First Day

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Hello party people!! I am so very sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was going to post something, but I got too busy, and actually right now is probably the only time I got, so let's get this chapter started!

When they finished with the song all of us started to cheer and clap, happy with the song with created. "That was great boys!" I said high-fiving each of them. "I'll try to make more songs to in the future."

"Man I can't wait to start doing that!" Zach says excitedly. "Yeah, yeah, but we still got a mission to do," Jonah says. "And thankfully it's only noon, so Sharp Stars, it's back to training with Daniel!"

"Got it Father J." So with that, everyone went back to their own things to do, leaving me and Daniel to train. So much for the notorious 'death grip'... I thought as I started to train with Daniel.

It has been more than a month, and already school is around the corner. I remind vividly of Jack's birthday, having him and the boys go out and to KI, having fun the whole time. Of course all of us had our disguises on, but still, we had so much fun. We stayed there until the park closed and I remember Jack pulling me into a hug and saying, "Thanks Princess for making this the best birthday ever." I'm almost crying thinking about it... what? I'm sensitive, don't judge me! And since Jack's birthday was so great, I finally got the guys to let me go to KI with my friends. And let me just say, Parker and I might have share something special together. I didn't tell any of my best friends yet because I knew they would freak out, so I told the boys. Yeah, that was the biggest mistake of my life, because they would at least tease me every day because of that. I mean sure we shared a little kiss together when we were by ourselves at the Eiffel Tower at KI, but still, I don't think we know if we're actually dating or not. Anyways, I became stronger and faster throughout my training, and I learned everything I need to know for the mission. Like I had to learn everything on Charlie so I can seduce him. To me it's kinda messed up using my body to have Charlie in love with me, but hey, anything for the mission right? All my senses are sharper than a knife now, so I can sense if anyone is trying to scare me. "Don't even try Zach," I said as I got milk from the fridge. "You're no fun..." Zach says behind me. "Well that's what you get for scaring throughout this whole summer!"

"Oh right I almost forgot school is starting for you," he says as I got out a bowl for my cereal. "Yeah, and we only live 10 minutes away, which is nice, it's just that I want to do cross country this year..."

"Wait," I then heard Daniel say. "Didn't you do cross country last year?"

"Well yeah, but I wanted to do cross country for all 4 years of high school."

"And that's not going to happen," I heard Jonah say. "Because that means you have to stay after school, and that's going to interfere with training."

"Well after the mission you guys agreed to stop being assassins, right?" Jonah nodded, and said, "Yeah..."

"Well after the mission cross country will still be going on. Plus it's just to 4:00 to 5:30, so it isn't that bad." Jonah thought about this as I said this, then I gave him pleading eyes as I said, "Please! I promise you I will go to all the practices! It's just so much fun! None of you guys will have to go, besides giving me a ride to all the practices."

"That's also a problem though," Corbyn started to say. "What if one of your friends sees us?"

"I'll just make up an excuse like... you guys are my babysitters!"

"Babysitters?" Jack asked. "Really?"

"Well what else do you want to say? That you guys kidnapped me, and now I'm a part of the notorious Tiger assassins?"

"Well if you put it that way..." Zach started to say. "Babysitters sound more convincing."

"See what I mean? C'mon guys, I can't just train forever! Believe it or not, I need some other form of exercise!" All the guys looked at each other, then Zach says, "I mean I'm fine with it if you guys are." Jack then sighed and said, "I don't really see the harm in a no-cute sport like cross country."

"Wait, what about your meets WB?" Daniel asked. "You guys don't have to go, it's fine. You guys just need to drop me off and pick me up."

"Oh ok, I that's fine with me, if you guys are down with it." We all look at Corbyn and Jonah, then Corbyn says, "Hey I was already fine with it, it's just Jonah who we have to get an approval from."

"And it's still going to be a no," Jonah says, getting up. "And nothing will convince me. Now get back to training." So with that, I rolled my eyes and sighed as I said, "Fine... but I will find a way to convince you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Sharp Stars," Jonah said, going upstairs. "Whelp, ready for training?" Daniel asks. "Yep, let's do this."

My alarm on my phone went off, and I immediately turned it off, knowing what day it is today. First day of school... I thought getting up. And still, I can't do cross country... this sucks. I know I shouldn't be so sad about something so stupid, but I really love cross country. Sure, it can be really hard, but I really like everything about it, especially the meets we go to. It might be really hard and nerve-racking in the beginning, but the biggest award of finishing is the best feeling I ever had. Anyways, as I got upstairs, I saw all the guys already eating breakfast. "Morning everyone," I said, going to the fridge. "Morning WB, ready for the first day of school?" Daniel asked. "Hell no, can you guys can home-school me?"

"Nope," Jack said. "We haven't been in school for 2 years, it's been longer than Zach too. None of us would be really good teachers."

"Besides," Corbyn starts to say. "You might have fun as a sophomore."

"Oh yeah... I'm a sophomore this year..." I said as sat down and started to eat. "What time is it right now?"

"It's only 5:45," Jonah says. "Jeez, maybe I shouldn't have woken up so early."

"Eh, it's fine, plus you have time to do other stuff," Zach comments. "That is true... I guess I can finish the story I've been writing."

"Story?" Corbyn questions. "What story?"

"It's just a story about a Disney movie and me being in it."

"Wait, are like a part of the movie?"

"Well no exactly..."

Whelp, that's ends another chapter of Kidnapped!! I don't know if I'll be posting tomorrow though, because I will be busy tomorrow too, so we'll just see... stay partying people!!

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