9 - invitation

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what if it's soon?

what if i won't make it?

what did i do to deserve this?

"goody two shoes"

what if i am nice, is it my fault?

is it my fault i'm trying to keep breathing?

i'm sorry.


jimin awoke from a disturbing nightmare. he felt dried tears around his eyes, and he had no idea why. his messy bangs were covering his face, and all he saw was his pale hands right below him.


before i forget. he thought to himself.

he grabbed a sheet of paper and did his usual business.

he kept on smiling to himself.

and he had no idea why.


jungkook got up from his bed, and went to the kitchen to make some coffee, americano latte to be exact. ever since he realized he actually likes jimin as a crush, he was smiling so widely and was very happy to text him frequently now. 

but he knew admitting it was going to be difficult.

he couldn't even realize he actually liked him until summer...

jungkook dropped his head onto the kitchen table about to grab an apple.

why am i so shy?

how is jimin so outgoing?

and i'm not.

his brother was out for work early today, so he had the apartment to himself. that meant dancing was going to be his top priority today since he enjoyed it a lot as a free hobby.

it was a bit over noon, and jimin has not texted anything yet at all. he usually was the one to text him first before jungkook does. 


jungkook looked at his phone after drinking his americano, and noticed that it was from jimin.

finally. he thought.

jimin: hey.

jungkook looked at his text, and immediately grabbed his phone.

jungkook: everything okay? you sound a bit off :(

did i really add a ':(' to my text... that is not me at all.

jimin: it's fine, i just had a bad dream last night.

jungkook: aw:( did you get to sleep some more?

jimin: yes! that's sort of why i didn't text you until later on, i'm sorry.

jungkook felt instant relief, knowing nothing bad was going on.

paper airplane || jikookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें