Chapter 21

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-Author's Note: Only One King, Nightcored by U N D E R D O G S.  Artists: Jung Youth Produced by Tommee Profitt, Go check these wonderful people out, k? Thought that since this was gonna be a tough plan to complete, that the music would tie it all together, besides, been listening to it non-stop while making the last chapter so I thought. \(o-o)/ Meh, why not? Think there's only gonna be four chapters left, and this book has been long overdo to be completed. Started it last year..Check description if you want to know the exact date. But yeah, I'm excited and sad at the same time to see this book completed and letting these characters go..But who knows? I may make another book that's not so forgotten that let's us see these characters again. Chi Out- 

Johnathan's POV: I couldn't find Ander anywhere, it was time for us to go to sleep. My first thought was that maybe he went back to the coven, but he had agreed that he'd stay behind while I went into battle. I searched for him everywhere, all the areas that I showed him that were public places he could go to. I even checked to see if he was with Malissa, only to find out that she hadn't seen him since he had went to talk to me. I asked anyone around if they saw him. I was beyond worried, I almost went to my mother to postpone the day we headed out. I decided to throughly check our room, to find, right on the cabnet, a note. It read, " Dear Johnathan, I'm sorry that I disobeyed you and went back home without your permission. I know that you're probably really angry with me, but I had to do this. I know that it's probably not the best reason to write down in order for you to understand, but I would rather talk about it to you, when this is all over. ~With Love, Ander.  P.S. Don't forget that I'll always love you, no matter what happens."  I fell down to my knees, my nightmare coming true. I crinkled the note as tears escaped my eyes. Why? Why'd he have to leave? My worriedness had turned to anger, I was so worried about him and he had just left without so much as a warning? I had to do this, what does that even mean? They could kill him..Does he not know how much danger he's putting himself in? He just entered the lion den, without so much as a second thought. I have half a mind to wake everyone up and have us go early. I looked over to the clock, 10:00 p.m. I needed to go to sleep, but I couldn't, not without knowing that Ander was okay. How did I not see this coming? I never even got to take him to the Luna shrine, in order to seek her blessing. I punched the wall in frustration. 

-Start Song here if you actually want it to be with the actual plan attempt. Don't need it in order to progress with the story though, so it's fine if you don't want to listen to it. Chi Out-

Ander's POV: I walked with Nolan to the throne room, with a couple of N'ul's trusted friends that are apart of the guard. This had to look convincing. Riles and Diyan were the only ones brave enough to call out, " Mommy!" " Ander!"  I looked back at them and smiled. I knew it was only for a second, but I knew it would calm them down. That I was going to be fine, I didn't want them to worry. They're such good kids. When we got into the doors, I removed my hood. I knew that in order for this to work, my presence was to remain on the down low. In order for N'ul to be able to knock him out, with what ever method he chose, it was going to have to ride on the 'purple eyed sorcerer's' being unnoticed. When we got in, Nolan's father was yelling at us, he said," Who in their right mind, would dare interrupt my concentration!?" When he saw me, his eyes turned from that of an angry man's face to a sinister one. The look he had on, was too evil for me to describe. It was down right horrible, I felt incredibly sorry for Nolan to have to live under such a guy, he didn't even look like he could father anything or anyone. I said, as calmly as I could," I'm here to make a deal..." As I was talking, Nolan went beside his father, this wouldn't raise suspicion, in the least. I made sure that as I was talking, I was looking straight, I may not be strong enough to look him in the eye, but I could pretend to be. I continued with, " You'll let everyone  go, and when I mean go, I mean getting out of the cell, and everyone you know not inflicting harm on them. No killing anyone in the Burning Coven. In exchange, I'll let you capture me.. and do what you want." He agreed to these terms, but when we were about to shake hands, that's when Nolan striked. 

N'ul's POV: At the same time, I was distracting the lieutenant. It wasn't easy to get him alone, but after some persuading, I was able to get him to talk to me alone, under the excuse that I had something important to tell him. I told him to sit, and have a drink, since this report was going to take a while. The drink that I had in front of him had enough to knock out an elephant, I just had to hope that it'd be enough. Fishing out information to talk about that he didn't already know was the hardest bit, but luckily we had, had at least two days to prepare ourselves. I had questioned earlier how Ander teleported here, with his supply of mana without fainting, but he has yet to give me the answer. After this is all over I expect some of my questions answered from both Ander and Leader Blaize. I must have talked for hours, about made up stuff that seemed just important enough to not make him rush in on completing it. The only thing that was making me lose my cool, was my conscious telling me that it's wrong to lie. But my efforts weren't wasted, I smiled as I looked over at him passed out. I managed to put him in a nifty cage, hidden enough to not raise any alarms. I hope the rest are doing ok. I sighed and decided to head out, I was about to be on patrol anyway. 

Nolan's POV:  Ander did a fantastic job of distracting, but my father was going to agree with the terms. Wouldn't it work out if my father got what he wanted? This is what made me actually think, would it be better if the man that raised me died, by burning, in the eyes of the people? Or would it be better, he die on a battlefield? What was the more peaceful solution that gave us the least casualties? These questions clouded my mind, but were quickly erased by answers that Ander had provided. Ander had had the same questions in his mind when planning this out, so why is it that I can't stop my hands shaking? Or say the spell that cages suppose to cage him? Then I got to thinking, this would be a solution, but it would probably only be for this coven, it wouldn't go onto the others, is this the reason that Ander sought that it was better to capture, voice their crimes to the public, and have justice do with them with what they did? I asked myself, what would Mom do? Before I could answer this question, the signal was upon me. That's when I let my mind stop thinking ahead, and followed with the plan.

-Bet for a second there, you thought Nolan was gonna betray Ander, hu? But was he able to complete his end of the plan?- 

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