22 - growth

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summer of freshman year passed, and jimin and jungkook found themselves facing sophomore year. with jimin's sickness gone, and jungkook feeling the best of himself, the two love birds did almost everything together.

what's more better is that jungkook's parents accepted the fact they were together. they were happy he was happier.

taehyung and jimin were back to being best friends. after the incident between them where jimin pushed him out of his house, taehyung was very apologetic the next time he saw him in the summer, where he went to jimin and cried in front of his face. jimin gave him a huge hug and told him it was alright, and their friendship was patched up again.

when jimin and jungkook came back to school, they were attached to each other. this gave a lot of attention towards them, that a lot of people saw them. a lot were "awing" at the two love birds, where they would exchange cheek kisses and occasionally long lip kisses... oh yea, and a lot of 'i love you's'.

what was way better is that they had almost the same exact classes together.

it was a typical school day, and jungkook, jimin, and even taehyung, were eating lunch together at a table in the cafeteria.

"look," taehyung said, while eating his lunch. the two love birds sat across from him, giving each other boops on the nose while holding each other's hands.

"i'm trying to eat my lunch, can you stop booping for like a whole minute!" taehyung slammed his palms on the table, and yelled jokingly to the lovers.

"taehyung, will you ever be in a relationship?" jimin asked curiously.

taehyung looked at him, his jaw dropping.

"i don't know, and i don't care." taehyung then shoved a piece of mac and cheese in his mouth. jimin and jungkook looked at each other, and giggled.

taehyung looked up from his fork and sighed loudly.

"yah! quit it! so mean." taehyung then groaned, drinking his milk forcefully.


"thank fucking god." taehyung then stood up, and threw away his garbage, then stomped out of the cafeteria.

"hey! i'll text you later!" jimin waved to him, which made taehyung turn back, which he then gave a smile back to jimin.

jungkook looked at jimin and sighed, whispering towards him.

"are we being way too exposing?" he questioned super quietly to jimin's ear.

"nah, it's just tae being tae." then jimin turned back to jungkook, which initiated a chime of laughter between them, and then they both began to stand up to leave the cafeteria.


after school, jimin and jungkook went to the usual bridge. they feel really happy with each other. they want to do so many things together.

while holding hands, jungkook looks down at the water. fish swimming along, some swimming with their love ones. jungkook slips out a quiet smile, and sees jimin looking at him at the side.

"your smile is always so pretty." jimin said, while putting his hand behind jungkook's neck.

"yours is more prettier." jungkook said, cupping jimin's cheeks.

they both looked down back at the pond below them, quietness surrounds them for a few seconds.

"what do you want to do when you grow up?" jungkook asked. jimin looked at him as if he was insane.

"w-what?" jungkook started to 'pout mumble'. meaning, he was mumbling, but pouting at the same time.

"i want to spend time with you, forever." jimin said, which made jungkook blush extremely hard.

jimin slipped a kiss onto jungkook's right cheek, and giggled.

you seriously are the best thing that has happened to me. jungkook thought to himself.

"well i mean, maybe when i grow up... i sort of want to tell my life story to the whole world. how i grew up as a person?" jimin said, looking out into the world.

"you want to be a writer?" jungkook questioned. jimin shrugged, but then nodded.

"yea. it seems fun honestly!" jimin smiled to himself. 

"well, i'll support you no matter what." jungkook gave him a soft smile and leaned onto jimin's shoulder.

they both continued to talk. they planned so many things for the future. they were so in love. they wanted to be in love forever.

and that's what they were pushing to do.

to be continued.


sorry this is a short chapter :( next chapter will be much longer~!

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