Chaper 1

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"You're a waste of space, you're a disgusting human being!" My eyes shot open as the yelling woke me up from my peaceful slumber.

I layed there for a while listening to the sweet sounds of my mother and her pathetic boyfriend screaming at each other. "I hate you!" She yells.

I rolled my eyes as I slowly got up from bed. My eyes scanned my small room searching for the box that said "Clothes." I quickly saw the big box next to my closet doors. I scooped up the box and put it on my bed and began looking for a decent outfit for my first day at a new school. I wouldn't say first day since this would be my sixth time moving. Let's just say my mom has a habit of getting into very complicated, toxic relationships so the nerves that you should have on your first day doesn't truly happen for me.

I finally find a plain black v-neck long sleeve shirt and a pair of ripped light blue jeans. I make my way to my bedroom door, but just before I could open it, the door swings open by itself revealing my little brother.

"What do you want, Jace?" I looked down at him, seeing that he was still in his little train pajamas.

"I need help finding my clothes and mom won't help me." He cried.

I sighed and lightly smiled at him. "Okay, lets go." I said as I followed him back to his room that was across the hall from mine.

I started looking around his room quickly to find the bright red t-shirt and some wore out jeans I set out for him last night laying on the dresser. Handing him the clothes and starting to make my way to the door "Hurry up so you're not late." I teased before exiting the room.

Taking a deep breath I cautiously made my way to the living room. I saw my mom's boyfriend sprawled out on the couch with the tv remote in his hand and beer in the other. "Hey Vickie," he spat at me.

My mouth cringed at the sound of his voice. "It's Venus." I whisper as I walked straight into the kitchen to find my mom cooking something. The smell was mixed with stale cigarettes and burning hair. I scrunched my nose and attempted to plaster on a smile knowing that cooking wasn't one of my Mom's few talents but at least she was trying.

"Hey Vee, good morning." She smiled and kissed my head.

I glanced, seeing her dull blonde hair that fell on her shoulders hiding the faint bruise that danced on her neck. She tried so hard to hide it but I knew what he was doing to her behind closed door. He wasn't the first and no matter how hard she tried to reassure me deep down I knew he wouldn't be the last.
"Morning" I chuckled as I grabbed an apple off the kitchen table.

"So, you excited to be going to Church Hill High?" She asked while she turned back around to focus on whatever disgusting creation laid in the pan.

"Just another school, nothing to be excited about." I sighed, biting into my apple.

"Come on Vee, at least be a little excited." She laughed and looked at me.

"I'll be excited when we can stay in one place for more than a month." I rolled my eyes and throw my apple away.

My mom looked at me flashing hurt across her face "Bye mom." I quickly said before leaving the kitchen.

I slipped on my black, high top Converse and grabbed my big backpack. "Come on Jace!" I yelled as I waited for him at the front door.

Before I knew it, my brother ran to the front door ready and set to go. I looked at him and laughed. "Wow, That's a first" surprised that he actually was able to get himself together without supervision.

He looked at me and opened the door "Don't get me started," he rolled his eyes before making his way outside.

I follow behind him feeling the cool, September air hit my skin as I shut the door. He skipped to the end of the driveway, waiting for me. I laughed at him and made my way to where he was standing. "Jace-"

Before I could even finish what I was saying, he wrapped his small arms around my waist. "I love you Vee. Have a good first day." He quickly said before running off to his bus stop with all the other kids. For a 8 year old boy he held such courage and bravery, never fearing the unknown in life. I admire that so much about him , wishing that one day I could hold such traits.

I looked at him as he left. "I love you more." I whispered.

He turned around and waved good-bye to me, jumping on to the bus. I smiled back at him and started my walk to school. While I walked, I couldn't help but notice all the beautiful fall trees. They were so mesmerizing as the colorful leaves fell upon my walk. As I continued down the cement path , I listened to all the passing cars, when all of a sudden, I heard this clicking noise comimg from down the street. I turned around to see this old, beat up jeep slowly passing by me. I let out a small laugh as a young guy possibly around my age barely chugged down the pavement.

Soon after, I came up to this huge light gray brick building that people were quickly rushing into. I took a long deep sigh as I creeped my way to the double doors.
"Church Hill High, here I come." I mumbled under my breath. I swung the big doors open to see people flooding the halls. The nerves started to build up in the pit of my stomach as I just stood there, staring at all the people. I probably looked like a lost puppy in the wilderness as my breath started to get caught in my throat.

"Hey there, you need some help?" A guys voice rang through my ears. I turned around to see a tall , skinny guy in black jeans and oversized gray shirt that had his thin body swimming in. He had deep blue eyes that kinda sunk into his pale face, I barely noticed his short sandy hair that sprung alive on his head.

"Here, let me see your classes." He said. I reluctantly handed him the paper in my hand and he quickly scanned it.
"Oh, you have your first classes with me, and your locker is right next to mine," he perked up as he started walking.
I kinda just stood there in slight shock before quickly following him. Who is this kid? I thought once we come up to to a tan metal locker.

"So Venus, I'm Lance." He smiled as he start to open up my locker for me.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned as I could feel my body start to tense up not used to his forward hospitality.

"It says it on your schedule." Lance laughs handing my class schedule back. I take the paper and shoving it into my back jean pocket.

"Well thank you for showing me my locker." I said giving him a slight smile before starting to walk away hoping he wouldn't follow. I made it about a few inches before Lance started to walk aside me down the hall.

"So, Vee, can I call you that?" Lance said not allowing me to respond before he continued on "Anyways, seeing that you are my new locker buddy the least I could do is help you around this place. I will be like your little tour guide"

I couldn't help but let out a little laugh at this guy, he was so forward and I could feel his erratic energy in his words and fast pace movements. Part of me wanted to tell him to leave me alone but I couldn't shake off this trust worthy presence he gave off so I continued to walk beside him giving him a slight nod.
"Okay " I whispered as we started to approach a class room that was full of people that were already settled in their seats.

"You can sit behind me." Lance said before taking a quick seat in the back corner. Without hesitation I sat down behind him in the last row. I felt a slight relief  when the cold metal slid against my skin as I sunk deeper into my seat. I scanned the room seeing some people deep in conversation and others laughing and joking. I just wanted to get through this day without being noticed but if I'm being honest with myself someone was bound to notice the new girl. I turning my head forward seeing Lance digging his pencil into the desk attempting to doodle without a care if anyone noticed.

I have been to many schools in my life mostly ones deep in the crazy cities, but no one has ever took the time out to show me any sort of kindness or helpfulness as Church Hill High has already shown me. In this small town everything seemed to flow so smoothly as if it was in its own bubble untouched by the outside world. How can a place so peaceful and happily unknown find a place for someone like me , someone so lost and broken in her life ? The thought developing into my head as I found myself sinking deeply into myself.

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