17 - soaring

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it was now the beginning of the week, where jungkook had to take care of jimin.

the next early morning, jungkook woke up cluelessly. that's just how he was in the morning, but once he opened his eyes, he saw jimin's face right there. his eyes shut, his lips close to his once again.

thump. thump. thump went his heartbeat.

his heart kept on beating faster and faster.

he wanted to brush his fingers on jimin's squishy cheeks. he had the sudden urge to do it.

that's when he remembered what happened last night.

"because, why would i leave the person i love?"

just from remembering what jimin said, he smiled so widely and happy. he wanted to kick the blankets from happiness but he didn't want to wake jimin up. he had to remember he was here to take care of jimin because he was sick and he wanted him to get better as fast as he can.

i know you can get better, i know it. jungkook thought to himself.

he quietly turned his position to where the lamp was, and grabbed his phone on the side table.

he clicked the home button and saw a text from jimin's mother.

jimin's mom: hi jungkook! left for work. i'll be back at around 5:30pm. my husband should be back at around 4pm from work as well. thank you so much!

jungkook smiled and texted back a quick 'you're welcome'! and put his phone away.

he then turned back to the inside of the bed and saw jimin already awake, his eyes halfway open, but he was smiling at jungkook, his cheeks puffed up while doing so.

"hi sleepy head." jungkook said softly, smiling. ever since jimin admitted he liked jungkook—no, loved him—he couldn't help but stop being so gushy and full of content now.

he had that urge to just kiss him already.

why didn't he even do it yet anyway?

did he want to take it slow?

"'sleepy head'? it's not like you were even awake a whole hour before i woke up." jimin chuckled, trying to reach for his phone that was on his side of the bed where the window was located.

"come on, let's see what is there for breakfast." jungkook started to get out of bed until he heard groaning from jimin.

jungkook turned around, seeing jimin placing a pillow over his head.

jungkook laughed to himself seeing the sight of jimin being sleepy. he decided to give him some more time to sleep since the last few days have been quite exhausting and rough.

"i'll just rummage through the kitchen i guess." jungkook put his slippers on, expecting an answer back, but jimin didn't respond, which made him throw a pillow at him.

"idiot." he joked to jimin, and began to walk out of the room, only to see the paper airplane that was sitting on jimin's clothing drawer that brought a smile to his face.

jungkook found lots of cereal in the cabinet, since he didn't really feel like cooking. he felt so tired today, so he thought about just chilling for most of the day and maybe dance a bit as well. he then realized he never showed jimin his dancing at all, and that he only mentioned it.

it's been about a whole hour or so since jungkook left the room, and jimin hasn't walked down to the kitchen yet.

"jimin!" jungkook screamed from the kitchen. "come down here, i found some cereal. it's going to get soggy if you don't hurry up. do you need help getting down?" he asked. he had to remember jimin couldn't quite walk yet since his legs were still weak.

"yea hold on, and no." he heard upstairs. jungkook didn't really like that answer, it worried him.

"are you sure-?" jungkook was grabbing two spoons—one for him and one for jimin—until he heard a thud near the stairs.

this brought a huge rush to jungkook's heart.

"fuck-" jungkook sped to the bottom of the staircase, only to see jimin on the floor lying down, not moving at all.

"holy shit! JIMIN! what did you... why did you walk down the stairs without my help! you know you can't walk yet. why-" that's when jungkook saw jimin crying to himself in a fetal position sobbing tears, leaving a puddle on the floor while it dripped from his face.

"why are you crying?" jungkook asked, worried. it was just the beginning of the day and he had to witness this. seeing jimin in pain made him ache in sadness.

"i was coming down the stairs, alright... until my vision went black and i couldn't walk properly. once i got to the second to last step, i tripped because i lost my balance. i almost fainted..." jimin muffled out his words, who was trying to massage his knees from the small fall. jungkook just kneeled there trying to calm jimin down.

you don't deserve this much pain and suffering. you really don't. jungkook thought to himself.

"i'm sorry." jimin said, looking at jungkook, and he grabbed his wrist. it was a tight grab.

"i won't make it." jimin suddenly said.

jungkook looked at him in confusion and shock.

"w-what..." jungkook looked at jimin once more. he felt so lost.

"why the hell would you say that!?" jungkook screamed at him, tears forming in his eyes. he wanted to take away this hell of a sickness away from jimin. he wanted jimin to feel healthy and positive.

jungkook looked at the ground, crying harder and harder.

i love you so much, please don't say that.


"don't say that... please." jungkook mumbled in between his huge breaths. he looked at jimin, eyes still pouring out with tears.

"what do you mean, 'don't'? jungkook... i have been taking those pills for a while but-"

"JIMIN STOP ACTING CLUELESS! i know you never took those pills frequently. are you calling me an idiot? i'm not. i know you are suffering but it won't go away if you don't take those supplements as frequently. you don't just have a stack of homework sitting on your desk and act like it'll do something! you don't just leave a paper airplane with uneven wings because it can't fly if it has some. jimin, i love you so much, please don't ever say you won't make it, because you will. i'm here for your help, i care about you so much..." jungkook smiled happily, letting a single tear drop from his right eye that landed onto jimin's hand.

jimin slowly got up, and wiped away his tears.

"you're right. i should be taking those supplements frequently, i'm so sorry. i'm such an idiot... i'm the idiot! i don't even know why you love me." jimin said, trying not to cry once more.

"i love you because you're more than just your handsome looks or your pretty face, you have a beautiful personality that shines so bright to others, which you should take advantage of you being bubbly and sweet that warms up everyone's hearts. the first time i met you with my eyes, i think the spark within me happened, but i didn't know what it was exactly. it warmed mine up, and now you are really mine. i know you are strong and brave. you managed to come back when your heart rate flattened and it came back. you are strong, and i love you for that." jungkook helped jimin sit into his wheelchair that was already brought down by jimin, apparently.

jimin smiled, and even with weak legs, stood up and gave jungkook the longest and warmest hug he can possibly get.

"thank you for being here for me. i love you so much." jimin gave a smile, and wheeled himself to the kitchen to take his supplements and then began to eat cereal.

jungkook looked at his boyfriend, smiling with glee.

you really are strong and brave.

you will make it, and i know it.

i love you, prince.

to be continued.


the ff is ending soon :( im sad i need to plan my new one asap!

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