(11) Bittersweet

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Wild Pursuers
::chapter 11::




"Kim Namjoon, Yoo Y/N, stay back after class please. Don't you dare think about leaving, Kim, I'm watching you."

Our homeroom adviser announced as the dismissal bell echoed throughout the classroom and the students started fixing up their things.

As students left one after the other, I packed up my bag and slung it over my shoulder, walking up to my teacher's desk by the front.

"Is there anything wrong, Sir?" I asked, wondering why I needed to stay behind. He smiled at me, but then directed his gaze to Namjoon, curling his finger at him, gesturing him to come to the front.

I looked behind me as I saw Namjoon sitting in his place before standing up and walking to the front with labored movements.

"Is this important? I want to leave, I'm tired." Namjoon yawned, eyeing our teacher with a deadpanned expression. I was pretty sure I saw our teacher's face red with undeniable impatience.

"No, you can't and won't. Since you two are honor students as well as unofficial class leaders, you'll be filling out forms, mainly revolving the state and relations of the class so far." Our teacher explained, plopping sheets of paper on his desk and handing it to us. I took them and bowed down gratefully, while Kim Namjoon, not so much.

"Sounds boring, I'll pass." Kim Namjoon said and even I felt annoyed at this point. To be honest, I am not and never was on good terms with Kim Namjoon. Even before the whole situation with my bag at the lockers two weeks prior.

Our teacher shook his head with a wry smile, "You have no choice, Mr. Kim. You're on disciplinary probation for breaking and entering, as well as trespassing and vandalizing school property, on multiple occasions at that."

Kim Namjoon threw his head back and without a word, dejectedly sat on the seat prepared for us.

Two seats near the window were pivoted so they would be facing each other as kinda like a one-on-one meeting, which was exactly what this was.

"Lock up before you leave, Y/N." Our teacher said as he adjusted his glasses, I nodded with a smile, "I'm sorry for making you do this. I couldn't trust this work with Kim Namjoon alone, I doubt he'd do it. Make him work alright? Report to me tomorrow if he doesn't."

He got his bag and started walking out the door, "Hand the complete forms to the faculty when you're done!" He called out as a last reminder to both of us, but I knew it was only directed to me.

Once he was gone, I sighed, mentally glaring at Kim Namjoon before taking a seat across from him. As I sat down, he was playing and twirling a pencil in between his hands, looking down on the papers with a bored expression.

"Okay—" I said but he started tapping his pencil on the tabletop, and this was the first time I hated the silence of this classroom, "What word should we describe... hey, could you stop?"

He didn't, causing me to shut my eyes tight and murmur pleasant words under my breath.

One, two, five, eight taps. The tune he made was more annoying than just meaningless taps. One, two, five, eight—

Wild Pursuers // BTS Badboy!AU  ✓ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें