Chapter 25: Unbroken

Start from the beginning

“Do you think it’s a good idea if I visit my parents?” I asked him.

He shrugged, “You’re never going to know if you don’t try. You have to settle this thing you have with them.”

I let out a big sigh, “I think today’s that day. I want to be unbroken again. I don’t want to have any more problems.”

“Let’s go. We’ll settle it right now.”

                                     We drove over to my parents’ house and my mom opened the door.

“Kayla? What are you doing here?”

“Can we talk?” I asked.

“I’ll get your dad. Come in.”

                                     Dylan and I sat on the couch and waited for them. The living room brings back so many memories. The memories of the intervention, meeting Ben for the first time in years, and my whole recovery in general. A few minutes later mom and dad came into the living room and sat down.

“I don’t want you to say anything,” I started, “I want to work things out. I know you don’t like the choices I’ve made, but it’s my life. Dad… I mean Ben, has changed. He has his life put together and I didn’t deserve the message you sent to me. I know you’re mad, but you’re still my parents. Mom, you’ve been there for me through everything. You protected me and I love you for that. Dad… you’re always going to be my dad. You were there when Ben wasn’t and you raised me. I don’t want us to be a broken, screwed up family. I want us to be a real family.”

“Before you say anything in response,” Dylan added, “Remember everything you’ve already done for her. You supported her and helped her when she needed it. If you lose her, you lose David too. You’ve already lost Alicia, do you really want to lose them too?”

                                     Mom looked over at dad a few times almost like she was looking for an answer. Dad had his hands folded and was just staring into space. She looked like she was getting angry and she finally lost it.

“I didn’t even send that message! Kayla I don’t even know what it said.”

“Wait… what?” I said.

“What are you doing?” Dad asked mom.

“It wasn’t me,” mom said, “Your dad just read me your response… I…”

“Stop!” Dad said.

“Dad!” I yelled, “How could you? You know how hard things have been for me. You’re one of them that helped me and then you go and push me over the edge. What happened to the dad I knew?”

He threw his hands in the air, “I was drunk! I was in my study and I was angry.”

“This is ridiculous!”

“Okay let’s all calm down,” Dylan said, “We’re not here for a fight, we’re here to work things out. Kay?”

I let out a big sigh, “You’re right. I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight anymore. I want this to be behind us. What do you say?”

Mom answered immediately, “Of course honey. I’ve been waiting to call you. I’m so sorry.”

“And Dad?”

He readjusted in his chair, “I guess the way I dealt with the situation was wrong, but I’ve never liked Ben.”

“Just give him a chance!” I pleaded, “Please? You won’t regret it. He’s changed.”

“Fine. I’ll give him a chance.”

I smiled, “So we’re good?”

He smiled back, “We’re good.”

*Interview Next Day*

Interviewer: Your entire career has mostly been revolved around Demi. Your fans have been talking and some of them want you to break free from that. What do you think about that?

Kayla: My career has never been about Demi. She’s my best friend and she helped me recover, but my career’s not about her. If anything it should revolve around my brother David since he’s the one that sent out my cover of It’s Your Life. I don’t mind that the fans pay attention to who I hang out with, but it shouldn’t be mixed up with my career.

Interviewer: What do you have to say about the new album then?

Kayla: Demi, Simone and I just know first-hand how bad bullying is. We used that one similarity and turned our music into one album. We’re all really passionate about trying to stop bullying.

Interviewer: Moving onto your personal life, you’ve never been really secretive about it. Everyone knows you’re engaged, but no one knows when you’re getting married.

Kayla: the wedding is still in the planning stages. We’re giving ourselves just enough time to plan the wedding because we don’t want a long engagement.

Interviewer: Is your family supportive?

Kayla: My family is supportive. They know Dylan really well too. They are all very happy for us.

Interviewer: I have one more question. You have had a long, difficult journey and what has been the most rewarding?

Kayla: I’m just an overall better person. I’ve met some amazing friends, I found Dylan, and I’m unbroken just like Demi always says. I feel like nothing can tear me down now.

*End of Interview*


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