Some Grocery Store Fun

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Hello party people!! Sorry I didn't post a chapter yesterday, I was busy the whole day, and I had to go to a birthday party that me and my best friend planned because both of our birthdays were two days apart. So basically we had a birthday bash, then it was just the two of us who had a sleepover. Oh, did I mention my birthday is today? Yep, happy 15th birthday to me!! Anyways, enough about me, onto the chapter!! And NO SMUT! (you dirty-minded people!!)

"WAKE UP SOPHIA AND JONAH!" I heard Zach, Jack, and Corbyn shout, making me groan and say, "Nooo! I don't want to..." I then felt the blankets being pulled off, and I shivered, but I felt Jonah pulling me into a hug, making it warm again. "Jeez, these two just don't give up..." I heard Daniel say. "I know right," Jack says. "Can we address the fact that both of them are shirtless though?" Corbyn says. "Jesus, what did you guys do last night?!" Zach shouts. "Alright, I'm up," I said getting off of Jonah. Then Jonah says, "Thanks to Zach, I am too..."

"Hey!" Zach says. "I'm not that loud!" As I started to stretch my arms I said, "Yes you are, thus makes it why I call you Baby Z, Baby Z."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." Then Daniel says, "Seriously Soph, what did you guys do last night?"

"We just had a little swim, right Father J?"

"Right Sharp Stars," I turned around and smirked at him as Jack says, "Woah, whoa, wait. Sharp Stars?"

"Yeah, it's my new nickname that Father J made up last night."

"But why Sharp Stars?" Corbyn questioned. I looked at Jonah for an answer as he shrugs and says, "You had to be there to understand." I chuckled a bit as I heard the guys groan in frustration. "Seriously?!" Daniel says to the both of us. "You two won't tell us what happened last night?!" As I got out the cereal I said, "I'm sorry Giraffe I would, but if Father J doesn't tell, then I won't."

"And I won't," Jonah says, probably smirking. "C'mon, let's just start eating now," I said as I sat down. "We already ate," Corbyn said. "But Zach and I actually wanted to ask if we could take Soph to the grocery store? We're in need of food, and we need all the help we can get."

"Sure, you can take Sharp Stars, but after she eats breakfast."

"Yeah, just give me an hour to eat breakfast and stuff."

"Ok, then, I'll be upstairs trying to think of why your new nickname is Sharp Stars..." Zach says going upstairs. I chuckled a bit, and started to talk to Daniel and Jack, and Daniel was trying to get the reason why I was called Sharp Stars, but I said the same thing. "I'm sorry Giraffe, but if Father J isn't saying anything, then I won't." Daniel groans in frustration as Jack says, "Just give it up Daniel, she won't crack. Now if you excuse me, I have some research to do." As Jack got up and went upstairs I shouted, "You still won't be able to find the reason why."

"I know, but I'm determined." I rolled my eyes as Daniel says, "Yeah, I'm going to help him too." Daniel went upstairs, followed by Corbyn, who also looks really frustrated from trying to convince Jonah. After I cleaned up my bowl, I said to Jonah, "Do they really think they could really find the reason why I am now called Sharp Stars?" Jonah shook his head and said, "No, I don't think so, but they're determined."

"You know, we're going to have tell them soon enough," I said. Jonah just smirks as he says, "I know, I just like to mess around with them a lot." I chuckled as I said, "I can see... well, I better take a shower now..."

"Right, oh and make sure you don't get into too much trouble. Corbyn and Zach are known to get a little playful with each other around." I smirked as I said, "I won't let you down Father J."

"Good." So with that, we parted ways, and I went to my drawers to get dry clothes, and I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After cleaning myself from the chlorine, I changed into my usually black leggings and white shirt. I put my hair into a ponytail, and thankfully my earrings were still on, so I put my shoes on, and went upstairs to see Corbyn and Zach waiting for me. "You two ready?" Zach was the first one to jump up and say, "Hell yeah! Let's go!" Corbyn and I chuckled as we went in the van, and went to the grocery store. As we were in the car, the boys decided for me to have the aux cord, and I decided to play 'Starships' by Nicki Minaj. I knew all the words to the rap, which surprised the boys as I started to sing it with the song playing.

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