Chapter 7

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~~~Earlier in the night of the festivities~~

Nigel's POV: When I heard about what Zu'l had heard from the Outcast, I couldn't help but find a load of sorrow buried within the words. Like he was there when the light was swallowed up by the darkness, when a dark ruler killed the people he knew. Maybe I was looking too much into it, but I really wanted to know, if my father was that type of person, light or dark? I always saw what he did as right, I was raised like that, but now looking back after reading this coven's library, I understand that my father maybe more dark than light. I knew that when I got crowned leader of my coven, I would have a lot of changes to make, when I got back. Here, the coven ruler didn't seem that bad, the only thing that I've noticed is that the Outcast, was well, outcasted by all the other sorcerers there, for wearing a cloak, which the leader ordered as a rule. If only I could know that reason why the leader wanted to hide the boys face, then I'd be able to determine if what I think the Outcast's words told. Was he talking about all coven leaders, or some of them? that question was going to be answered today.

Ander's POV: When I was alone, the Dark Prince Nigel came up to me. To say I was frightened of him, was over exaggerated. I saw how he treated the guards, especially Zu'l to know that he was a nice guy, though he hid it to not make him seem weak. He was probably taught not to care about people openly, that it was a sign of weakness. I said, nothing, as I turned towards him, after he grabbed my shoulder. He said, putting his arm down," Why do you wear a hood all the time?" I said," It is the rules, I can not go against them. Besides, the coven leader probably has his reasons. Though if you want to know what those reasons are, I would suggest talking with him. Now if you excuse me, It's getting very late." I turned and walked away. I know that my answer probably didn't satisfy what he was asking, but most just let it be. I hoped he would as well...I didn't want to break the rules..I've already done it once, with showing Al what I look like without a hood..and again with Johnathan.. I sighed, as I laid down on the couch. It had been a very eventful week with the whole entire set up that was made, plus having John, as a confirmed friend. I always thought of him as a friend, or at least a thought friend, even though I never hung out with him since he's always around those girls. I hope that I didn't get Lilian in any trouble, I always get self consious when someone talks about my looks. Guess wearing a hood that covers your face for most of your life, doesn't make one very confident in your looks... Anyway, after talking with Nigel, I go into Johnathan's room, making sure no one else is around. I don't want rumors to go around that I'm "plotting" against him or anything like that. As soon as I laid down on the couch, I sighed in relief. All the tension from my body dies down, as I go into a peaceful sleep.


Johnathan's POV: I opened the door to my room to see Ander on my couch. He must have snuck in here when nobody was looking. Why did I feel that this was going to turn into a routine, for a little while..? I shook my head as I removed his hood, why my father wanted to hide someone so fragile, wasn't a surprise to me, wait...I noticed a healing bruise on him and my inner wolf growled at the sight. Was I such a bad friend that I didn't notice that Ander's bullies started up again? I mean, I know I haven't been there for him these past couple of years, but...The hood. The hood hides his features really well and he probably dodn't tell Al about it either. I sighed into my hand, then went over to my bed. I took a blanket from them and used it to cover Ander. I then went into bed and fell asleep.

~The next day~
Ander's POV: I left Johnathan's room really, really early. I had to return those books from the library today, I walked into my room, the two were still asleep. So I stealthily grabbed my books and then headed out. All of a sudden a sword was drawn on my neck, though I was frightened. I tried remaining calm, as I turned around to face Zu'l. I whuspered," Zu'l, please don't kill me..." His serious deadly face turned soft as he whispered," Outcast? What are you doing up so early?" I said," What do you mean? I'm always up early.. I'd never finish all my chores if I was late." Zu'l said," Oh, the library have to turn them in?" I nodded. Zu'l put his sword away and said," Sorry..." He then walked back to his bed as I walked out the door. After the eventful early morning, the rest of the day was normal, I did my normal routines. Then all of a sudden, while I was with the orphan kids. Lilian said," I challenge you, Outcast!" I turned to see her already in a fighting stance. The rest of the people around us stood watching. I said," I can not fight you, Lady Lilian. It goes against the rules.." Lilian said," Oh no? You dare to tell me no?!" One of the kids, Diyan said,as he pulled on my sleeve," I finally can do that defense spell!" I looked over to him and said," Oh, really! That's great, Diyan." I guess she had enough of me ignoring her, for she conjured a fire ball that was heading straight for Diyan..

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