The Real Master Plan

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Hello party people! Sorry, but today is going to be a really, really, REALLY, short one because I need to write more on the future chapters. But I promise you I am trying my best! Now onto the chapter!

The White House looked of course huge, but I didn't really think it would be this huge... I mean it's only three floors, but still, there are a lot of rooms. "Ok, so here's basically the plan. Daniel is of course going to take Queen B in the 'limbo' and drop you off, and Queen B, once you get in, Jonah we'll be by your side for most of the time. And don't worry because Zach and Jack are going undercover as the waiters, so they'll be there too."

"So I'm guessing Giraffe is staying in the limbo, monitoring us, and you're just going to stay here?"

"Yes... well actually... I don't know... should I come with you guys or not?" All the guys looked at each other and shrugged, then I said, "How about you stay in the limbo with Giraffe, Bean. I think you should come with us on this mission, even if you're not doing anything or not." Corbyn smiled at me as he says, "Ok... but I haven't been part of a mission before." I smiled as I said, "Well I like to include everyone when I'm doing things with my friends, even on mission." Zach said, "Aww! How cute!"

"What? The fact that Princess is wearing a pink bunny onesie, or that she's including Corbyn in this mission?" Jack asked, making me blush a little. "I was going to say the second one, but now that I'm thinking about it, I say both!"

"Nah, I like the fact that WB is wearing a cute onesie," Daniel comments. "I agree with Daniel," Jonah says. "OK!" I said, still feeling myself blushing more. "Can we PLEASE get back to the plan?!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say DJ," Zach says. "Ok, so where were we?" Corbyn asks. "We were on the part where you said that you and Daniel are going to stay in the van, monitoring us."

"Oh right, so QB, when you get inside, Charlie would most likely be where many girls are, so just look there. And when you get there, you need to find a way to have just you and Charlie, so you can 'talk' to him."

"So basically I'm trying to seduce him," I said, stating the obvious. "Yes, and it's going to be easy since he's practically a nerd," Jack comments. "I guess... but I'm kinda a nerd myself, so..." Jonah chuckles as he says, "I wouldn't call you a nerd really, but you're definitely a tomgirl..." I smirked as I said, "I know, but good thing I learned my table manners, right?" All the guys laughed a little as Jack said, "Now if only you use those manners every day." All the guys laughed harder, I then walked up to Jack, and slapped him in the arm. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"For being stupid!" I shouted. "Now, is that going to be the plan?"

"At least the basics," Corbyn says for clarification. "Ok then!" I said, getting everyone's attention. "Then that's enough for today right? Now if you excuse me, I have some regular clothes to put back on," as I said this, I started to limp my way to my dresser, but then Jonah says, "Sharp Stars, have you forgot that you still have another onesie to wear for tomorrow." I immediately looked at him then said, "Wait I thought you said I had to wear a onesie for one whole day." Jonah smirked as I heard the other boys chuckled, then he said, "Yeah, but for that day, but until you get healed, you're wearing a onesie every day."

And that's a wrap on another chapter of Kidnapped! Stay partying people!!

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