Chapter 11

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Johnathan's POV: Ander sang magnificently, I wanted to tell him so myself. The girls wanted this as a way to show me that they could do anything they put their minds too, but I could see it clearly for what it was, an attempt to one up the other girls, they did not think that men would also join the festivities like Al and Ander. I had a feeling that Al had forced Ander, for I knew that song wasn't meant for everyone to hear. It felt like it had meaning and was meant for my ears only, unlike the other girls songs, Ander's song drew me in and swayed me to the song's melodies. None of the others did that, for some reason thinking about Ander angered me, not because of him, no, but because of the way he's treated. I am not blind, I see who picks on him, one more push from them, especially involving the children, would make Ander get angry. Though he never acts on anger, I'm pretty sure, he wouldn't turn a blind eye to that person. Wandering around trying to find Ander, was no easy walk to trail on.  Noble ladies tried conversation and hooking like sloths to my arm. I really wished that I was the seclusive prince, my brother is, but I knew he only got away with it because he's younger. After excusing myself from the long conversation the ladies pulled me in, I went and found Ander. He seemed to be silently panicking, as he walked the outsides of the orphanage. When I looked here last time, he wasn't there. I should have just waited, knowing that this is one of his daily duties.  I grabbed his shoulder and he turned to me, clear signs of distress all over his face. Ander said,in distress," They're not here! They're not anywhere I've looked! It's like they disappeared, without telling me where they were going!"  I said," Calm down, Ander, who's missing.?" Ander said," The children! They're gone!" I said," Maybe they got a-" Ander interrupted me as he said," N-no, that c-can't be it, t-the parents would have had to have an interview with the children and as their caretaker, they should have told me. I-i don't know what t-to do.."  Tears streamed down his face, silently. I contacted Al, who said that he'd be right over. I comforted Ander, while he cried, no longer as silent as it was before. It was a whimper at most, not a yelling cry, but I believed to him it was a yelling cry. He never really had anyone there for him. I was there and then I pushed his friendship away. Ander needed me yet I took to trying to please my father with talking to these girls, who he kept pushing on me. My wolf whimpered and in turn so did I. I never liked seeing Ander upset,  today was no different. I took him inside and we sat there on the couch while I waited for Al. I think I managed to calm him down. His breathing went to an even pace as he slept, I brought my thumb up to his cheek to gently erase his tears. He slept at my side, curled up to me, with my arm embracing his slender frame, it felt so right to have him there, though I knew my father would probably ground me if he witnessed the scene. I wanted to spend my days with Ander. Al came in and whispered to me, as not to wake Ander," I'll go look around and see if I can find a note or something." I knew he was worried about Ander, but since he shipped us, like the fanboy he is, I believe he trusted me enough as Ander's...friend to protect him.  Friend, it left such a bad aftertaste in my mouth, when I refer to Ander and me as nothing more than friends. Maybe one day, we'll be more, but for now, we have to see to this missing children matter. Al shook his head indicating he found nothing. I picked Ander up, as I whispered," I'm going to take him to sleep in one of the children's bed, let's go get some guards and see if they got lost in the forest." Al nodded, and walked our, probably to get the guards. After putting Ander down, he woke up and looked up at me, he was still half asleep, the children not entering his mind to fully wake him up as I said," Go to sleep, Ander, you need your rest."  I caressed his cheek as I hide his surrounding from him; hoping he wouldn't jump up awake after seeing his surrounding, to reminding him why; Ander mumbled," The children, I..i have to..find them.." He tried sluggishly getting up, but I was able to get him to lay back down. Even though he mumbled no, I could tell that he was already falling back to sleep. While he slept, I went with a group of guards, I knew well, and told them what areas to search, after that I went with one group to the most unlikely spot. We checked everywhere, and had found them. The children were all there in the most common spot. Though the guards were having trouble getting near them without the toddlers crying and the older children creating shields as a way of calming the toddlers. I went over to the group as I was called over to them, guided by one of the guards that were over there. Riles reached out to me, having recognized me, but the other children, not trusting me, held him back. I crouched down and said," Come on, Luka. Let me hold Riles. Ander's been so worried about all you guys, you gave your caretaker quite the shock." Luka said," Where he?" She looked around herself, probably trying to see if Ander was in the crowd. I said," He's at the orphanage. He was so stressed out, he ended up passing out and crying worried about you all." They looked at each other then they took down their barrier and went over to me. Riles hugged me, and all the other children just wanted Ander.

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