to lose you for good." His words cause my heart to swell and I reach over the center console to squeeze his hand. I see a light blush form on his cheeks, making me smile.

Louis Tomlinson is one of the brightest lights to come into this world. He's always happy, always laughing, and he's such a joy to be around. I can't wait for someone to love him with everything they have.

I leave my thoughts as the city comes into view. Seeing London every day is something that I will never fully get used to. I've dreamed about this for so long and I can't get over the fact that I'm here! The people may not be the... friendliest per say, but I will pay that price to be here. Louis pulls the car over next to the cobblestone sidewalk and the two of us get out quickly, not wanting to be hit by any crazy drivers.

"My sister got her prom dress in a store down this way, so maybe they have a few that you will like." Louis informs me as we begin to head down the walkway. The sky is cloudy and a light drizzle has begun to fall, making me wish I would have worn a heavier coat. I take in my surroundings as we walk side by side, looking into all the shops.

"Here we are," The brunette stops in front of a store with a bright pink door, called Sally's. A bell rings as we enter the shop and I grin as a little girl bounds over to us.

"Mollie!" A women's voice causes her to stick her tongue out, making me giggle. Her light brown hair is pulled into pigtails, curling at the ends.

"Sorry about her, she gets excited." The lady, who I'm guessing is her mom comes into view and scoops her up, making Mollie laugh loudly.

"Don't worry about it, she's adorable." I praise her, causing her to blush and thank me.

I look around the store, dresses of every style and color fill the space, and I already know it's going to be hard to choose one. I weave in and out of the rows, grazing my fingers on the silky material of each one.

"Find anything you like?" Louis asks and I scan my eyes over the different selection, "I don't even know where to start."

If this is a formal, then the dress code is going to be a longer style so I might as well look in that section. I start on the back wall and pull back each dress, taking them all in. Louis 'oohs' from the middle of the room as I lay a few dresses across my forearm.

As I walk toward the dressing room a piece of white fabric catches my attention. I pull it toward me, letting everything come into view. A small gasp falls from my lips as I rake my eyes up and down the beautiful dress. The silk is pure white, making me scared to even touch it. Tiny jewels outline the heart-shaped neck and all through out the cups. A larger jewel sits just below the dip in the line, adding a nice finishing touch to the wonderful design. I carefully take it off the hanger and put it over my arm as well before excitedly heading towards the changing area.

I slip out of my yoga pants and T-shirt, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I don't take a lot of time to look in the mirror because I know it will cause myself to examine every flaw. I pick up the angelic dress and step into it slowly, not wanting to stretch it. It easily glides over my hips and up my stomach, yet when the hem reaches my chest, it becomes tight. A sigh falls from my lips as I look at myself. My dark hair contrasts the white in the best way, and the tan color of my skin adds to the effect. My breasts are threatening to spill out of the beaded cups, but they're not as bad as I thought. The only problem is my stomach. A slight pudge has formed just above my underwear line, causing me to press it down to try and make it disappear. I close my eyes and begin to take off the dress, it's not the one for me.

"Addie," Louis calls softly, causing me to pause my actions, "yeah?"

"Let me see." He coaxes and I sigh as I pull the thin straps back up my shoulders. I slowly open the wooden door and give him a meek smile. As soon as I fully come into view his blue eyes widen and his jaw slacks as he looks me up and down.

"Wow." Is all he says as he continues to take me all in.

"Does it look okay?" I ask in desperate need of his opinion. He shakes his head and runs a hand through his light brown hair, "Addie you look beautiful." His response makes my heart swell as a light blush forms on my cheeks.

"Are you sure?" I ask again and he nods, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth. A tiny set of footsteps echo across the floor before Mollie stands in front of me. A tiny gasp escapes her lips and she presses her hands to her cheeks, "princess!" She yells, causing me to laugh before turning back towards the dressing room.

I change quickly and take the other dresses out with me. I hang them as close as I can remember to where they originally were, while the white dress is still draped across my arm. Louis grins at me as I set it down on the counter.

"You're going to look absolutely stunning in this." Mollie's mom praises me and I gush, thanking her. The price of the dress wasn't as high as I thought it would be, catching me by surprise, yet I'm not complaining.

I thank the women one last time before bidding her and her adorable daughter goodbye. The rain has gotten heavier, causing Louis and I to rush to his car. I dramatically sigh as I plop into the leather seat, shaking my long hair, ridding it of the rain.

"I think that went pretty well." My friend tells me as we leave the busy London area and make our way back to school. The two of us argue over what looks best, a bow-tie or a tie, and I end up winning, with the bow-tie, meaning that's what he is going to wear on Saturday; Louis pouts the rest of the drive home.

"Home again." He turns towards me with a smile on his face, crinkling his eyes. I reach to grab the long dress bag and open the door.

"Thank you for everything, Lou! I'll see you tomorrow in class." I wave once more before watching him drive away, and luckily the rain has stopped.

I enter the complex as I hum along to the song that was on in the car. I am careful not to drag the dress across the dirty tiled stairs or across the second floor hallway. I fish my keys out of my purse, causing me to stop. Once I find them I quickly unlock the door and step inside. A small noise falls from my lips as the front of my foot hits a thin piece of paper. I pick it up with confusion, suddenly realizing it's a CD. I turn it over, curiosity lacing my movements. The dress almost slips from my grip when I read the sloppy handwriting on the disk, here is everything I couldn't say, H.

Helloooo! I hope you liked this update because it's going to be my last one for a day or so. *cue booing*. I'm going to the Luke Bryan concert tomorrow night with one of my bffs and we have to leave really early to get good seats so I doubt I will have time to update tomorrow! But I will post one or two chapters on Saturday because well I love you and I want to update for ya'll! Keep liking and commenting and I'll see you very soon. xx

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