Chapter 10

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My feet dragged me down the narrow hallways, towards the lockers where I found Claire talking to Amber and Lindsey. These girls were just as close to us as we were to each other, we hung out almost every waking minute of our lives. They were twins with a beauty that was one of a kind, it was the type that would make all the girls envious; Their skin was a light tan color, the kind of color people would pay thousands of dollars for. Their hair was so curly, but not like the ratty kind. Their curls laid on their shoulders and bounced with every movement. Their lips were full, they were the perfect kind of lips that every boy desired to kiss. Amber and Lindsey were the type of girls that every boy wanted. Whoever they talked to, always wanted to be their friend.

"Hey guys!" I said cheerfully once they were in my view.

They turned towards me, each with a cheerful grin on their face. "Hey!" They all said back at once.

"We were just talking about Jay and how he was supposed to ask Lindsey on a date." Claire said with a wink.

When I turned to look at Lindsey, I could tell that her beautiful tan skin was turning a shade of pink. She looked as if she was blushing, and her smile was so wide as well— did she actually like this guy?

"So. . . you like him?" I asked. She shook her head trying to deny it, but we all knew that was a lie. We looked at each other and laughed.

Amber then directed the attention towards me, "Well what about you Fawn? How's Lucas?"

I shrugged, "He's doing good, I mean he's Lucas! We've been dating for 2 years now! It's great honestly." For some reason it felt like a lie just rolled off  my tongue and placed it self in the air for all to hear. But thankfully nothing was said, Amber just smirked and nodded at my response. "What about you?" I asked Amber, "don't you got a man too?" I teased.

"To be honest with you, I don't need anyone," she grinned. We all just laughed as we usually do until the sound of the bell rang through the school, signaling the start of first period. 

"See you guys later!" I said whiling trueing down the hall trying to make it to class on time.

I was actually sort of surprised Amber didn't have her eye on anyone, she usually never lets a guy out of her sight. She's just that one girl, along with Claire, that can get all the guys. Me, however, wasn't like that. Nobody was jumping up and down for me, which I was okay with. I just wanted one guy, the one guy that God has planned for me, and I know that's a pretty bold statement, but I truly believe I've already found him; Lucas.

I kept thinking and thinking, I wasn't even looking at where I was going, and of course the cluts I am, I collide with someone  knocking them straight to the floor.
" I'm so sorry!" I said helping the girl I knocked over up, " it's cool, really it's whatever".
She was truly beautiful, maybe even more then beautiful, she was gorgeous. Her dark brown hair made her look mysterious, and her outfit made her look like an outcast. But she was one breath taking girl.
" oh hi, Venus right?"
" yeah, Fawn correct?"
I nodded and was about to walk again when she stopped me.
" wait do you know where D100 is? I'm lost in this school" she said with a small laugh.
" go down this hallway and go to the left, it's gonna be right there you won't miss it" I said with a half smile.

She stared at me for a few minutes, it's like she was making up some story in her head because the wrinkles were already forming into her forehead like she was worried or something.
" are you okay?" I asked,
" yeah, sorry, your eyes are really pretty. Your lucky" she said with a small shrug and walked away.  I thought to myself for a few minutes then as I watched her walk away. She was so weird, maybe not even weird. But very interesting, I mean it's just like she already knew me, the way she stared seemed like she was predicting my future. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts, it was as we were called to be friends.

Finally I clear my head and make it back to my class, as usual everyone was half asleep trying to listen to the teacher who needs a change of voice. It was like a plain grey wall: boring and tiring. " Fawn" Lance whispered,
" what?" I said softly, " we should hang out soon, all of us" he said. I nodded and took a deep breath. " maybe I'll invite the new girl, she looks like she needs some friends".
Or maybe Lance just has a crush I thought to myself.

I laughed a tiny bit and nodded my head at him, " okay Lance".

Lost Souls Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora