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Hello party people!! Before you all go crazy on why I was active for the last... few weeks... LET ME EXPLAIN. I usually use my school tablet for typing all my stories, and I didn't know till the last week of school that everything is going away when they update it. And when they meant everything, they really meant EVERYTHING. So thankfully I put everything in my flash drive, but the worse part was the fact that I had to TURN IN my tablet to them so they can update. So yeah, that's why I wasn't so active, but I'm back baby! (in my mom's computer, lol) And I'll get my tablet back on the 14th, so PLEASE BARE WITH ME. Anyways, onto the story! (HA! You thought it wasn't an update!)

"But I-" Jonah interrupted me by shushing me, leaving me just to roll my eyes. "Remember your punishment? You're the baby of the group, we have to take care of you." I huffed as I murmured, "I like taking care of myself," making him chuckle. "Why are you laughing? I literally feel like crap right now, and you're deciding to laugh?" I said quietly, trying to not raise my voice. "Because what I have picked up from you is that you're so used to taking care of yourself, that you don't want to be take care of, even if you're at times to crisis like this. Still, you like to take care of yourself... and that you're DEFINITELY as stubborn as a mule." I chuckled a little as I said, "Thanks Father J... I guess..."

"You really should be," Jonah fires back, making me roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever..." After saying that, I then felt my whole body going cold, as I shivered and said, "Alright, who turned the heat down?" Jonah gave me a concerning look as he says, "No one..." He put his hand my forehead and said, "Sharp Stars, you're sweating like crazy!"

"Yeah, but I'm cold too! Can you get me a blanket or something?" Jonah went and put a blanket, making me cuddle into it. The boys also saw me cuddling the blanket, and they thought it was the cutest thing, even when I blushed and said shut up. "Wait, aren't you hot though WB?" Daniel asked, feeling my forehead. "Am I supposed to?" I asked as he did this. "Yes! You're burning up WB! I'm going to get you a cold rag..."

"Dude, but I feel like it's negative degrees right now."

"Well I think you should cool down a bit," Corbyn says as Daniel put the rag on me. I shivered a bit, then put the blanket up on me, worrying the boys. "GUYS! IT'S TOO COLD!" Then I heard Zach shushing me like a little girl as he says, "I know Baby PB, but you HAVE to get better, ok? You don't want to miss another school day, right?" I slowly nodded as he says, "Good. Now me and Jonah are going to get some medicine to help you, while Daniel, Corbyn, and Jack stay to take care of you, ok?" I slowly nodded again, surprised by his actions. But I wasn't the only one surprised, because all the boys had the same surprised face I had when Zach started to act like a true father. Hmm... I guess Jonah taught him well... I thought. "C'mon Jonah! We got some medicine to buy!" Zach shouted, dragging him out the door. But as he dragged Jonah out the door, he looked at everyone with confusion, and all we did was shrug, going with the act that Zach is putting up for me. "Well... that just happened," Jack commented. "I know right," I said quietly. "I never knew he had it in him..."

"Well ANYWAYS," Daniel says, changing the subject. "Since you're sick and all, how about we watch a movie?"

"Sure, why not," Corbyn says. "What do you want to watch QB?"

"How about Coraline?" I suggested. "I know it's lame and all, I just... I don't know... feel like watching it?" Really I didn't know the REAL reason why I wanted to watch Coraline. I mean it was pretty much the only movie I thought was terrifying when I was little. But even though, I was still interested in watching the movie. Plus, I'm not scared anymore, I mean I'm 15! At least... I hope I'm not... "Alright, since it's in Netflix, why not," Jack says, sitting down, turning on the tv. "I'll get the popcorn!" Corbyn says. "And I got the drinks," Daniel replies. "Can I get a-"

"No WB, you're going to get water whether you like it or not," Daniel says in the same motherly tone Jonah used. "And don't worry, you'll get popcorn in a separate bowl," Corbyn says, making my eyes roll for the thousandth time. "Whatever you say mother..." I murmured, making Jack chuckle a bit. "Aww, don't worry baby," he says with a smirk. "It will only be a few days."

"More like a few weeks..." I murmured. "Well I think you'll be fine," Daniel replies, handing me and Jack our drinks. "Plus really you should be taking advance of these 10 days instead of mourning for them."

"What do you mean?"

"Dude, you get to be lazy no matter what," Corbyn says, handing me my popcorn, and sitting down. "Plus, Jonah would practically do anything you want, as long as you go along with your little punishment." I thought about this as they said this. Maybe I SHOULD take advance of these 10 days...

"Hey guys, movie is starting," Jack says. "Someone turn off the lights," I said. "It makes it feel like you're in a REAL movie theater."

"Alright, why not," Daniel says, getting up, and turning off the lights. After turning off the lights, the movie finally started, and I was doing well, not really scared at anything, until towards the end, when the creepy part came. Immediately I felt my heart pound as I saw Coraline's 'other mother' turn into an insect. I felt myself then shaking as I saw her more and more, forgetting what is happening in the movie. Finally when I saw her turning into an insect, I squealed, wrapping myself into the blanket, and turning to the nears person to me, Corbyn. He chuckled as he says, "You're 15, and you're STILL scared of this movie?"

"No!" I said under the blanket. "I just don't like some of the creepy parts of the movie!" All the boys chuckled at this, making me blush more, and huff in embarrassment. "Hey, why are the lights off?" Jonah asked as he turned them off. "Sophia recommended that we turn the lights off, since we're watching Coraline, but I think we should stop now," Jack says, chuckling a bit. "It was because I was sick okay!" I shouted, still near Corbyn. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Baby PB," Zach comments. "Anyways, we have your medicine, and some ice cream, if you're willing to get up."

"I was convinced when I heard ice cream," I said, getting off of Corbyn, making all the boys laugh.

I blushed a little, but then said, "Just give me the medicine, ok? I want to get well as soon as I can so I can get back to school."

"Ok, let me just say, you are DEFINITELY something different Sharp Stars," Jonah says, as he handing me the medicine. "I was always a different kid Father J," I said, taking the medicine, then getting the ice cream. Immediately Zach took away the ice cream as he says, "Oh no you don't missy. You have to rest a little more." I groaned as I shouted, "Just give me the ice cream!" I was about to run to him to tackle him, but then I was lifted up and thrown over someone's shoulders. "What the- BEAN! PUT ME DOWN!"

"Aww, wittle baby wants her wittle ice cream," Corbyn says with a baby voice. I blushed and humped in embarrassment as I heard the boys laughing. "I love the fact that we get to treat this little Princess like a baby," Jack says, probably smirking.

It's midnight, and this is ALL I can type... you can't blame me! I just came back from vacation from Chicago, alright! Plus... it MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be 12:54... whoops, lol. I'll update tomorrow again, don't worry... or at least I'll try, depends if I get my mom's computer again.

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