Chapter 20

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Ander's POV: Johnathan, The Alpha, Beta, a couple of their pack warriors, and Johnathan's mother Rose were packing to leave. I wanted to come to, and had asked Johnathan about why I wasn't coming along. He said," It's safer for you to stay here." I countered," But I'm the one they're after, It's my fault all of them are in cells, the children.. What if this hurts their future?" Johnathan said," What do you mean?" I said," I've seen through the eyes of a crystal ball, how they're keeping everyone prisoner, everyone's mana is being drained, so they can't fight back. What if this causes the children's mana to not be normal? It would be my fault that, they turned out like me, an outcast." I begged," Please, Johnathan. Let me come, too. The coven's as much my home as it is yours." Johnathan said, gently as he caressed my cheek," No. You're not going. You'd get hurt, this isn't gonna be some type of argument that we're walking into, when we get there. They'll be bloodshed, fighting, on both sides. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to you." Don't you know that I'd feel the same, if you got hurt while I just stood here, with nothing to do? I nodded my head, in order to not argue with Johnathan. I knew that he was protective of me and that he would not accept me going. I'll apologize to him later, they were set to go early in the morning, so I had little time to stop this war. I won't let it happen, not again. Nobody will fight anyone, if I have anything to say about it. While Johnathan was talking with the Alpha, I rummaged through my drawers to find my cloak. It feels kind of nostalgic to be wearing this again. It's been a couple of weeks, this cloak has so many memories. I'm glad I was able to hide it, Malissa wanted me to get rid of it. I knew she meant well, to her I bet me getting rid of this, would be me getting rid of bad memories, but with the bad, came the good. It's why I decided to hide it instead. I got more confident over the last 5 weeks, without my cloak hiding my face. Maybe that's why I was going along with this plan, despite Johnathan's wishes. I do love him, it's why I have to do this, I can't lose anyone else important to me. I won't let that selfish Dark Clan leader take anyone else from me. I hope Johnathan doesn't get too mad at me, when he seems I'm not here. I put my cloak on, closed my eyes and thought of the inside of the orphanage, with the little kitchen and living room. Then when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was there, the teleportation spell worked. I went through the back door of the orphanage, it was very dark out. Now if I was a power hungry maniac, where would I be? I decided that the most logical place would be the throne room. Luckily for me, I knew how to get there without being seen. I snuck around the large hallway that lead to the thrown, only to hear someone coming, talking to another person. " I just don't get it, N'ul. All this time, I've tried to persuade him to let go of the Flame Coven, but he won't budge. Not even a little bit, I've tried everything.. It's only a matter of time before Johnathan and Ander come back, who knows who Johnathan will bring with him. They'll be bloodshed, for no reason other than my father following some type of tale. I just don't know what to do any more, N'ul, I feel like I've tried every card I have.. and have gotten no results, nothing." "I'm sure you'll think of something, Nolan. We must not give up hope." I poked my head out, and sure enough N'ul and Nolan were coming my way. Maybe I could get them to help! Having decided my course of action, I waited till they were about to pass me and pulled them over to where I was, out of the main hallway. I said," Shhh.. Please, don't struggle, It's only me." Nolan said," Ander..?" I let them go and smiled at their shocked faces. N'ul said," It is you. Thank goodness...Do you know what's happening?" I nodded and said," Follow me, I know a place we can talk privately." Having gotten back to the orphanage, I said," Things are getting serious, Johnathan's coming back over here in a couple of days with an army. I've got a plan to stop this from turning into an all out battle, but I'll need your help." Nolan said," I don't know, Ander. I'm his son, and he won't even listen to me, all he wants is to find this purple eyed sorcerer." I took my hood off and said," I'm more than aware of that." Nolan said, shocked," Y-your eyes.." N'ul said," I always did find it suspicious why you were the only one that wore a cloak with your hood up all the time. So what's the plan?" I said," I'm going to turn myself in, strike a deal with him. During that time, N'ul, I'm gonna need you to isolate the commander and find a way to knock him out, maybe take some sleeping pills and put it in his drink or something." N'ul's eyes widened as he said," Why?" I responded with," The lieutenant killed my parents, I don't think he's only doing this to follow orders. I'm pretty sure that in order for this to go down peacefully, we're going to have to take down the heads of your coven. Think of it as the head of a snake. The corruption isn't with the guards or other citizens, it only lies with the heads of the coven, that includes your father, Nolan, and the lieutenant. I know this is a lot to take in, but in order to cover this, we'll have to be discrete. Nolan, you're going to have the toughest job out of all of us. While I'm distracting him with the deal, I'm going to need you to cage him. In order for this to go down smoothly with both of our covens not going to war, we'll need to have your father and the lieutenant burned for their crimes. Justice needs to be carried out, I know that this is gonna be hard, it would probably be better if we could just kill them.. Lesson the risk of them escaping, but our covens need to see first hand what's been going on behind closed curtains. They need to see all the wrongs these two have done, if we have any hope of solving this peacefully." Nolan asked," Ok, but first, you have to answer my question." I nodded, then he continued," Why after 5 whole weeks have you decided just now, when we have little time left that you're gonna stop this all out war?" I said," I'm tired of hiding, and people getting hurt because of me. I can't just stand by and let my home flicker and die out. I grew up here, it's become my home. I won't let it suffer the same fate my last one did. There were so many bodies..I.." Every time I look back, I can't help but cry silently. The worst part? I couldn't remember what their faces looked like anymore...only a little memory of them before everything went wrong. I had to do this, there was no turning back, I had to face my demons, once and for all. 

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