Chapter 23

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Ander's POV: I couldn't focus, during the trip to Mystic Stealth Pack. All I could think about was the scent marking.. It was on a full moon and Johnathan had stayed for dinner. He had gotten possessive of me, for I had mentioned that we would probably see Elliot there. Johnathan growled out," I'll rip him to pieces if he even thinks of touching you." I wrapped my arms around him, knowing that he calmed down a tiny bit with physical contact and said," Shh.. John, He's not here..Calm down, you're scaring the kids." Riles cried out," Scary!" That seemed to snap him out of it as he said," I'm sorry, you three. I didn't mean to scare you, Riles. My wolfish side just got a little bit crazy.." Riles smiled and said," I like wolves! They came and save us!" That brought a smile to Johnathan's face. I picked up Riles and said to Diyan," Let's get ready for bed, guys." Diyan said," Aww..but I'm not tired." I smiled and said," Then I'll read you a bed time story, ok?" Diyan cheered as Riles yawned. Riles said," No...I'm not tired. I want to stay up with you, Mommy." I said," Riles..You see Diyan right? How he's getting ready for bed.. you wouldn't want to lose the race of who can brush their teeth the best, right?" Riles said," I brush my teeth the best!" Johnathan chuckled and said," Really? Then brush your teeth and I'll be the judge of that.."  I blushed as he wrapped an arm around me. Johnathan said," It's like we already have children.." I sighed and said," I really wish I could adopt them.." Johnathan said," You me. I know." I was going to question him, but before I could Riles was right beside Johnathan and said," See!" He smiled, and his teeth were a pretty white. I smiled at him as Johnathan lifted him up and said," You did a great job!" I looked over to Diyan and said," Did you brush your teeth?" Diyan smiled then said," Yep! All clean! Nicole told me so!" I smiled and said," Ok.. let me tuck you in for tonight." After we kissed them on the cheek and bid them good night, was when I wondered why Johnathan was still here, it was getting pretty late.  Then when we were at the front door, he finally said," Ander...I was wondering if you would allow me the honor of scent marking you. I know you don't really know what it means to werewolves but.." I smiled and said," Of course, John. I thought I gave you enough hints and assurances that I was fine with it." I frowned as I said," I just don't know how much of me, I'd be proud of showing." Johnathan said," We'll have to go to your room.."  Once we were there, I was sat on my bed. I usually stayed here when we weren't doing any castle things..I guess I was so tired that I never really thought to come here when we talked for the first time in ages.  He started to undress, and I shakingly got my shirt off, all on my own. He was already in nothing but underwear. Man, if only I was that confident. He's so handsome.. I blushed after thinking that and lowered my head as my hands shook too nervous to move. Johnathan noticed that I needed help and so took off my pants as he whispered in my ear," You're the most beautiful being in the whole entire world to me..No matter what." I blushed as I shuttered out, affectionately," J-john, you mean that?" He smiled at me and said," I wouldn't have said it, if I didn't believe it." He then lifted me up and put me down on the bed. Pulling the cover over us, he focused on rubbing up against me. He kept it at a fast pace, that left me...a blushing mess, not a moaning mess though, I was able to cover my mouth to stop the sounds. He whispered next to my ear," Ander..please..." He held the hand that was covering my mouth. I decided to move it, how could I not? When he was so close to me..and his voice was getting so husky at just being this close to me. Our chest pressed together,his whispering sweet nothings into my ear. "You've always been my light in the darkness..No one can shine brighter than you." "You're so cute." "I love you so much.." I smiled at that...He said it again. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing him say that. I replied," I love you, too." He kept rubbing against me for what seemed like only a couple of minutes, but in reality it was hours,12:00 had hit when Johnathan backed up. He laid beside me as I cuddled closer to him, my nakedness forgotten. He... My thoughts were interrupted by Al, who said," Earth to Ander? Earth to Ander? Hello?" I said," Hu?" Al said," What were you thinking?" I blushed and waved my hands frantically, as I said," Nothing! Nothing!" Johnathan chuckled as Al said," Nothing? It doesn't seem like it was nothing to me..Whatever you were daydreaming about, has to have been embarrassing enough to blush about? So..You gonna tell me?" I said," I'd rather not, Al.. No offense." Al excitedly said," So it was something!"  I looked over to Johnathan, who said," Maybe when you're older.." Al said," Come on, I already know about the birds and the bees, just tell me what happened already!" Johnathan said," Some things are meant to be private,'ll understand when you're older."  I nodded my head in agreement. That's not something I'd wish to talk about. When I got off the bus, I noticed  that the other wolves treated me, differently. Last time, they were overcrowding me, but now they've seem to have cooled down. That's good. Maybe they got used to seeing sorcerers after preparing to go to war for us. Elliot slapped Johnathan across the face, it was so sudden that my hand had unconsciously moved to cover my mouth as I gasped. Elliot said," You jerk.. You scent marked him without him even knowing what it means...You possessive  little... I out to show you who would be a better mate." Then that's when the competition started, "Malissa, do you have any idea what they're trying to prove?" I asked her. She said," Oh, Ander. You should be honored, two guys want to be your soulmate.." But Johnathan already is my soulmate.. I don't get it..

The Outcast of the Sorcerers : A Forgotten TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora