First Day (Part 3)

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Hello party people!!! I promise you this is the last part of First Day. I have just been busy with school and track, plus I keep forgetting, and I'm just, ugh... it's been a weird week... at least, so far... anyways, let's get back to the story.

He looked at me right back as I looked at him, then my favorite song came on and instantly I started to sing with it.

Baby lay on back and relax, kick your pretty feet up on my dash

No need to go nowhere fast, let's enjoy right here where we at

Who knows where this road is supposed to lead

We got nothing but time

As long as you're right here next to me, everything's gonna be alright

If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be

Baby just let it be

If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be

Baby, just let it be

So, won't you ride with me, ride with me?

If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be

Baby just let it be

The rest of the way me and Jack just sang our heart out, not caring if everyone else was watching. Or even awake, since it was blasting in the car, with the windows down, but still both of us didn't care. I just wanted to stay in the car with Jack, just the two of us, not caring if I even missed the first day of school. Unfortunately when we arrived, I tried to convince Jack to take me with him, but he just wouldn't let me. "C'mon Noodles! Please let me just miss this once!"

"No Princess, if I take you home, Jonah will bound to kill us both."

"Then we can go somewhere else! Just somewhere else than here!"

"No Princess, now please. We both know that you HAVE to do this. Whether you like it or not." I sighed as I said, "You sound like my mom... but fine, I'll go... pick me up here at 3?"

"One of the guys will," Jack says. "See you later Princess." As I got out I turned around and said, "See you around Noodles." and with that, Jack drove away, leaving me in front of East Foyer. I then walked away, going to the door, until I heard a familiar voice. "Soph? Is that you?" I turn around to see Katie walking towards me and waving to me. "Oh my gosh, hey Angeline!" I said waving to her, then hugging her. "I haven't seen you in such a long time!" Katie said, hugging me back. "Hey at least we hanged out for KI."

"I know, but it's been a long time," she says, letting go, then going to put in the code. "I mean it's like you disappeared or something."

"I was just busy that's all." She looks at me with confusion as she says, "With what?" I didn't know what to say, but then we saw Kaylee shout, "GARCIA! ANGELINE! GET YOUR BUTTS OVER HERE!" I rolled my eyes as I said, "Gee, it's nice to meet you too..."

"Hey you're just lucky I didn't say anything mean," Kaylee says as we both sat down. "How was your guys' summer?"

"It was good, you know, the usual," I said casually, knowing that I can't tell them about what has happened with me and the boys. "What about you Katie?"

"Eh, same with me. I mean sure I hanged out with you guys of course and Trevor, but that's pretty much it."

"What about going to Italy for 2 weeks?" Kaylee said, as I looked at her with surprise. "I didn't know that you went to Italy!"

"Dude, I literally told you this during KI... unless you and Parker we busy talking too much..."

"Hey you can't blame me since he asked me out-" immediately I shut my mouth, looking to see Kaylee and Katie's shocked faces. "Woah, Parker asked you out?" Kaylee said as I sighed and said, "Yes... he did when we were at the Eifel Tower..."

"Aww!" Katie said as I said, "Yeah, yeah whatever..."

"So when are you going to meet him?" Katie asked as Riley sat down and said, "Ask what?"

"Sophia has a date with Parker," Kaylee explained, making Riley smile. Oh no... I thought as she sings, "SOPHIA HAS A DATE! SOPHIA HAS A DATE!" She grabbed everyone's attention "SHUT UP RIEY!" I said, calming her down. "It's just friends hanging out with each, ok?" Riley looked at me with a smirk as she says, "Sure... when is your date?" I rolled my eyes as I said, "We're going to go to the movies tomorrow." All the girls started to say oohh, as I got up, and rolled my eyes. "Oh look at that, I have to go to math now, bye everybody!"

"It's not even 7:50 yet Garcia!" Kaylee shouted. "Oh well! None of you guys are in Algebra with Minnelli, so see you guys at 5th bell?"

"Yeah! You better be there!" As I walked away I shouted, "I will, don't worry!" So with that, I went to Algebra, knowing that no one is in my class. I guess that gives me enough time to write a new story... but what should it be about? I thought as I went in Ms. Minnelli's class and said hello to her. Thankfully it's 7:45, so that leaves me 15 minutes to write another story... I thought as I got out my computer and started to type. As I was typing, I thought about the story that was based on the movie that I liked call, 'Middle School: Worst Years of My Life'. It's basically about me being expelled from my 2nd school this year, and I have to go to this other school that let me in because of the stories I write. I also meet this boy named Nick that basically helps me through my high school life, having enemies and friends everywhere I go. Thing is, I'm also not the social type in this, so it's going to be a little hard, going to a school where the only way to fit in is to bow down to the 'queen' of the school. I don't know what her name is going to be, but I'm just surprised that I actually thought of the story, since I only had 15 minutes to think about it. Anyways finally when I was done with my current sentence, the bell rang, and I started to listen for the lesson we have to do today. I kinda wish I was with the boys... I thought as I took notes, even though the whole time I was thinking of what the boys are doing. I wonder if they missing me right now... maybe they don't, maybe they do, but either way, I am definitely going to be in the cross country team... ok, that was the most random thing I thought of... then again I do have ADHD so... Finally after what seemed like long hours, the bell rang, and I quickly went to Religion, hoping that it will go on faster.

Finally it was the end of school, and I just couldn't wait to go home... only because I forgot to tell the boys that I have a date to go to tomorrow... what? I keep forgetting, I'm sorry... anyways I was outside of East Foyer, just waiting for one of the boys to pick me up. But as I was wait, I heard a voice, that I wish I didn't hear for a very LONG time... "Hey Sophia!" she shouted. "Oh heyyy," I said coolly. "You..."

"How was your summer?"

"It was great... yours?"

"It was good. I bet I did much more than you," she says sarcastically, even though we both knew she meant it. "That's great..." I said as I rolled my eyes. "But I think I did a lot more than you-"

Ok, so that will be enough for today. I hope it's long enough! STAY PARTYING PEOPLE!!

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