16 - reverie

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a/n: prepare for a long chapter, and you might need tissues.

the next day was the day jimin was able to leave the hospital. the doctors said he's in good condition to go back home, but warned him to just take it easy especially with physical activities.

so in case jimin doesn't obey, jimin's mother told jungkook where the supplements will be if jimin forgets or whines, since what happened last time before the party.

it was about the afternoon, and jimin was accompanied by his mother, the doctor, and jungkook who was standing by him, who couldn't hold his smile in at all. his cheeks were gushing bright red.

"jimin, do you mind trying to stand up for us?" the doctor asked while holding a clipboard.

jimin simply nodded, and once he did, he slipped and fell to the ground.

"JIMIN!" jungkook screamed so loud, even though he was literally right there by the side of the bed if anything bad happened to him.

"ow..." jimin said, rubbing his knees. jungkook helped him up, being very worried. jimin's mom looked much more worried than jungkook though.

the doctor quickly examined jimin, lending another hand to help him up, but it was obvious he was shaking from his bottom legs.

"i feel... very weak on my legs." jimin admitted.

"is this normal?" his mother asked, while jimin was beginning to sit on the bed.

"it's normal, it's because of the side affects from the shots we gave while checking his blood cells. we'll offer you a wheelchair until you can walk and regain strength to do so." the doctor said, smiling.

"has this ever happened when he fainted in the past?" jungkook asked curiously to jimin's mother.

"the times he fainted was when it was just out of exhaustion. this time it's because of oxygen loss and the low amount of red blood cells in his body in general." his mother sounded disappointed again when she said that, which made jimin feel guilty. this was half of his fault for not taking the iron supplements he was supposed to take each day.

"i'll grab a wheelchair, but you are basically free to go!" the doctor said excitedly, and ran out to get a wheelchair for jimin.

since jungkook decided to stay during the whole week to help jimin, since that's the length of time the doctor said he will get better, he was going to pick up his clothes when they arrive back at jimin's place in seoul.

during the car ride back to seoul, since jimin's mom drove to busan, jungkook was really quiet and usually would only speak if jimin's mom asked any questions. jimin on the other hand just kept on staring outside from the window.

they both felt awkward speaking to each other with jimin's mom being in the same atmosphere as them.

however, this didn't prevent jungkook from looking at jimin. he couldn't keep his eyes off of him. not only was he worried, but was literally head over heels from him. he just wanted to take his cheeks and kiss his plump, soft lips.

he was so deeply in love with him.

he was the one person that made him feel truly happy.

"come here, i have room next to me." is what echoed in jungkook's head.

"i like you jungkook. not just as a friend, but more than that."

the time he confessed... jungkook began to think, he hasn't really spoken or asked if i liked him back.

and when i came to him before the party, he was panicking if he should tell me about him being sick or not. he never brought up the letter.

only taehyung knows i like jimin.

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