Special Pet Part 8

Start from the beginning

    Margaret pretends to eat something, hoping the alien will understand. The alien says something she can't understand and leaves the room.

    Margaret gets out of bed to go find something to eat. The alien returns immediately.

    "No, Margaret!", he says, picking her up and placing her back in bed.

    Margaret starts crying. "I only wanted to get something to eat," she says in English. Of course, the vet can't understand her.

    "Stay," he says, but Margaret does not understand.

     An invisible forcefield is placed around Margaret's bed. Then the vet leaves the room again.

    Margaret is sitting up in bed crying. She doesn't understand why her owners' friend is treating her this way.

    The vet contacts Margaret's owner to let them know she's awake. He will give her owner a full update on her medical condition when they arrive.

    The vet then gives Margaret some pear slices in a bowl. She hungrily eats them all and asks for more, but the vet can't understand her. His speaks very kindly to the pet, but she can't understand him. Then he leaves her alone. (He doesn't want to give her too much food until he knows how her body will react.)

    Margaret tries to get out of bed again but cannot. She does not understand why and is frightened. She cries out for help.

    Having noticed her distress, the vet returns. He carefully picks her up and holds her.

    "It's okay, Margaret," he gently tells her. He gives her a cookie. Margaret happily eats it. She doesn't know it contains medicine to put her to sleep.

    The vet holds the pet until she calms, and then carefully puts her back in the soft, warm bed. She falls asleep shortly afterward.

    Margaret's owner arrives while she is asleep. They discuss the pet's condition with the vet. She will need to stay a few more days until she is stronger and keep taking medicine for the bacterial infection. She is much better already. Her owner waits patiently for the pet to wake up.

    Margaret is calm when she wakes up. Her owner comes to see her. Margaret is happy to see them again.

    Her owner picks her up and holds her. They ask her how she is doing, but Margaret can't understand them.

    "Drink," says Margaret.

    The vet goes to get her drink while her owner holds her, petting her softly.

    Margaret is very thirsty. She drinks all of her drink right away as soon as it's handed to her.

    Margaret wants to go home, but she doesn't know the word for that. She is also hungry. She pretends to eat, hoping someone will get the message.

    The aliens start speaking to each other, but Margaret can't understand them. The vet leaves Margaret and her owner alone. Margaret keeps trying to communicate. Her owner says something to her that she doesn't understand.

    About half an hour later, Margaret's owner looks at an interesting device which has made a sound. Recognizing the device from home, Margaret reaches for it. She wants to see what it is and what it does.

    "No, Margaret!," Quigor says, holding the device far away so she can't reach it.

    Margaret is carried across the room to a highchair similar to the one at her home. She is very carefully and gently placed in the chair. She is strapped in so she can't fall out.

    The vet brings food to Margaret. It is meatloaf and mashed potatoes with a glass of milk. Margaret is very happy. She hasn't had meatloaf in a long time.

    The aliens enjoy watching the happy pet eat her food. They are very glad she is doing so well now.

    Margaret is picked up and carried back to her bed when she is finished eating. She doesn't want to go back to bed so she asks "Play?"

    "No, Margaret," the vet tells her.

     Margaret tries to get away but she is held firmly. The aliens speak to each other. Margaret is carried to a different room and placed in a pen with toys. This time there are no other creatures in it to bite her. Margaret is allowed to play with the toys for about half an hour before she is carried back to bed by the vet. This time she takes a nap without a fuss. She is still quite weak.

    Things go on like this for the next few days, until Margaret is ready to be taken back home.

Author's Note: I hope you're enjoying Special Pet. If you like the story, please vote or comment. Thanks!

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