
Combine them all - that's how I feel right now. I can't believe mum refused to help her. What kind of mother do I have?

Before I left for England, I called our general and told him Mona's situation. I asked him a favor to do the search and rescue operation in discreet. Donald sent a photo of the black van that was used by the people who abducted Mona. Dane was able to take a picture. When they ran the plate number, it turned out to be fake.

Donald was able to talk to my dad discreetly, so all airports have been locked down to prevent them from flying out of the country. Every second that passes without knowing that she's safe is killing me and it's draining my energy and strength. I feel like I am losing my sanity. I am about to land in the landing area of the private garden of the palace and I have never been this scared my whole life...scared with what news will I receive from my dad about their search for her. Only me, my dad and Donald knew about the operation.

When we landed, I was basically running towards dad's suite. We agreed to talk and wait for news in his suite to avoid disruption and suspicions from my mother. I was walking fast in the hallway towards his suite when I bumped into my sister.

"Hey brother! Watch where you're going...wait, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just tired from the long flight...I'll talk to you later sis."

"Alright...I think I deserved that...see you around."

I felt guilty but I really just want to talk to dad right now and see if there's news about Mona already.

When the guards at dad's suite saw me, they immediately opened the door for me. I rushed inside and found dad pacing the room.


"Son....there's still no news. They have practically search the entire country but they didn't find the van or any sign of her..."


"The press found out about the locked down of the airports and started questioning about it...Donald found an excuse for it but I had to order it to stop before your mother suspects and Mona's situation leaks...we can't help her further if the public finds out who she is...I'm sorry son..."

Anger took over me. I punched the first thing that I saw...which was dad's mahogany desk. My dad was startled and my hand started bleeding but I felt numb of the pain. I'm so angry with myself right now. If only I could trade places with Mona right now, I will. I can't imagine what she is going through right now...if she's still alive....the thought of her dead is not bearable.

"This is all my fault....I put her through this. I ruined her peaceful life.....if it wasn't for me, she will be happy and safe right now....I did this to her dad...how am I going to live with that...if something bad happens to her?"

"No son...this is not your fault. Don't blame yourself. This was bound to happen but we could have prevented it if your mother did not order the pull out of her bodyguards."

My heart sank. My own mother refuse to care for the woman I love...another sad reality but I can't blame her for it. I can't blame anyone else but myself. I started pacing the room, there's gotta be someone who can help us. I don't care who would it be...but there's gotta be someone. And yes...there is....Alex.

I stumbled to find my phone. I scrolled thru my contacts to find Alex's number but I can't find it. Damn it! I dialled Donald's number instead.

"What is it son?" My dad asked but I didn't answer him as Donald already answered my call.

"Donald...I need you to find Alex's number for me."

"Prince Alex of Monaco? Why?"

"Yes...yes. I can't seem to find his number. Just get it for me please...maybe Dane has it? Or...or Mona...she should have his number on her phone....do we still have her phone? Can you have Dane access it?"

"Oh yeah...we have her phone...hold on. I'll ask Dane..."

I was stomping my foot while waiting, somehow I found a new hope. With Alex's connections we could widen the search for Mona...it should be a big help.

"Harry, we found it. I am texting the number right now...let us know what's this about later, alright?"

"Yes...yes. Bye."

I got Donald's text as soon as we hung up. I didn't waste any second. I called Alex's number right away. It kept on ringing until it went to his voicemail. Damn it!

"Alex...it's me, Harry. Call me as soon as you get this. There's an emergency. It's about Mona..."

I hung up after leaving a message. Please...please call now....call now. I kept whispering. My dad watched me sympathetically and with hopeful eyes. I know he already understood why I had to call Alex. It would be a big help in finding Mona.

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