Victories and Tattoos

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Hello  my party people! I hope you guys had a great start to your week, because I am not... I have IOWAS for today and tomorrow, but I will still have time to post my chapters, so it will be fine. I just hope I passed them because if I don't, I have to do it again, and I'm just not ready for that kind of shit... anyways, let's just get this chapter started ok? Ok.

"Great, so let's get started!" So with that Jonah explained what is going to happen, which seemed legit, if you asked me. He got out all the weapons and knives, and had me name them all, which thankfully, I got right. Then he made me use the gun and knife I chose as my personal weapons, and I past that part of the test. Surprisingly, there were only three parts of the test, and the last part was to fight Jonah. My stomach turned inside out as I stretched to prepare. I wanted an excuse before doing this, and stretching just popped inside my head. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's just get this thing over with..."

"LET'S RUMBLE!!" I heard Zach shout as the others started to cheer. I looked at Jonah with worry and he shrugs and says, "They did it before when they were trained... except for Daniel of course..."

"And they both won't tell us how it went!" Jack shouted. "And either of us still won't tell, right Jonah?"

"I have no choice in the matter," Jonah remarks. "You would tell everyone about me if I didn't."

"Ok then!" I shouted. "Let's just get this over with." So with that, me and Jonah went to our fighting positions, and started to fight. Then immediately I attacked Jonah and flipped him onto his back. All the boys gasped, as I smirked and said, "Here let me help you." Jonah looked at me with surprise, then took my hand to help him get up. I started to giggle, then laugh really hard, knowing with what just happened. "Woah, whoa, wait," Corbyn says getting up and walking up to me. "You just defeated Jonah with one move, and you're laughing?!" As I calm down my laughing, I said, "I'm laughing because all that took was just some stretching." All the boys looked at me with confusion, as I say, "Ok, let me explain. You see while I was stretching, I was observing Jonah, and reviewing everything I learned about him. I also did that to you guys, but then again, I observe people all the time- I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic, ANYWAYS, I was basically reviewing everything I learned about you Jonah. And what I learned is that you can be patience, but most of the time, you have a hard time really being patience, which doesn't make sense, but seems true. So by using your impatience, I knew that you would make the first move, so I made the first move as quickly as I can, and sure enough, it actually worked!" The boys still looked at me with shock, but then Jonah says, "Wait so let me get this straight. You basically defeated me by the way I acted these past few days?" I nodded like it was a no-brainer as I said, "Yeah basically." Jack then looks at Daniel and says, "You were right dude, Soph has so much potential..."

"I mean I knew she had potential..." Daniel says looking at me. "But not this much..."

"Well I think Soph deserves something," Zach says, then he looks at Jonah saying, "Right Jonah?"

"Definitely, and I think you all know just the thing." All the boys started to smile at each other and nodded in agreement as I asked, "Umm, ok so what's the thing?"

"Ask questions later, let's just get into the van," Jack says taking my hand and pulling me upstairs. "Ok then! I'll get my socks and shoes," I said pulling my hand out of Jack's grip. "We'll be waiting then," Corbyn shouts at the top of the stairs. I wonder what the surprise is... I thought putting on my socks and shoes, then I ran upstairs, knowing that the guys are waiting patiently... at least, most of them. But before I went out the basement door, I forgot I needed to be in a disguise, so I went back down to get a hoodie and my black sunglasses. I then decided to get my butterfly knife, and put it in my other pocket, because you never know right? "You're ready?" Corbyn asks me eagerly. I giggled a little bit as I said, "Yeah, let's go!" So quickly we went inside the van, and the boys took me somewhere for my surprise, and as we were driving, I looked out the window to see many familiar places. Man it's been a while since I've been to these places... I wonder if I'll ever go to them again. Then Daniel says, "Don't worry, you'll visit all these places again someday." I looked at him with surprise, as he says, "I know that look when I see it." Then he left me to silence, which I liked, but then after a while, it started to drive me nuts. How far away is this place?! So I decided to start to sing a song that I remember I was working on before the boys kidnapped me.

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