Chapter 4

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As I turned my head I caught a glimpse of this pretty dark haired girl, with emerald green eyes. You definitely could tell she wasn't from here, not just because it's a small town, but by the way she presented herself. She looked very city like, with dark pants and high top converses. She wore a nice black jacket and a lacy top. No one in church town ever looked like that. We had more of a country vibe to us. Of course Lance was showing her around, that goofy kid was already all over her. He was probably claiming her before all the other guys jump up and come to her rescue.

She walked by, and I flashed her a quick smile as she took her seat with Lance right next to her. "Hello, how is everyone?" The teacher asked setting down his bag on his desk as he grabbed some books out of it.

He kept babbling on about his weekend and about his kids doing something. Mr.Lake's family life didn't interest me much, it never did. All I wanted to do was go to church and see Lucas; gosh, he wouldn't ever leave my mind. It was quite annoying at times about how much I thought of him, but other times it was like a ongoing dream I never wanted it to disappear. He was just so perfect to me, from the way he looked to the way he has this kind and warming personality that always pulls me in, grabbing my attention.

Mr.Lake started calling off attendance as usual, everyone muttering a "here" once their name was called, until he came to a uncommon name, one that was new around here, "Venus Cadwell." He called out with a fake smile, you knew he didn't really care. He would rather keep babbling about himself. The pale girl raised her hand, and with a small voice said "here." He nodded at her and then continued with his lesson for today.

I wondered what Venus's story was and why out of all places she choose to move to a small town such as Churchhill. I wondered about her life and family and why her name is Venus. I know Fawn is not a grand slam name, but still. I wondered how her parents came up with Venus.

All these questions were running through my head, as I wondered if I should befriend this girl, I was totally unfocused. I just couldn't get my mind off of her, she just seemed mysterious, nothing like the people here. Because in this small town, everyone knew everyone, and then she comes in like the mystery she is, making me go crazy with questions about who she was and why she came here.

Finally, the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and threw my backpack over my shoulder. I was trying  to leave the class, but someone was in my way blocking the door.  No big shock, it was Lance.

"What's up dude?" I said with a small laugh.

"You should meet Venus," he said excitedly.

I looked at him with a confused look and just nodded my head."Well okay."

I saw her walk towards us ready to leave, but stopped once she saw that Lance was blocking the way to freedom. He looked at me while smiling, "Meet the new girl."

I turn to her as she introduces herself. "Hey, I'm Venus." She said with a small smile.

"Fawn Hunter" I smirked and made my way past Lance. "Nice to meet you Venus!" I called out as I walked off smiling. She seemed kind. She just looked so nervous though, but everyone's nervous on the first day of school, especially if it's the first day at a new school, in a new town.

As I got to my locker I passed each group of people that make up high school: the jocks, geeks, snobs, blonde squad, loners, stoners, and lastly the people who never stop making out. They were all in their own little group, and as I looked at them, I realized I wasn't in one. I didn't have a group and maybe that was a good thing. I wasn't categorized into something, I had no label other then Fawn. In all my years of school I was never put into a group, I just talked to everyone and went on about my day. It was weird that I never really noticed it. 

I grabbed the rest of my books and walked past the groups again, this time trying to not think so hard about it. After all, we are all the same, we are all people with ours flaws and our mistakes, with our bad days and our sunny days. It's not fair to be labeled, and I know that, but I just can't seem to help it, especially when everyone was separated into groups.

I walked to my next class, smiling at the people I knew and giving them a small wave. Entering the door I plop down in the seat next to Claire.

"So, are you excited to see Lucas?" She teased once I got to my seat.

"Shut up," I laughed and pulled out a pencil, along with my book and some paper.

"Oh come on! I know you are, you're always excited to see him. I don't even need to ask." She rolled her eyes playfully at the last thing she said.

"I'd be more excited if we weren't a secret, I just have to shove my feelings down in front of people, you know how hard that is?"

She nodded and gave me a small half smile. "That's what you get when you date the pastor's kid," she laughed and turned around giving her full attention to front of the room when the teacher begin the lesson for today.

I thought for a couple moments, Claire did have a point, dating our youth leader's child did have its perks, but most of them weren't good. though it was my choice to make, no matter how bad our relationship seems, I was completely and utterly in love with Lucas Grier. The secret part didn't matter as much as long as I had him.

But the thing is, people always do crazy things for love, people make sacrifices, people make choices, and all for a love that may not last in the end.

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