Chaper 29

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- Venus -
     Entering the school building was even more dreading than having to walk into that hospital. I haven't heard from Fawn in over a week , last time we talked was that night at the hospital. Everything seemed to be going downhill for her , but that night felt more uplifting then anything we've both experienced in awhile.  
I wanted to just turn around and just go home not even bothering to open the main doors to the school . I took a deep breath grabbing the door handle,  before being able to open it I heard someone call my name .
I turned around seeing Fawn standing in the parking lot with her Auburn hair blowing him the cold fall air. I couldn't help but smile , just being able to see her standing and breathing made my heart jump up and down . She slowly walked over still seeing that faint black rings under her golden hazel eyes and her dark auburn hair laid dead at her shoulders. "Your back " I said as she just looked at me seeing the dread in her eyes as she looked at the doors . I gave her a calm comforting smile trying to help her ease her nervous as we pushed open the door walking into the school.
The freezing fall air wouldn't campare to the chilling looks that we got as we walked through the halls. Not one eye was looking away , she was the star of the show. Amber looked over I could feel her going into a panic , frozen at the sight in front of her . Fawn was barley phased as she just continued walking keeping her head slightly down , "so what class you going to " I asked trying to distract her from everyone else . "Acting " she mumbled as we walked . Acting ? Why is that so familiar? I thought to myself as I walked her to that auditorium doors. We both stopped and just looked at each other I could tell you didn't want to be here . "Fawn , everything is gonna be ok " I smiled before she returned the smile walking into her class. I caught a quick glimpse of andrew sitting on the stage. I remember that was the boy that was so moved by Fawn , he was the one that was asking how she was doin . I sighed , happy Fawn wasn't going to be so alone in the class as I slowly walked down the empty hall not in a rush to get to my destination.  It was good to have Fawn back, but she will never be the same Fawn that I met in the beginning, so full of joy and life. People destroyed her and all anyone cares about is the girl that tried to take her life not. People should be locking cold stares to the ones who made her lose the life and joy inside of her . I shook my head just reflecting on this morning, as my thoughts got interpreted by Amber blocking my walk way. " I saw you walking with Fawn this morning, how is she ? Is she ok? " she stuttered looking at me trying to keep calm . I rolled my eyes and took a sigh " please amber get out of my way , I have to go to class " as I tried to walk around her but she stopped me again . " Venus come on " she grabbed my arm as I yanked it away from her grip . " no amber she is not ok , you made a girl want to take her life because you guys couldn't keep your nasty hands off of each other " I hissed at her trying to keep my calm as I started to walk away before I lost all the composure I had left in me . " he loves me " she yelled glaring at me stuck in Lucas Grier's magic spell . " oh please amber stop kidding yourself, the only reason he wanted you was because he was lonely little boy " I chuckled shaking my head. " you don't know anything, I give Lucas what Fawn wouldn't give him " I left myself stop , knowing that my sanity was at it's wit end now.  I slowly turned around seeing Amber standing there looking all tough . " the only thing you gave him was a hand .." I stepped closer to her with every word as my anger was like a ticking time bomb ready to explode " so he didn't have to use his own anymore" I snatched her up by her silky shirt throwing her up against the locker feeling the adrenaline pump through me. "Bravo Amber you made a little boy feel good for a spilt second, and made an amazing girl feel like she had no other way" I felt two strong arms wrap around me pulling me away from amber as I let the words scream out of me. I tried to pull away from whoever it was but they kept a strong but gentle grip around me until amber was out of site . My heart was pounding out of my chest as i felt the person slowly release me. Looking up to see lance's tired face as he smiled little " have you calmed down? " he said looking down at me " why did you do that? , she deserves to hear all those things! " I yelled glaring at him " because you were gonna do something stupid " he explained, but at the moment I didn't care . " stop trying to protect me Lance , if I want to do something stupid then let me . Just leave me alone " I yelled before ripping my backpack out of his hand stomping away not realizing what I had just said, I made my way outside to the football bleachers dropping my backpack on the fake grass I took a seat . The cold air made me somewhat calm. I groaned feeling bad for yelling at Lance when all he was trying to do was watch over me , he knew that I was gonna hurt Amber if he wouldn't have pulled me away. What did I just do?

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