Chapter 15

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          The morning burned through my window shades feeling the warm light rest upon my fair skin. I groaned as my alarm busted through my ear , interrupting my sweet sleep. I quickly turned it off as I starred up at my bedroom ceiling. Thinking about yesterday, remembering the feeling that still lingered burning inside me, and the kiss that Fawn and Lucas secretly shared that Amber guilt-fully watched. But the one I couldn't seemed to forget was Lance, and the way I drowned in his eyes .
           I slowly got up as I made my way to the bathroom, noticing that it was surprisingly quiet. I turned on the faucet splashing my face with the ice cold water , trying to get all of it out of my head. I looked up watching the water fall down my face as my reflection stared back at me. I looked at myself, I couldn't help but feel this deep emptiness , but last night was the first time that I felt full . I wanted more of it I want to feel that fire everyday because it was such a feeling that took over me that made me want to surrender . My eyes started to fill up with tears as I thought about it all, how at any moment that this will suddenly all go away.
"Venus!" Her voice echoed through the house as my focus quickly turned toward the bathroom door.
"Yes , Mom " I yelled back as I wiped some of the escaped tears that fell from my eyes
"Come here " she yelled even louder ,My eyes rolled a little knowing that this couldn't be good. I quickly walked out to the living room "wha-" my words got lost as I saw Fawn standing there. She looked nervous as her dark blue dress swayed at her knees, she smiles at me as are eyes met. I stood there for a second in shock the realizing that I wasn't even fully dressed.
"Fawn.. what you doing here"I lightly laughed as my mom stared at me before rolling her eyes walking back to kitchen.
"I thought you might want a ride to school, my brother has a lot of room in his car" she lightly smiled as she just stood there with her hands by her side. I looked down at myself and back at her
"Well let me just run and go put something and then we can go" I quickly said still in shock as I sped to my room Not taking a second more as I put on a pair of blue jeans and maroon sweatshirt . I slipped on my black converse and put my mess of hair into a bun, grabbing my heavy backpack swing it over my shoulder. I ran out there seeing her still standing there looking around "ready" I laughed little out of breath.
Fawn looked at me with her hazel eyes as she laughed opening the front door for me as I quickly walked out . A big rusty old car sat there waiting for us as its engine clicked . Fawn came up behind and nudged me "I told him to get a new one but he insists that she is just perfect " she laughs as we walked to the car "it's a she" I laughed with her as I jumped in the backseat.
Fawns brother had dark red short hair and beautiful hazel eyes similar to fawns. Two black thick lines wrapped around his large bicep , he looked tough and reckless. Suddenly he turned to me.  " so you are the new girl" he smirked and backed out of my driveway. Fawn rolled her eyes.           " Scott stop I am sure she doesn't want to tell you all about her freaking life" she groaned and smiles at me. I chuckled little "no it's fine and yes the name is Venus " I looked out the window as the car clicked down the street. "Well Venus , good luck with this loser" he lightly hit fawns shoulder. "Shut up " she said hit him harder.
I lightly smiled as the rain slowly fell down of the car window. It reminded me of how the cold water slowly fell down my face this morning and how it felt. How empty I have been for as long as I can remember, and just one place made me feel somewhat full. 
"Venus , we are here" Fawn said as my eyes shot open seeing the Church Hill High. I rubbed my eyes and jumped out Scott's junk of a car. I gave him a nod to show my appreciation as I caught up to Fawn .
         We walked in silence, I could tell something was bugging her . Before I could say anything Amber came walking up to us like she knew I was going to say something. I quickly shut my mouth as Amber glances at me with those guilty eyes then smiled at Fawn . "Hey girls" Amber smiled. Fawn looked up and softly smiled at her "hey Amber " then looked down again. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at Amber, she wiped her hands against her pants all nervous "is everything okay Fawn" Amber asked looking at her. As I watched Amber I knew there wasn't something right . "Fawn we should get the class before we are late" I quickly said before she could say anything to Amber. Amber looked at me with wide eyes I could tell she was scared ... not sure of what, but most likely because I saw more than she wanted me to. "Yeah I will talk to you later " Fawn smiled as we walked away from Amber.
Fawn sat down quickly not making any eye contact with anyone. I have this knact for knowing when something is wrong with someone, it could be a total stranger, and I'd know exactly how they were feeling. I guess you could say it's some sort of power or gift. Something was definitely bothering her . "Fawn .. what is wrong " I whispered looking at her . She took a deep breath as she looked at me "what you talking about? " she tried to play it off as she looked at me. "Fawn... come on I can see it" I sighed as her eyes looked down at her hands . "It's just some stuff going on with this boy" she whispered playing  with the ring on her finger. "Lucas?" I questioned , her eyes got wide as she tried not to show me the reaction as her cheeks became as red as her hair.  "Fawn ... I can see the way you guys look at each other plus I saw you guys kiss" I chuckled little looking at her . Fawns head shot up as she looked at me with wide eyes.              "you did ?" She whispered leaning closer to me. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me, but tell me what is wrong ". She leaned back in her seat and sighed "well he has been distant lately I guess I mean he always thinks there is something wrong with me or like He is always on edge around me.... I don't know " she kept her eyes on her hands as she said the words. I thought about her words like I was taking notes in my head. I thought about how Amber was acting and they way she always was on high alert.
"Fawn ... I can see the way he acts around you and he definitely has feelings for you. I am not sure what is going on with him but whatever it is I am here it's all okay" I tried to comfort her remembering the way Lucas' eyes started to glow at the sight of Fawn and they way he kissed her. "Thank you Venus " she smiled at me before turning toward the teacher as he started to go on about his boring weekend.
My mind started to think about Amber and fawns words about Lucas. I was so confused but I was determined to figure out what was going on . Something about all of this didn't seem right and I couldn't fight the urge off to help her.

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