Chapter 26

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Johnathan's POV: My coronation is coming up, but before I am the new leader of the Light/Burnin Coven. I will need to prepare my speech, choose my 'wife' and I need to change one rule in order to surprise Ander. My plan has gone into step two, after having my father bring me all the rules, which I will have full control over, as long as there is a understandable reason, a good one that benefits everyone. I know two people that would be affected by this rule, that I am changing.I scrolled through the rules until I found what I was looking for, { All caretakers for orphans are not allowed to adopt the children that are in the orphanage, in order for their chances of going  into good homes, not be ruined, by the caretaker interfering with them.} This rule was simple and cut out, and also held a good reason. But I wanted to change the rule, just a tiny bit, I wrote. {Unless the child in the orphanage has recognized them as their mother, or if the children in the orphanage have a number of three or less.}  I then told my father's assistant to post this on the board outside the castle. My mother was going to be here for a couple of weeks, you see, my mother and father are divorced, cause my father had hooked up with his assistant, which lead to Al being born. I'm not saying that I don't like my little brother, it wasn't his fault, besides, this meant that Al could continue the gene pool without having the possibility of a werewolf child coming out.. I'd never cheat on Ander though, even if it meant leaving the coven and not being the leader. I know the cost of cheating, and what it can do to a relationship, my parents, a prime example, of course that's water under the bridge now, after my father's past assistant got banned from the clan. My mother being a generous person had made sure that she had went to a nice coven that would probably give her an equal position, for she believed that it wasn't anyone's fault. Sometimes lovers just need a break from each other, of course, my mother didn't agree with what my father did... I guess that was why I was so overprotective of Ander when Elliot started getting too close for my comfort. Good thing Elliot has a love interest now, he would never tell me who it was though, no matter how many times I asked. Though Al has been acting strangely, I believe he has a secret admirer, since whenever I pass him in the halls, he's holding a letter in his hand, and giggling like a school girl.  After an hour of writing my speech, I finally got it done. I sighed and looked at the clock, 9:00 p.m. I got out of my seat and stretched, then made my way to the orphanage. Ander opened the door, after I knocked, then he smiled and said," Did you..?" I chuckled and said," What do you think?" Ander said, as he jumped up and hugged me," Thank you, John. I can finally adopt Riles, I thought the day would never come! Come in, Come in!!" He grabbed my hand and excitedly went into Nicole's office. Nicole looked up and smiled as she said," May I help you, sirs?" Nicole was the only one outside of my family to know about Ander's and I's relationship. I had wanted to announce it, on the day of my coronation. Ander said, excitedly," You already know what I want to do!! Don't tease me, Mother Nicole." Nicole laughed and said," Ok, here's Riles' paper work in order to adopt him, I already sighed the papers that makes both you and Diyan, my children, Ander." Ander teared up a little bit, and said," R-really?" Nicole nodded, tenderly. He smiled brightly, then said," Come on..I want you to sign it with me!"  I smiled, then chuckled and teasingly said," Aren't we too young to have a child, Ander?" Ander pouted as he said," Do you not want to raise a child with me?" I raised my hands, in mock surrender and said," Okay, Okay, I was only kidding, no need to kill me with that puppy dog face." Ander then told me where to sign before he signed his name. I took the paper back, and put my last name next to 'Ander,' he teared up a bit, as I said, lovingly, as I caressed his cheek, " You're no longer alone, Ander, you're now an Exon." 

Ander's POV: Ander Exon, Ander Exon.. I liked the sound of it. But what really got me, was thinking, Johnathan Exon, Ander Exon and Little Riles Exon. I asked," Does that mean that after the announcement, that Riles and I are gonna live with you?" Johnathan smiled and said," Of course..If that's ok with your mother, of course." He looked at Nicole as if just remembering she was here when he had said this. She smiled, not objecting to me or Riles living with Johnathan. I went to go to the boys, and said," Good news! The rules have been changed! Diyan, Nicole is now legally recognized as your mom... And guess what Riles?" Riles said, adorably," What?" I said, as I picked him up and spinned him around in circles," We're gonna be together forever, Riles! Isn't that great?" Riles said, bubbly," Yeah! Mommy!" I knew he didn't really understand that, but I loved how excited he was. Johnathan leaned against the doorframe as he smiled at us. Riles said," Mommy look.." I said," Yeah, I see your Daddy, you gonna give him a hug, little one?" I put Riles down and he ran over to Johnathan, hugging him, he said," Be good for Mommy! Right, Daddy?" That's the great thing about toddlers, they pick up things quickly, and not just toys.  The day of Johnathan's coronation was good. He had said his speech then announced that I was his lover, and that Riles was our child, and that he was going to marry me, if anyone had anything to say to this then he would answer them. Many ladies were upset, and had attempted to afflict harm onto me. But with Riles sitting in my lap, and having prepared for the many onslaughts of hate, I had managed to go to Johnathan's side, as he explained everything that had happened between us two, leaving out the personal details. He explained in a simple way, basically saying that I was his childhood friend, that he later developed feeling for, and that the ladies had a right to be upset, but had to remember that nobody chooses who they love, only that they are in love. All of the ladies that had an interest in Johnathan had accepted that, thankfully, and Johnathan then became the leader of the coven. Another reason that I loved this coven was that, everyone was open minded, for almost all things, you'd have to be, in order to know that magic existed.  The next few days were hectic, with moving my things into Johnathan's room, and having Riles room next door. It was a lot for Riles to get used to.

{Author's Checklist of everything that needed to be explained/done.. Al's bloodline -checked- Ander and Johnathan adopting Riles -checked- Coronation -checked- Hint at who could be Elliot's crush/ love interest -check- So if I have everything, then why is this a chapter and not an epilogue? Well, I don't want to leave these characters yet, so I have decided to have the epilogue partly in the future, so you can see how they are all doing.} 

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