Chapter 2

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The Dark Clan was coming over to the Flaming Clan. The Dark Prince was whispered about, said to be very nice compared to his father, though he only showed kindness to his friends...Of course, nobody would let his father come into the clan's area, whenever he went somewhere it was most likely for the clans to fight till death..Nobody to this day knew what he was after, except for other members of the Dark Clan.

Ander's POV: They kept on hitting me, they did it almost everyday, I wasn't surprised. This day felt different though, it felt almost murderous. I looked up from the floor as the leader of their group Malik kicked me again. Hours later, They left me alone, finally satisfied with all the cuts and bruises they were sure were going to be there.. The blood was gonna be hard to get out of my clothes. I walked through, though limping a little. I was really shocked to see some unknown people walking over to me, nobody ever wanted to talk to me, unless it was for a task. One of them said," I smell blood, are you ok?" Ok...? That almost sounded like concern...weird, very weird. Especially for strangers, that don't know me. I said, with a smile," I'm fine..I'll be sure to hide the smell of blood next time so you don't bother yourselves. I'd go if I were you, nobody talks with me unless they want to be treated like I am.." I started walking away, then turned back and said," If you need anything, while you people are guest here, ask for The Outcast..I'm sure someone will get me." I then continued to walk without looking back, I needed a First Aid, maybe I could visit Nash the healer. I sighed, she'd probably ask questions..Oh well. Faster healing is better than normal healing. "Nash? I was wondering if..." Nash turned around and said," Bullies again, I see? Help yourself, I got to show these Dark Clan Knights around." I nodded and got some healing supplies then went into another room to put them on correctly... I took off my cloak, and saw my face in the mirror. It was a little bruised, hopefully Al wouldn't notice. I wrapped myself up, I would be able to take them off at the end of the day. There were all over me, wrapped around my chest and arms. I couldn't put it on my face though, so I guess for the next couple of days I'll have a bruise on my face, oh well. After wrapping myself up, I put on my shirt and cloak with the hood up, of course, and headed toward the sound of the bell. Whenever someone ringed the bell they usually wanted me for something. I sighed, A clan came today of all days, I'll have to skip lunch to meet up with Al. Whatever he wanted to talk to me about, must be really important. Miss Morgan said," Outcast! Finally you're here. I need you to help unload the supplies, there's gonna be a party later in the day for the welcoming of the Dark Clan's visit." As soon as I walked over, they all scattered, I sighed as I did every other time this happened, and started doing the work myself. After I got everything out of the boxes, I looked at Miss Morgan's sketch. I went over and turned on some music, getting lost in the music, I started putting up the decorations. Halfway through the music, someone startled me as he said," Where are all the other people that are suppose to be helping.?" I almost dropped everything that was levitating, only managing to keep them slightly above the ground before setting them down. I turned to see a Dark Knight male. I said," You startled me, do you need help with something, sir?" He laughed and said," That makes me sound so old, call me Zu'l.. I was wondering where all the other people went." I said," Oh.. well, the supervisor isn't here.." Zu'l said," What does that have to do with anything?" I said,with a shrug," Rank rules? I guess, They usually leave to not be associated with me, The Outcast... I'm used to it by now.. If that is all, I have work to do..." Zu'l said," I can help out if you want." I said," If you want to, go ahead. I don't mind either way." Zu'l and I were able to finish in half the time it usually would take me. I saw the other people coming over and said," Well, that's my cue. Thanks for the help, Miss Morgan will probably tell by their shocked faces that they didn't help." Zu'l smiled and said," No problem, Outcast, I'll call if I need help with something." I nodded then left to the fountain where Al told me to meet him. I waved to Al, and said," So what did you want to talk to me about...?" I looked past him to see Johnathan. He said," Hello, Ander..or do you only go by Outcast now?" My heartbeat felt like it would jump out of my chest, I said," Umm..Uh..." before running around the corner. Johnathan remembered my name... HE REMEMBERED MY NAME (>0<) Omg.. Al went over to me and said," Sorry, I just thought you needed a little bit of a push. So I thought if I introduced you two.." I stopped his rambling as I said,quickly," No, It's fine. I just wasn't expecting that's what you wanted to talk about. With the party that I have to help, I don't know if now's the best time to talk to someone, so.............."Al rolled his eyes and said," Dreamy, Out of this world, Godly, Handsome, Sexy..?" I nodded my head, at a loss of words, with a slight blush on my cheeks, hoping that the shadow of my hood hide it. Nobody could see my face, besides my mouth and apart of my nose. Johnathan and I's relationship was..well, complicated. We were childhood friends, until his father had him study to become the next coven leader, which then took almost all of his time. After that, the other kids saw me as fair game, since I didn't have Johnathan to protect me anymore, and that as long as they didn't do it while Al was around, they could bully me as much as they wanted. I have always worn a cloak with my hood on, Johnathan's father made it a rule for me.Back then; I lived in, well, I mostly went from house to house. Nova was the only one who didn't really mind me, growing up. She was like a mother to me, even though I knew my real mom was dead. I had been in that burned up village for a whole week, I don't know what would have happened if Johnathan hadn't found me. I looked up to him, but we grew apart, and eventually we became strangers to each other. Our past friendship was lost, I believed, and it took all the courage that I had to ask if he needed anything when he rang the bell. The bell is basically to call servants, which was basically me, the instructors and the guards. I was signaled with a bell, for I needed to hear it and I was most likely the one they needed to call. I did everything besides fighting, guarding, and teaching others. I went to my room in the castle, the coven leader didn't mind me staying here, as long as I kept myself out of sight.

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