Chapter 2

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I wake up to the annoying, familiar sound of my alarm clock, reminding me that it's time to get up for school. I sighed and rolled over from my comfortable position to shut the alarm off. I laid in bed for a few seconds trying to waste some time before I got up for school. After a few minutes, I finally rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom to get ready. Once I was done I grabbed an oversized sweater with some jeans pulling them over my body. I slipped on my favorite pair of maroon Vans. I was about to go down stairs when I heard music blaring from my brothers room.

I rolled my eyes as I flung open his door."Scott! Get up!" I said while shaking him.

He was always so hard to wake up in the morning, which always explains how he sleeps through the loud music coming from his alarm.

I kept trying to wake him though he just pushes me away and ignores me. "Fine, don't get up! I'm not the one Grandma and Grandpa are going to yell at when they get a call that you skipped school today!" I spat at him.

I stormed out of his room, slamming the door shut and ran down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen grabbing a quick breakfast. We had about ten minutes left so I decided to try one more time to get Scott up, but only because I don't want my grandparents to be angry at him.

"Scott! Come on!" I said banging on his door. "We have ten minutes to be at school! Let's go!" Still no answer.

I shake my head letting out a frustrated sigh. I walked back down the stairs and out the front door. I don't want to ride the bus, my car needs an oil change, and Scott won't get up, so the only option is to walk.

It was so peaceful outside today. The sun was creeping up and the birds were singing their beautiful toon. It's amazing how much God can do for us, even in a world so dark, Just a walk to school is so joyful, it's just the inner feeling I get. It's like pure happiness, this little town is everything. As I walked, a beeping car pulled me away from my peaceful thoughts. I hated when people did that, It just ruins the whole mood, but it wasn't just a somebody beeping their car at me. I knew that rust bucket anywhere.

It was Scott's car "You are seriously so annoying!" I said with a laugh.

"Yeah yeah, come on." He said rolling his eyes. 

"You know, this would of been so much easier if you had just woken up." I said as I walked to the car and sat in the passenger seat.

"It wouldn't of been half as fun though." He replied while looking at me with a smile. I just looked at him, trying to be mad, but I couldn't. I knew that his goofiness would get the best of me.

My brother and I were actually super close, and he was only a year older than me. He loves messing with me, and at times it was annoying and I just wanted nothing more than to punch him, even though I actually enjoy how annoying he is. It's just his way of showing me he cares. We are brother and sister, so what's the fun in that if they don't annoy you?

We finally got to school and said our goodbyes before we parted ways. As I walked through the old doors of Church Hill High, I looked around for my cousin, Claire. She is one of my best  friends, she is the sister I have never had, and for that, I was Incredibly thankful.

I walked down the halls and looked for her bright, blonde, shimmery hair. "Claire!" I yelled once I saw her. I ran up to her and hugged her tight. "Thank the lord you're here." I laughed.

"Fawn, you see me every day." She said with a small laugh. Every time I see her is like a new adventure, sometimes it's chaotic, but it's never a dull moment and at least she's there by my side through it all. 

Everyone in this school is different, and most are nice, but they all have a story. Even though Church Hill is small and everybody knows everybody, we never take the time to actually listen to their story. So that's why sometimes when I sit in class, I look around and think, wishing we all would just take the time to get to know each other. And then maybe, everyone would get along just fine.

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