Chapter 42

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Fawns pov

" have you seen Venus today?" I asked Claire,
" oh no I haven't I'm sorry, she wasn't at church yesterday, and I didn't see her in Main Street on my way here as I always do" she shrugged and kept talking to me about Caleb a little bit, but Claire never wants to really let out her feelings so she only gave me bits and pieces. Though I wonder where Venus is, she never misses, she'd rather be at school than her own house surprisingly. Usually, she's never home though, that's one of her Demons she refuses to deal with.

" oh great Autumn Blat is heading our way" Claire rolled her eyes as the blonde headed girl walked our way, many people called her the queen of the snakes, mostly cause she could never be trusted and she's known to sleep around, you know the normal popular mean girl but on the inside she's dying.
" well hello Claire and Fawn, how's your morning going?" She smirked faking to care,
" wonderful Autumn, you? Oh wait we don't care now why are you taking your precious time to talk to us" Claire growled at her,
" wow, way to greet an old friend, well anyway I just wanted to know your little friend Lance just bought some drugs off my boyfriend" her words hit my heart like a arrow stabbing through my chest, surprising and painful.
" wait what?" I took a step forward toward her,
" Lance Evans bought some coke off my boyfriend, well soon to be ex because  personal reasons" she said with a sigh. I couldn't even wrap my head around what she had just spilled to me, how? Why? What? When? Why is she telling us this? Can she be trusted ?
" Okay Miss. old friend why are you even telling us this? You don't care about him" Claire said interested in what she had said, Autumn took a deep breathe looking down then into Claire's eyes, it seemed as she was emotional, maybe even experiencing true sympathy for someone else.
" Claire, I know we don't talk anymore and we haven't for a long time but I saw him at a party snorting a line and I'm not lying cause it was my idea" she paused for a long moment,
" I didn't think he'd get so hooked, he's been doing it for a couple weeks now, always at my boyfriends snorting lines and smoking weed like it's candy, I'm telling you because it's too late for everyone else and maybe me but not him, so help him" Autumns voice cracked, she wiped the tears that had almost formed in her eyes away. She put her armor back on and gave Claire and me a fake smile rolling her eyes making a scene to her friends as she walked away. There was nothing but silence between Claire and I, what was there to say? Truly nothing, nothing but our unbelief and sadness spoke in the roaring hallway of unsatisfied teenagers.

" I can't even believe this" I broke the silence looking into my cousins mourning eyes,
" well, sometimes I guess we all get in our own crowds, lance decided that we weren't enough for him" she sighed getting the rest of her books out of her locker, she didn't wanna talk, she was just gonna ignore the pain so she didn't have more suffering than she already did. " I'll see you after 1st hour Fawn, love ya" she saw Lindsay meeting her by the door walking into their class, unlike Claire I'm not good at leaving situations alone. And since Venus isn't here I'm forced to figure it out on my own. Lucky for me lance is the person I sit next to in English, I slammed my locker shut hurrying to class hoping lance was in class. I took a deep breathe before walking in, and behold sat the washed up boy I used to know so well, Lance Evans, the goofball of the class and in any place he entered, the beautiful light that shines even in the darkest places, a soul that lingered for love and never seemed to receive the same affection he gave away. That boy was no more, I had no idea who this boy was, so pale and tired, but you beat believe I was going to fight tooth and nail to get him back. I stormed my way to my seat taking a seat setting down my backpack down on the floor, I turned to him ready to scream, but, what good what that do? I sighed looking at him, his eyes were dull, nothing stood out.
" hey, are you okay?" I spoke softly,
" shouldn't you be asking yourself that?" He spat rolling his eyes, difficult, stubborn, why am I not surprised ?
" Listen Lance, can you shut up about me for two seconds and answer the damn question",
" okay, you wanna be that way? I'm better at being rude and straight to the point. So here's your answer, no, I'm not fine, I am very very hurt and not okay. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He sighed shaking his head and began sketching his little doodle again.
" I heard you have been doing drugs" that's when the tone changed, he gritted his teeth and the tip of his pencil presses the paper so hard it crumbled. " of course you did, what don't you find out, you can't mind your own God damn business can you? My God! " he threw his pencil down shaking his head staring into my eyes, he looked absolutely insane, his eyes were so dark and full of hatred.
" Obviously it's serious enough for me to find out, what is going on dude?" I tried to touch his shoulder but he shook me off quickly " because it's fun and I want to okay! I found a new place where I fit in and I have no cares, people change and people leave - you of all people should know that. Now that I gave you the answer why don't you stay the hell away from me and why don't you just quit talking to me all together and go spend time with Venus or whatever perfect friend you have in your perfect life, don't ever talk to me again!" He got up grabbing his stuff, he was about to storm off when he turned looking into my hazel eyes,
" do yourself a favor, stop trying with me Fawn, this is my life not yours don't try to change me" he turned away storming out of the class leaving everyone staring at me including our teacher, I was at a loss of words, I just sunk down in me seat shoving my face in a book hoping my teacher just left it alone.

Still no texts or calls from Venus, I needed to talk to her about this, she had to know because I couldn't hold this in any longer. And not knowing where she is, it's driving me insane.
" hey Fawn" the sweet voice spoke, it was a beautiful melody in my ears, the best thing I've heard all day.
" hey Andrew" I smiled softly at him,
" ready for acting? I know you got this, we are gonna do great" I nodded with a deep breathe trying to forget what had just happened with lance for now, because later I am gonna have to try to figure out how to clean up the mess.
" thanks, I think it's gonna be good as long as you don't forget your lines" I joked, of course it was cheesy and a horrible joke but he still laughed nudging me as we walked.
" I guess you'll just have to have a little faith in me won't you now? " he smiled,
" yeah, some sort of faith" I breathed out looking at him as we walked down the overpopulated hallways. Noah came up behind Andrew grabbing him putting his arm around his neck laughing as they messed around.
" oh um Noah, have you heard or seen Venus today?" I was hoping for a yes or even a maybe he had seen her today but all I got was a disappointing no. I sighed biting the inside of my cheeks again letting my anxiety build up,
" weird she is usually always here, maybe she's sick or something it's still early she could be sleeping " andrew smiled trying to calm my nerves as he always did trying to help me.
" maybe, I guess we will see" the three of us walked, not really talking, more just like the both of them talking to me, I tried to listen and I really wanted to just forget everything but something wasn't right and I couldn't figure out what it could be.

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