Chapter 17

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Johnathan's POV: We were in a car, luckily, my mom had made me take my driver's permeant when I was 16, and so I have a license to be able to drive, or then this would be a really long trip. I looked over to see Ander asleep in the passenger seat, wrapped with his cloak on him like a blanket. I looked back to the road, I thanked my past self for remembering little land marks to know if I was going in the right direction or not. It was about eleven o' clock when we finally arrived at the Mystic Stealth Pack. I was of course stopped by a police man, a pack member of the Mystic Stealth Pack. He said," What's a couple of youngsters like you doing out at this time of day? Just wait until I call your parents! I hope you're not.." I whispered," Oh, come on, Delta Terrian, can you cut it out? Some people are trying to sleep." I looked over to Ander to emphasize my point, then whispered," Can you just let us in?" Terrian whispered," John? But your mom said that you're suppose to be here next Wednesday. Not this Wednesday.." I nodded and whispered," We'll talk later, let me get Ander to bed."  Terrian nodded and motioned to follow him. He went back in his car and I followed behind him. After parking, I got out of the car, and carried Ander. He woke up, when I was about to carry him, luckily I was able to get him to fall back asleep. Ander needed his rest, more than I did, besides he probably went through some emotional flashbacks. I put him down on the empty bed, that Terrian had said was unoccupied and was suppose to be one of our rooms. I caressed his cheek, when his expression seemed troubled, he sighed in deep sleep, back to a normal dream. I closed the door and headed into the living room, Terrian said," So  why are you and that sorcerer here?" I said," The Dark Coven finally made a move against my coven. Ander and I were the only ones to escape the imprisonment of all the others." Terrian said,"  How do you know all of them are imprisoned.?" I said," Gut instinct, that and I could probably check on one of the surveillance spheres, I put up now that Ander's asleep." Terrian said," Why'd it matter if..?" I said," Ander's been through enough today, he needs his rest. I know that if he sees the children imprisoned, then he'd go all momma bear." I checked it, to see them all in the plaza, in cells. Everyone was there, some sleeping, some frustrated, but alive. I said," The rest of the sorcerers and sorceresses are fine, I hope you tell the Alpha for me, Terrian." Terrian said," Before you head off to bed, I must ask, does Ander know that this area is filled with werewolves? Does he know that you're a werewolf?" I nodded and said," Goodnight, Terrian." Terrian said," Night, kid." 

Ander's POV: I woke up to see that I wasn't in the car, I looked around to see an unfamiliar room, I had started to worry until I saw Johnathan sleeping beside me. I blushed and got out of bed. I got out of the room, self conscious that I wasn't wearing a cloak. I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding,then went and walked around the grounds. They were all staring at me, I could feel it. Their eyes on me, it was torturous, I wanted very much to go back to the room I was in, but I had lost where the room was. I sighed, I had a feeling today was going to be a rough day. Hu? Ruff? Rough? What a weird pun to accidentally make. I continued on walking around, a person came up to me and said," Follow me, Ander? That's your name, right, kid?" I nodded, not really sure how else to address the situation. He said," I'm Terrian, Delta of the Mystic Stealth Pack, I'm third in command in case you were wondering the position of Delta." I shook my head and said," No, I understand what Delta means, I've only read b-books on werewolves though, so I may m-misunderstand some things, or ask questions from time to time as I did not get to finish reading said books." Terrian nodded and said," We best get back to your room..Why do you carry that around?" I looked down to see that I was indeed carrying my cloak, I replied," W-well.. I'm just used to having it on me, I guess.." Terrian said," I heard about sorcerers before, but I never really believed that some still wore cloaks.." I smiled sadly and said," I'm the only one I know that still wears one.." Terrian said," Well, try not to be so selfconcious, all the other wolves will look at you, I mean you are the first sorcerer that we've seen besides Blaize and Johnathan. Usually we only see a bunch of sorceresses. I'm gonna go on a guess, that you've never really not worn your cloak." I nodded, then he continued and said," Well, maybe this'll be a good experience for you." I said," Maybe.." Not really, I was suppose to be here with Al as my backup, now he's trapped somewhere with the rest of the coven, with all my other friends, mentors and children..He stopped at a door, which I almost didn't notice. I shook my head and said," Well, um..T-thanks.." Terrian said," See ya, kid." I opened the door, to see Johnathan up and getting dressed. I stepped into the room quietly and closed the door. Johnathan looked over to me and said," Oh Ander, I was going to look for you. How was walking around without a cloak?" I said," It was weird.. They were all looking at me."  Johnathan said, as he patted beside him on the bed," Don't worry about that, Ander.  They just couldn't stop staring at you because of how beutiful you look.. Don't take it the wrong way, Ander." I sat beside him, leaning on him, my head on his shoulder, as I said," I'm just not used to having so much attention directed at me, you know? It's weird, I don't know what's worse, people not knowing you're even around or everyone starring at me." Johnathan wrapped his arm around me as I said this, then said," I'm sure that after the wolves get used to you, then they'll stop staring at you so much. Just try and talk to people, ok? Wolves are social creatures." I laughed, as I turned towards him,and said," Does that include you?" Johnathan said," Only when you're around." I blushed, and shuttered out," S-shouldn't we go f-find y-your mother? And tell h-her e-everything?" Johnathan smiled and said," Terrian has it covered. Why don't I show you around the grounds? We'll probably be here for a couple of days." I thought for a second, it would be nice to go around with someone I know, that could tell me where everything is.. I nodded and said," Ok, lead the way, John."  John and I left the room,  John gave whoever was staring at me a glare, so they'd stop. After a while, none of them stared at me, which I was thankful for, I felt like crawling back to that room. John showed me the less populated areas first, like the forest, where the werewolves shifted forms, then he showed me the more populated areas, like the kitchen, the hangout areas, the living room, and outside in the main area.  A couple of werewolves came over to me, when Damien, the werewolves beta to be, asked Johnathan to check something out with him. Johnathan was hesitant on leaving me alone, but Damien reasurred us that it would only take a minute. The one in the middle of the group, with blonde hair and brown eyes, said," Hi, Ander, right?" I nodded, then he continued," I'm Elliot. It's a pleasure to meet you." He took his hand out and I shook it. Then he suddenly was beside my ear, as he whispered," You're not claimed..Interesting.. I wonder if Johnathan would mind if I marked you..."  I thourally confused, shuttered out," W-what?" 

The Outcast of the Sorcerers : A Forgotten TaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon