Some Memories Have Their Scars

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Hello party people!! Guess what? I'M DONE WITH EXAMS!! YEAH, WAYHOOOOOO!! (that why don't we reference tho...) anyways, now I can get back to the story, and in this chapter, there might be (might be?!) ok, WILL be depression, so watch out my party people! Ok, so with that, let's get on with this chapter, ok? Ok!!

"Being 'good' isn't good enough Sophia!"

"I'm sorry Dad! I'll do better next time, I promise!"

"No, go to your room, and study these equations better! And I better not see you at dinner!"

I went to my room, tears in my eyes, crying quietly. I took out a little pocket knife in one of my drawers, and started to cut my wrist. "One for being stupid," I whispered while cutting. "And another for being in this stupid family..." Finally I was done, I put the pocket knife back in my drawer, and went back to bed, which a hungry stomach.

I was done with the memory, and as I went out of the shower, I had tears in my eyes. I'm done with that phase... I thought drying myself. At least, I hope so... I then heard a knock on the door, and Daniel saying, "Soph you forgot your pajamas, can you open the door?"

"Sure," I said opening the door a little, then taking my hand out. "Just give it to me." I felt my clothes in my hand, and I took them to see it's my pajamas. "Thanks!" I shouted. "No problem!" So with that, I changed, and brush my teeth, and as I was brushing my teeth, I notice the scars I had on my wrists. Jesus, they look like they were just cut yesterday... oh wait... I remember it happened before I got captured... right... But that's a different memory of another time. Anyways, I got out of the bathroom to see Daniel sleeping on my bed. Ugh, I rather not wake him up... I thought as I got into bed, then I whispered to Daniel, "Goodnight Giraffe," and went to bed peacefully... at least, I thought. I had a dream of what happened before I was captured by the boys, and before I went to World of Beads. I just finished with all of my chores, and Dad was carefully inspecting it.

"This is good... I guess..." Dad said wiping his gloves. "You may go." I quickly went upstairs to my room, but just as I opened my laptop, I heard Dad shouting, "SOPHIA! COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I immediately ran and said, "Yes?"

"What is this?!" he says handing me a big pile of clothes. "It's Mom's clothes."

"DON'T TALK BACK AT ME LIKE THAT!" He shouted. "GO UPSTAIRS TO YOUR ROOM, AND I BETTER NOT SEE YOU AT LUNCH!" I immediately ran upstairs, with tears in my eyes again. After taking Mom's clothes to her room, I went to mine and got out the pocket knife, and starting to cut my wrist. "Every cut because I want to fucking die!" I whispered loudly. Finally I was done, and I clean my wrist up, and I changed into something to hide them.

I slowly woke up with tears in my eyes, and I looked at my phone to see it's 5:15, and turned to see that Daniel still sleeping, so I shook him. "Daniel," I whispered. "Daniel, wake up!" He just groaned, and put my sheets over his head, I then heard him murmur, "Just 5 more minutes."

"No Giraffe, c'mon!" I said shaking him harder. "We have more training to do remember?!" And I need to get my mind off some things... I thought shaking him harder. "Ugh, fine, I'm up," he said slowly getting up. "C'mon let's go upstairs for breakfast," I said helping him up. So with that, we went upstairs to the kitchen to see Jonah already drinking his coffee. "I was wondering where you were Daniel," Jonah says. "Soph, I wasn't really expecting you waking up early again." I smirked then said, "You don't know everything about me." I sat down, then Daniel asks, "What do you want for breakfast?"

"I'm fine with anything," I said, then I started to roll up my sleeves, forgetting the soon-to-be scars on my right wrist. "Woah Soph, what's with the scars?" Jonah asked. "Did you get into fights or something?"

Kidnapped (Why Don't We Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora