5 - distance

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hoseok: hey kook! do you think i could come over and we can work out this project there? my mom doesn't mind.

jungkook looks at his phone, seeing the text from hoseok. he smiled, picking it up and texting him right away.

jungkook: yea sure! my brother isn't home yet, but he'll understand.

he got up from his bed, since he took an hour nap. 

it's been about a month in the school year, and getting contact with jimin was just getting difficult and difficult. in fact, he hasn't been able to talk to him since the first week of school. he was more open, but he kept getting closed up when he sees him.

it was jimin's eyes that he got lost in. they were so beautiful to him, but he couldn't say anything since he was very shy.

and he didn't know why.

not only this, but girls were the other problem. people are also saying him and another girl are in some sort of relationship which crushed jungkook. maybe they aren't true?

even though hoseok was now his closest friend to him, he was still determined to talk to jimin, yet he barely sees him during lunches or after school. he feels like something went wrong and that he did something which jimin wants to avoid him.

this made him very worried.

each day and night, jungkook kept on getting nervous. what if jimin wasn't okay? he had no contact with him except by email, but jimin never replies on that. he doesn't even know his phone number at all.

15 minutes pass, and hoseok finally arrives at jungkook's apartment. they had a english language project where they had to talk about something that was "concrete" but add symbolisms and more meaning to it.

however, both of them were weak in their english so it was going to be very difficult. it even has to be a presentation.

"hey!" hoseok said from the door, jungkook smiles and lets him in.

they both make their way to jungkook's room and they decide to sit on the bedroom floor.

"so... what the heck are we going to write about?" asked hoseok. jungkook shrugged, and looked around his room, until he sees the paper airplane jimin gave to him that was just sitting on his dresser.

"you can keep this" immediately echoes in his head.

jimin... he thought to himself.

"a paper airplane!" he said to hoseok.

he doesn't immediately answer, his face shows immediate confusion.

"a paper airplane? where did that come from?" he questioned. jungkook shrugged and looked back at jimin's paper airplane that he gave when they first met.

he has been keeping that for more than a year now.

"well, okay. uh, a paper airplane is something that can fly right? but maybe once water hits it, it brings it down." hoseok begins to say meanings and symbolisms for it. jungkook then gasps and makes an "ah!" sound.

"a paper airplane is something really cool to people. when you see one fly, all attention goes towards it for the people that are around it. it connects people to each other." jungkook says really excitedly.

"that's a good one!" hoseok takes out his laptop and makes a document named "paper airplane symbolisms" and adds both of their ideas.

"what else...?" hoseok fades out, thinking.

jungkook thinks about deep meanings for it. it can fly, but it could be weak if water touches it. that water, maybe being the weak bonds of one person to the other?

"when you throw it to someone, they bring it back to you. it brings them forward to you. it creates stronger bonds the more it is thrown from one person to the next." jungkook comments.

hoseok nods in awe and continues to type.

"i really have no other idea. let's research some stuff." he scratches his head, and jungkook grabs for his own laptop that was on his bed.

when he opened his email, he saw something in his inbox.

"from park jimin"

he gasped, but he didn't want to be loud for hoseok to be curious. 

i have been emailing him for over a month and now he replies back? 

he took a deep breath and opened it. it was an email jungkook sent asking where has he been during lunch and after school.

from pjimin: stuff

jungkook grabbed his laptop and brings the screen right into his face.

"stuff"!? STUFF!? what is stuff? what can stuff be? 

why was he suddenly so dry with me?

jungkook pounds on the keyboard and replies:

to pjimin: what is 'stuff'. are you mad at me for something? what did i do?

he begins to get worried. he looked at hoseok and sighed. was this his fault? but what was even the problem? jungkook finally has a friend he can rely on, and if jimin wanted to be salty... then so be it.

jungkook opens the email again, and begins to type:

to pjimin: okay if you want to be salty with me then fine. i actually wanted to talk to you but you seem to be distant with me. sorry for being open now. it's just when i see you or approach you, i just get shy. are you jealous that i'm talking to hoseok more than you!?

his cursor was right on the "send" button.

he was breathing very loudly.

what am i doing!? 

jungkook immediately deletes the reply and shuts his laptop, putting his hands to his eyes.

why am i so pathetic!?

"jungkook, are you alright? what's wrong." hoseok said, looking back at him. he lifts his head from looking down and immediately shakes his head.

"it's alright, now where were we?"

to be continued.


oof, already drama. dun dun dunnnn.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter. i'm just curious if you have been clicking those videos i put up there! let me know if you like them. 

what do you think will happen with jimin and jungkook? what about hoseok?

comment below! <3

- zee

paper airplane || jikookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora