Chapter 25

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Ander's POV: Johnathan then showed me, Luna's shrine. It was beautiful, Luna's statue was very elegant. Her dress appeared wavy, and she had a bow, strung to her back, with a wolf at her side, that was about half as tall as her. Her hand on the top of the wolf's head. The wolf wasn't menacing or anything, it was very calm, just standing in the moonlight. Johnathan said, as he held my hand," Beautiful, isn't she?" I nodded, too awestruck to come up with words. I heard a giggle, as some women said," Why thank you.." I said," Johnathan? Did you hear that?" Johnathan nodded, with a smile on his face," It must be Luna.. We're lucky, she decided to grace us with her presence." Then all of a sudden, there was a flash of light, and in front of us appeared the most regal women, I've ever seen. She said," Hello, my pup..and who might you be?" I said, nervously," I-i'm Ander.. Nice to meet you." Johnathan said," Hello, Luna.. I wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend, Ander..and ask for your blessing of us being soulmates." Luna smiled and said," It's about time, that you finally seal the deal with Ander.. I was wondering if I was going to have to use my powers to get you two to see that you two are perfect for each other.. And Johnathan, you better treat him right, he's had a crush on you for ages." I blushed and said," Wow, she really does know everything about the people who visit her.." She smiled at me and said," Your mother wouldn't rest if I didn't do everything in my power to make you happy. You do deserve to be happy, Ander. So does Johnathan make you happy?" I said, with a smile," Very.." She giggled as I blushed and scooted closer to Johnathan to hide. She said," Very well, Give me your hands." She then held both of our hands, then a bright glow happened. When we opened our eyes, I saw that she was gone. When we looked at our hands, a tattoo was on the hand that she held. She said," You can keep it on your hand, or touch your soulmate where you want their tattoo..Make sure it has some meaning, this is permanent.." I decided to place it where his heart is, while Johnathan put it between my shoulder and neck. 

 -picture of the tattoo- 

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 -picture of the tattoo- 

Once that was done, a flash of light happened for only a second, and Luna was gone. We headed back to the pack house in peaceful silence. Well, almost. He exhaled above my shoulder blade, where the mark was, which lead to an embarrassing sound coming from me. The area was so sensitive now, why was it so sensitive? When we got back, all the werewolves were staring at us. It was kind of freaky, but I was able to ignore the stares. The week flew by, Al and I learned a lot about werewolves, Elliot had finally found someone he was compatible with, but never told anyone who, then Al was acting weird for a day or two, while Johnathan and I figured out a way to break the news to his father gently, as much as I didn't like being mistreated by the other sorcerers, Blaize had a good reason to keep me cloaked, and I didn't want Johnathan's relation with him to stop completely because of me, everyone needed a father. I hide behind Johnathan as we walked into Blaize's office. Johnathan smiled and said," Hi Dad..I got to tell you something.." Blaize said, as he looked up from his paperwork, " I'm listening, son." Johnathan then said," I'm gay.." If Blaize was sipping on some coffee, then I'm sure he would have spilled it everywhere, his expression was one of shock, like Johnathan and I had thought. Blaize said," You're gay? This isn't some type of joke, is it? Oh, please, tell me your joking.." Johnathan chuckled nervously and said," I'm one hundred and ten percent serious, Dad." Blaize said," But they'll be no heirs to continue the coven leader bloodline." All coven leaders, the primary ones such as Light/Burning Coven, especially, have followed a tradition that the next first born of that generation would be the leader, for leadership runs in their blood, and all the coven leaders had good mana levels. Probably why Blaize, Johnathan's father, insisted on pushing so many women toward him. I guessed it was for Johnathan to have many options, and to continue the good bloodline of sorcerers. A sorcerer is only as good as his magic abilities. Johnathan said," Alexander, will continue the bloodline, besides it would be in our best interest not to have hybrids around..Could cause some problems, you know?" Blaize calmed down at that response and said," Ok, any other information I should know about?" Johnathan stepped to his right to reveal me as he said," Ander's my mate and boyfriend. " Blaize said," Dang it..I own your mom, twenty ducks now. I did think that I may have overwhelmed you with girls, and that you might turn gay because of that, but I never thought you'd go out with Ander..Guess I should have seen it, even when you were little kids, you always seemed to be way to close to be just friends..Well, I'm proud of you, son. I know it must have been hard to approach me with that sort of news, for what I did in the past. You better treat my boy, right, ok, Ander?" I nodded my head, and smiled at him, before Johnathan lead me out the door. Johnathan said," Step one, Done. Now on to Step two." I asked, curiously," What's step two?" Johnathan smirked at me and said," You'll see, later. I need you to take the kids, somewhere though, while I go and put things together." I said," Ok..I guess I haven't taken Riles and Diyan out to the park in a while, but may I ask what Step two is?" Johnathan laughed as he walked away, but not before saying, " You'll see." 

-Author's Note: I thought I was going to be done by this chapter, but there are still a couple of things I need to get through in order to say this book is complete. You'll just have to wait and see..or continue to the next chapter..depending on when you read this.Chi Out! Oh and by the way, it'll probably end in the next chapter or the one after that.. May add a time skip for the Epilogue, you never know..May have to give a warning to my followers why this book randomly showed up..In case you're wondering, and not a honored Warrior(name for people who follow me) It's been in the backburner (Books being done/concepts in the background)  so I thought to put it into the light...You may start seeming more sorcerer books..(*hint* *hint*)  So..since I thought it was going to be done by this chapter, I decided to publish it , today. (6/7/18)- 

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