Chapter 3

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The two Dark Knights didn't know where to sleep, most people were asleep at this time of night, They didn't want to wake anyone up, out of courtesy, but they also didn't want to sleep out in the hall, where they were more likely to get stepped on.

Ander's POV: I sighed, as I walked back to my room. I noticed Zu'l and another part of the knights, judging from the guy's uniform. I asked," Do you not know where the guard's sleeping area is?" Zu'l said," Oh, Outcast, right? we know where it is there just isn't any more beds.." I nodded and said," Follow me, I know where you guys can sleep, though you may need to explain to your commander that you were in a room that's a little bit farther away." Zu'l said," Ok, Come on, Gale." I showed them my room, since it did have two separate beds. Though it was in the attic, the roof was a normal height. I turned back to them and said," This is my room, but you guys can have it.. I don't really mind..Just try not to mess with any of the books I have up here,I have to return them to the library soon, and the librarian gets really mad if she finds the pages messed up.." Zu'l said,concerned," But where will you sleep?" I smiled to ease his concern and said," Don't worry about it...I have many hiding places that are good enough to sleep in.." I left and sighed after closing the door, Where would I sleep? I questioned myself, as I tried thinking of a person who wouldn't mind, there's Al...but then I'd get questioned about why I was there. Nova? She already has so many patients in there. I walked quietly through the hallways, maybe a tree? I looked outside to notice that it was raining..but that was really my only option..if there were more rooms then they would have put the two knights in there. "Ander? What are you still doing up?" A voice behind me said,yet I knew it perfectly, I turned around and saw Johnathan. Just like I thought I would. I just shrugged at him as I fiddled with my sleeves. Johnathan said," Ander..I know I've been busy with everything, but that doesn't mean we can't still talk to each other, does it?" I looked up at him nervously, as I said," I-i guess...I-if it's O-ok with you.." Johnathan smiled at me and said," So why are you still up?" I said," O-oh well, I.." Johnathan's smile disappeared as he said,quietly, "Do you not have a place to sleep?" I said," I-it's not that, it's just..." I looked at the ground, unable to continue. I did have a place to sleep, but I couldn't sleep there now, I lent it to those two guards without thinking about where I would sleep.. I mean I have a bunch of hiding places, but they involve being under trees and even I know that's just going to get you electrocuted. Johnathan put an arm around me, and smiled faintly at me, my face heated and the instinct of running was there, but he kept me firmly in his arms, as he guided me to his room..I've never been in there before..>/////////< Why can't I just talk? Come on mouth, explain...say something..

Johnathan's POV: I knew that guiding Ander to my room without saying anything, was probably a bit animalistic of me.. If my clan was in a werewolf pack, I knew that Ander would be a submissive, it was just how he acted that I knew. It was also the scent that he gave, Mint Chocolate and Strawberries.All submissives usually gave off a sweet scent.. I went to a couple of werewolf packs, with my mother to see what they were like, my mother is a werewolf, and even though my brother Al is a normal sorcerer, I was a hybrid of sorts, I could transform into a wolf, I had some of their abilities..but I could also cast spells. I knew that Ander was trying to say something, but the aura I gave wasn't helping him gain confidence in speaking. My mother warned me that my aura, which was the instinctual impression I gave, would mostly scare people. I opened the door to my room and said,quietly as to not wake my brother, who slept across the hall," You can come in, Ander.." He went into the doorway of the room and looked around, standing awkwardly, probably wondering what to do, or say. I went around him and gently pulled him into the room, then I shut the door, turned around and said," Do you mind telling me what's wrong?" Ander shuttered out," Well..I let s-some p-people stay in m-my room, b-but.." I said," But..?" Ander then said, really fast,"I thought that I'd be able to sleep in one of the trees but then I noticed that it was raining and then.." I pulled him closer to my chest as we sat on the couch and said," please, slow down.." Ander closed his eyes and said," Well, I knew that Al would ask a lot of questions and that Nash was already dealing with a lot of people.I didn't want to wake anybody up..and then.." He looked up at me, as he opened his eyes. I smiled and said," well, you can sleep here if you want.." Ander blushed cutely, and said," I-i wouldn't want t-to intrude..." I said," I insist." Ander yawned, I knew that he was falling asleep for his breathing evened out. I unbuttoned the cloak, and pulled off his hood. I tucked in his short stray lock of brownish black hair from his face. The cloak acted as our blanket as I soon joined him in sleep. I was woken up by the sound of my brother's voice. When I opened my eyes, I didn't expect my brother to be in my room, nor did I expect him to sound like a fangirl..

The Outcast of the Sorcerers : A Forgotten TaleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя