Kidnapped Again?!

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hello party people! it is currently 12:08 am, and I'm suppose to be asleep because I have to run early tomorrow... yay... anyways, onto the story!!

"Guys, it was just a fight, that's all," I said as I was sitting down. "Yeah, but you did it so easily, who is your karate teacher?!" Rebecca asked. "Well the best since my dad wanted me to have the right amount of skills for karate, right?"

"Well that would make sense, but at the same time doesn't because Hannah would have a waaaay better karate teacher than you," Emma claims. "I mean she's richer than you!" I rolled my eyes as I said, "Yeah, yeah, but I guess my dad got the best of the cheapest."

"Can you tell me who your teacher is so he can teach me?" Riley asked. "I really need the self-defense."

"Sorry Hess, but it's not going to happen. He doesn't teach anyone else besides me."

"But that wouldn't make any sense at all," Katie says. "Because didn't you tell us that he was 'the best of the cheapest'?"

"Yes, but he's also exclusive. So I cannot tell you guys who he is. Sorry." The girls looked at each other, but then shrugged it off, leaving me to sigh in relief. I'm sorry guys... I thought. But I cannot tell you the secret I have with me... not yet at least...

It was after school, and I was waiting for one of the boys to pick me up, hoping that Hannah wouldn't see me. C'mon guys... I need to go home now... I really don't want Hannah to see- "SOPHIA!" I heard Hannah shout. "I GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!" Shit! I thought as I instantly started to run. Good thing I decided to buy today... I thought as I was running. I could hear the shouts from Hannah as I kept on running and running, until I was at the end of the street, just when I saw the black van turning towards me. I immediately started to shout and wave at the van, making it stop, and immediately I went inside and shouted, "DRIVE!" And we drove away from Hannah, who was panting from the running she did. I looked to see it was Zach who was driving me and asking, "What the hell did you do Panda Bear?!" I rolled my eyes at the nickname as I said, "I just won the karate match, and Hannah is still a little pissed."

"Oh yeah I heard from Daniel you won after one move, and I just wanted to say congratulations on that."

"Thanks Baby Z. I just hope I won't get killed by one of Hannah's minions."

"Hey I would suggest to homeschool you, but that's probably not a good idea."

"But I wish I could do that, because I much rather be with you guys then have all this drama..."

"Look at the bright side Panda Bear. You have friends by your side you can kick ass with you." I chuckled at his comment as I said, "Thanks Baby Z. I needed something like that."

"Good. Because I want you to tell me all the details that happened."

"Well nothing much really happened, except for the fact that I just flipped her with my bare hands, and now I think I'm the toughest fighter in the school. I think even the seniors fear my presence." Zach looked at me with surprise as he says, "Really?" I nodded as I said, "Really. When lunch came, and I was going to the lunch line, literally every single person let me go in front of them, including the seniors. Even AFTER I paid my lunch, and got a drink, everyone either stayed away from me, or let me go first."

"But isn't that kinda a good thing?" Zach asked. I shrugged as I said, "I guess it could, but I didn't really want to be known as 'the one that people should fear.' Sure I like to be called 'the toughest one in school,' but I'm still a human who wants some new friends."

"Oh are you talking about the freshmen?" I nodded as I said, "Yeah... I think they're the ones who fear me the most. No one even dares to talk to me, I just give them one look and they start shaking..."

"Jeez," Zach starts to say. "Who knew one fight could really change a person..."

"I know right," I said as he parked on the driveway. "Now c'mon. I have homework to do."

"Is it a lot?"

"Unfortunately yes... now let's get going!" So with that Zach and I went inside, going our separate ways to the up and downstairs of the house. "I better get this thing over with..." I said as I put down my stuff, and got out my tablet. "Now where should I start?" All the sudden I had a feeling that someone was watching me. I became silence and narrowed my eyes, casually getting a black sweatshirt to put on, then put a butterfly knife inside. Immediately I hear a noise, and I turned around to see it was the darkest, and somehow deepest corner of the basement/bedroom. I slowly I went to the noise, not knowing what to expect to come out from the dark. "C'mon guys, stop playing around with me and come out," I said looking around. "Serious-" Immediately I felt a rag around my mouth as I kicked and screamed as loud as I can. "Who knew it could be this easy to get a girl," I heard the voice said. "Now break in girly, because it's going to be nap time for you." As I was kicking and screaming, I started to feel more and more sleepy, not knowing who this mystery man is, and why he wants me.

sorry for not posting early. but hey, this just shows that the grind doesn't stop for me. anyways, stay partying people!!

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